""" This file contains tests that connect to the live, "real", production wikidata.org site. It probably shouldn't be run by default, and *DEFINATELY* should do only read-only operations without logging in. It requires the 'nose' python package. To run it, just enter this directory and do: $ nosetests If there are errors it can be helpful to debug with: $ nosetests --pdb """ from nose.tools import * from nose.plugins.skip import SkipTest import unittest from bbb import * class TestWikidataOrg(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUp(cls): cls.srv = WikibaseServer( api_url="https://test.wikidata.org/w/api.php", lang="en", auth=None) try: cls.srv.check() except WikibaseException: raise SkipTest("Couldn't connect wikidata.org") def test_low_level(self): self.srv._get("wbgetclaims", dict(entity="Q42"))