path: root/bn_django/git_wiki/models.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bn_django/git_wiki/models.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 269 deletions
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/models.py b/bn_django/git_wiki/models.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 87bfa55..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/models.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
-from django.db import models
-from settings import *
-from django.conf import settings
- ADMIN_URL = settings.ADMIN_URL
-except AttributeError:
- ADMIN_URL='/admin'
-if ADMIN_URL[-1] == '/':
-class Tree(models.Model):
- mode = models.CharField("file mode/permissions", blank=False,max_length=4)
- path = models.CharField("relative path from repo base", max_length=512)
- id = models.CharField("hash", max_length=40,blank=False,primary_key=True)
- name = models.CharField("name of dir", max_length=128,blank=False)
- type = 'tree'
- def slug(self):
- #TODO: secure this
- return ''.join(self.path.replace('"','').replace("'","").strip().lower().split())
- class Admin:
- list_display = ['name', 'id', 'mode']
- ordering = ['path','name']
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- return "/k/%s/" % self.slug()
- def get_admin_url(self):
- return "%s/k/%s/" % (ADMIN_URL, self.id)
- def update(self):
- import commands
- if (not self.id): return
- self.id = self.id.strip()
- tree_ls = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX + ' ls-tree --full-name ' \
- + self.id)
- tree_objs = list()
- blob_objs = list()
- for line in tree_ls.splitlines():
- l = line.split()
- if len(l) < 4:
- continue
- if l[1] == 'tree':
- t = Tree(id=l[2])
- t.path = ' '.join(l[3:])
- if self.path and self.path != '/':
- t.path = self.path + '/' + t.path
- t.name = t.path
- tree_objs.append(t)
- if l[1] == 'blob':
- i = Item(id=l[2])
- i.path = ' '.join(l[3:])
- if self.path and self.path != '/':
- i.path = self.path + '/' + i.path
- i.name=i.path
- blob_objs.append(i)
- self.tree_objs = tree_objs
- self.blob_objs = blob_objs
- self.all_objs = tree_objs + blob_objs
- self.save()
-class Item(models.Model):
- mode = models.CharField("file mode/permissions", blank=False,max_length=4)
- path = models.CharField("relative path from repo base", max_length=512)
- id = models.CharField("hash", max_length=40,blank=False,primary_key=True)
- name = models.CharField("name of dir", max_length=128,blank=False)
- size = models.IntegerField("filesize in byte", max_length=128,blank=False)
- contents = models.TextField("ASCII contents of the file")
- type='blob'
- def slug(self):
- #TODO: secure this
- return ''.join(self.name.replace('"','').replace("'","").strip().lower().split())
- class Admin:
- list_display = ['name', 'id', 'size']
- search_fields = ['contents']
- ordering = ['name']
- def __str__(self):
- return self.name
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- return "/k/%s/" % self.slug()
- def get_admin_url(self):
- return "%s/k/%s/" % (ADMIN_URL, self.id)
- def isfig(self):
- if self.name.find('.') != -1:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def update(self):
- import commands
- if (not self.id): return
- self.id = self.id.strip()
- self.contents = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX + ' cat-file -p ' \
- + self.id)
- self.size = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX + ' cat-file -s ' + self.id)
- if not self.isfig():
- self.save()
- def getfile(self):
- import commands
- if (not self.id): return
- return open(str(GITWIKI_DIR + '/objects/' + self.id[:2] + '/' + self.id[2:]),'r')
-class Commit(models.Model):
- id = models.CharField("hash", max_length=40,blank=False,primary_key=True)
- rawdiff = models.TextField("ASCII contents of full commit diff")
- commit_date = models.DateField("Date of commit to repository")
- author_date = models.DateField("Date commit was writen/created")
- author = models.CharField("Name of commit author", max_length=96)
- author_email = models.CharField("Email address of commit author",\
- max_length=196)
- committer = models.CharField("Name of committer", max_length=96)
- committer_email = models.CharField("Email address of committer", \
