Repetition ----------------------- Repeated sections use array ([n]) syntax for the section name. The [0] section should be complete, all the other repetitions should only have the word_index set. UNIMPLEMENTED: repeated sections could be packed/unpacked automatically (see pack_array for macros) HDL: Variables and Storage ------------------------------------- Read-only nets are implemented Mode Flags ---------------------- **r: Read** **w: Write** **p: Parameter** A special read-only mode for compile-time constants. The slug name is capitalized for HDL but lower case in other contexts. **b: Doorbell** UNIMPLEMENTED. A new net with "_trig" suffix is created which is triggered on every write transaction. **m: Memory Block** UNIMPLEMENTED. Uses an address mask to read/write, eg, a BRAM or regfile instead of exposing many individual registers. **f: FIFO** UNIMPLEMENTED. Sets up a read or write FIFO.