Warning: aggressive caching is in place, which means resulting images may have stale packages. Use `lb clean` to clear caches. ### Build Requirements Only tested on a debian wheezy host with many development packages already installed; YMMV. Install live-build and qemu: sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static qemu-utils debootstrap live-build You need a recent version of live-build because of a secring.gpg-related error (see http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2012/07/msg00122.html); download the sid package (from http://packages.debian.org/sid/live-build) and install: (or, from http://live.debian.net/debian/ ?) sudo dpkg -i live-build_3.0~a67-1_all.deb You might also want the Debian Live manuals: sudo apt-get install live-manual-html ### Build an Image Once the above build requirements are satisfied: lb config lb build ### Develop Basic configuration options are in ./auto/config