- max_length=196)
- comment = models.TextField("Notes on the commit")
- parenthash = models.CharField("parent's hash", max_length=40)
- #TODO: parent = models.ForeignKey()
- treehash = models.CharField("tree object's hash", max_length=40)
- tree = models.ForeignKey(Tree)
- type='commit'
- class Admin:
- ordering = ['commit_date','author_date','author']
- list_display = ['id', 'commit_date', 'author']
- def __str__(self):
- return self.id
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- return "/k/commit/%s/" % (self.id)
- def get_admin_url(self):
- return "%s/k/commit/%s/" % (ADMIN_URL, self.id)
- def update(self):
- import commands,time
- if (not self.id): return
- self.id = self.id.strip()
- raw = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX + ' cat-file -p ' + self.id)
- self.rawdiff = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX + ' diff ' + self.id \
- +' | cat')
- raw = raw.splitlines()
- if len(raw) < 3: return
- self.treehash = raw[0].split()[-1].strip()
- if raw[1].startswith('parent'):
- self.parenthash = raw[1][6:].strip()
- raw.pop(1)
- # Sometimes there are multiple parents; this ignores all but the
- # first
- while raw[1].startswith('parent'):
- raw.pop(1)
- self.author = raw[1].split()[1]
- self.author_date = time.ctime(int(raw[1].split()[-2]))
- self.committer = raw[2].split()[1]
- self.committer_date = time.ctime(int(raw[2].split()[-2]))
- self.rawdiff = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX + ' diff ' \
- + self.parenthash + ' ' + self.id + ' | cat')
- if len(raw) > 3:
- for l in raw[3:]:
- self.comment += str(l) + '\n'
- else:
- self.comment = '(none)'
-def fromslug(reqslug):
- import commands
- if reqslug == '' or reqslug == '/':
- f = open(GITWIKI_DIR + '/HEAD','r')
- head = f.readline().strip().split()[1]
- f.close()
- f = open(GITWIKI_DIR + '/'+head,'r')
- hash = f.readline().strip()
- f.close()
- ret = Tree(id=hash)
- ret.path='/'
- ret.name='/'
- ret.reqslug = '/'
- return ret
- reqslug = ''.join(reqslug.replace('"','').replace("'","").strip().lower().split())
- if reqslug[-1] == '/':
- reqslug=reqslug[:-1]
- itemtxt = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX \
- + ' ls-tree -t -r HEAD')
- if not itemtxt:
- return None
- hash, path, type = None, None, None
- for l in itemtxt.splitlines():
- words = l.split()
- if len(words) < 4:
- continue
- ftype = words[1]
- fhash = words[2]
- fpath = ' '.join(words[3:])
- if fpath[-1] == '/':
- fpath=fpath[:-1]
- if ''.join(fpath.replace('"','').replace("'","").strip().lower().split()) == reqslug:
- hash = fhash
- path = fpath
- type = ftype
- break;
- if (not hash) or (not type) or (not path):
- return None
- if type == 'blob':
- ret = Item(id=hash)
- elif type == 'tree':
- ret = Tree(id=hash)
- ret.path=path
- ret.name=path
- ret.reqslug = reqslug
- return ret
-def reposcan():
- import os
- heads = dict()
- for h in os.listdir(GITWIKI_DIR + '/refs/heads/'):
- f = open(GITWIKI_DIR + '/refs/heads/' + h,'r')
- heads[h.strip()] = f.readline().strip()
- f.close()
- tags = dict()
- for t in os.listdir(GITWIKI_DIR + '/refs/tags/'):
- f = open(GITWIKI_DIR + '/refs/tags/' + t,'r')
- tags[t.strip()] = f.readline().strip()
- f.close()
- return (heads, tags)
-def newest_items():
- num = Item.objects.count()
- min = num-6
- if min < 0:
- min = 0
- return Item.objects.all()[min:num]
-def shortlog(hash=None,tree=None):
- import commands
- if tree:
- hash=tree.id
- logtxt = commands.getoutput(GITPREFIX \
- + ' log --relative-date --max-count=6 | cat')
- log_items = logtxt.split('\ncommit ')
- if (log_items[0] == ''):
- log_items.pop(0)
- if (log_items[0].startswith('commit ')):
- log_items[0] = log_items[0][7:]
- shortlog = list()
- for li in log_items:
- logobj = dict()
- lines = li.splitlines()
- if len(lines) < 3: continue
- logobj['hash'] = lines[0].strip()
- logobj['shorthash'] = lines[0].strip()[:5]
- logobj['author'] = lines[1][8:]
- logobj['date'] = lines[2][8:]
- if len(lines) > 4:
- logobj['description'] = lines[4][4:]
- else:
- logobj['description'] = '(none)'
- # here we truncate commit comments for shortlogs
- logobj['shortdescription'] = logobj['description'][:128]
- shortlog.append(logobj)
- return shortlog