Port Status

Here is a table of the most up to date information we have regarding icculus.org/Quake3's working status on different operating systems. There are things to bear in mind when viewing this:

Status of Port Targets
OS Platform Status LKWR Notes
Linux gcc-x86 working
gcc-x86_64 working x86_64 JIT bytecode compiler disabled by default.
gcc-ppc working
Windows mingw-x86 working
MSVC-x86 unknown 180ish?
Max OSX xcode-G3 working
xcode-G4 working Client has severe graphical glitches.
FreeBSD gcc-x86 working
Solaris gcc-x86 broken
gcc-sparc broken
IRIX cc-* broken Doesn't exist. Should we drop it?

Implemented Features

Planned/Wanted features