#!/bin/sh # no errors set -x echo "This program will now reconfigure your Debian system into a Torouter" export config_dir="/usr/share/torouter-prep/example-configs/" # Add a user to administrate the Torouter later export ADMINUSER="torouter" export ADMINGROUP="torouter" export TORADMINGROUP="debian-tor" # This is the main Tor repo apt pubkey apt-key add $config_dir/tmp/A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89.apt-key # This is the temp torrouter archive pubkey; this should be updated when we # freeze this repo and know what we want to do apt-key add $config_dir/tmp/047E6A24.asc # We need to prep apt to understand that we want packages from other repos cp $config_dir/etc/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get -y update # add packages (hopefully many of these will already be installed) apt-get -y install apt-utils vim less screen lsof wireless-tools iputils-ping \ lsof net-tools tcptraceroute traceroute mtr-tiny uaputl uapevent denyhosts \ ufw openntpd tor tor-geoipdb libnatpmp-dev libnatpmp1 libminiupnpc-dev \ libminiupnpc5 tor-arm ttdnsd dnsmasq isc-dhcp-client unbound torouterui # TODO: check if uap8xxx is existant; if not, try to install libertas_uap # drivers # do the heavy lifting torouter_preboot.sh echo "Syncing filesystem just in case..." sync echo "Exiting torouter_config.sh!"