{% import "lib.html" as lib %} {% extends "base.html" %} {% block body %}
Local Ethernet Configuration {% if not status.lan %} Could not find the local ethernet hardware device! {% else %} {{ lib.formcheckbox(form, formerr, 'ipv4enable', 'Enable this interface', 'true') }} Address Configuration {{ lib.forminput(form, formerr, 'ipv4addr', 'IPv4 Address', '') }} {{ lib.forminput(form, formerr, 'ipv4netmask', 'Netmask', '') }} DHCP Configuration Make sure that the assigned addresses all fall within the netmask range specified above! {{ lib.forminput(form, formerr, 'dhcpbase', 'DHCP Range Base', '') }} {{ lib.forminput(form, formerr, 'dhcptop', 'DHCP Range Top', '') }} {{ lib.forminput(form, formerr, 'dhcpnetmask', 'DHCP Netmask', '') }} {{ lib.forminput(form, formerr, 'dhcptime', 'Lease Time', '12h') }}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}