### DISCLAIMER Multiple layers of scary disclaimer! Oh my! !!! ROOT PASSSWORD IS "crud" AND REMOTE SSH IS ALLOWED !!! This repo is hackish, under development and will probably not even build !!! or "work"! !!! torouter is not on official Tor Foundation project! !!! the torouter CONCEPT has not been clarified or reviewed! !!! this torouter IMPLEMENTATION is undocumented, unspeced, and full of !!! bugs. do not use it! !!! torouter has not (yet) been developed by a security expert! !!! torouter will not (yet) protect your anonymity in any way! !!! this work is unlicensed and contains licensed material! ### Build Requirements By default a live image is built intented to be run on a DreamPlug device from the external SD card. For now the default image is a squashfs Install live-build and qemu: sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static qemu-utils debootstrap live-build The chroot build flag is set to 'false' to avoid build problems, which is warned against extensively in the documentation. This introduces additional build requirements: sudo apt-get install dctrl-tools mtools parted squashfs-tools You need a recent version of live-build because of a secring.gpg-related error (see http://lists.debian.org/debian-live/2012/07/msg00122.html); download the sid package (from http://packages.debian.org/sid/live-build) and install: (or, from http://live.debian.net/debian/ ?) sudo dpkg -i live-build_3.0~a67-1_all.deb You might also want the Debian Live manuals: sudo apt-get install live-manual-html ### Build an Image WARNING: read also ./doc/debian-live-problems.txt for additional hacks and work arounds. WARNING: aggressive caching is in place, which means resulting images may have stale packages. Use `lb clean --purge` to clear caches. Always run `lb config` after a clean. Once the above build requirements are satisfied: lb clean --purge lb config lb build ### Install and Boot Read ./doc/dreamplug.txt and ./doc/sd-card.txt. ### Develop Basic configuration options are in ./auto/config