{% extends "base.html" %} {% block body %}


Project Information


Learn more by reading the Tor Project's overview and documentation.

How do I check if Tor is working?

Tor is only transparently enabled on the local wireless network (check the status page to see if WiFi is enabled and what the SSID name is). When connected to that network only, you could determine if Tor is working correctly via:

The Tor Project runs a web service at check.torproject.org which indicates if you connection is inbound from a known Tor exit node or not.
External IP Check
You can check your external "exit" IP address at domains like whatismyip.com or with queries to search engines like duckduckgo or google.com. You should get different results when browsing on the LAN ethernet port and connecting to the wireless access point.
Hidden Services
You can check that DNS queries and transperent proxying is working correctly by visiting a hidden service like duckduckgo's (3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion) or torproject.org's (idnxcnkne4qt76tg.onion). Read more about hidden services at torproject.org
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