### Notes By default, re-synthesis of a project (eg, after making a change to any HDL files) will attempt to use the previous place-and-route netlist as a starting point via the "smartguide" mechanism. 'make mostlyclean' will prevent this. Changes to Makefiles will *not* necessarily result in a full rebuild; the makefiles themselves are not a prerequisite of any targets. It is *strongly* recommended that you 'make clean' (not just 'mostlyclean') after any significant modifications to project settings, particularly changes to the target part number. ### Make Targets make bitfiles - synths bitfiles and copies to ./bitfiles/ (DEFAULT) make synth - compiles and synthesizes bitfiles (no copying) make tests - runs all unittests make lint - runs lint program on synthesizable Verilog files make mostlyclean - cleans most sim and synth files make clean - cleans all sim and synth files, incl. coregen'd make isim/_tb - compiles sim files, then launches simulator GUI make resim/_tb - recompiles sim files w/o launching GUI make test/_tb - runs a single unit test make par_timingan - launches timing GUI with most recent build results make par_fpga_editor - launches FPGA visualizer GUI for last build (slow!) make coregen - launches Xilinx Coregen tool make isim - launches Xilinx simulator GUI (no testbench loaded) make ise - launches new Xilinx IDE GUI (no project selected) make ise - launches Xilinx IDE GUI (no project selected) make impact - launches Xilinx JTAG program GUI (no bitfile) make ldimpact - launches JTAG GUI with libusb libraries selected (Linux) make timingan - launches Xilinx timing analysis GUI