# Edit project-specific variables in this file. project := project top_module := main vendor := xilinx # This is the chipset from the Xilinx SP605 dev board #board := sp605 #family := spartan6 #device := xc6slx45t #speedgrade := -3 #device_package := fgg484 # This is the chipset for the Xess Xula 2 dev board board := xula2 family := spartan6 device := XC6SLX25 speedgrade := -2 device_package := ftg256 part := $(device)$(speedgrade)-$(device_package) # is this build host 64 or 32 bits? hostbits := 64 iseenv := /opt/Xilinx/14.3/ISE_DS/ # list all .v files explicitly with verilog_files (no hdl/*.v business) verilog_files := hdl/$(top_module)_$(board).v verilog_files += hdl/rot13.v #verilog_files += hdl/yours.v tbfiles := tb/rot13_tb.v tbfiles += tb/xula2_tb.v #tbfiles += tb/sp605_tb.v # what gets run by "make tests" alltests := test/rot13_tb #tbfiles += tb/yourtest_tb.v # list of .xco files, eg "cores/bram.xco". do not include DCM files. xilinx_cores := #xilinx_cores += cores/example.xco # bitfile bitwidth for flash uploads mcs_datawidth := 16 # Bulk of the actual Makefile is in a different file. include ./contrib/xilinx.mk # Example hardware-specific targets (eg, upload via SPI) #include ./contrib/example-device.mk include ./contrib/xula2.mk