Mailing List Information

There are two mailing lists used by this project. Here's a description and instructions for each.

There is a general discussion mailing list where you can discuss this project, ask for help, announce patches, and anything else that could possibly be talked about with the developers and users of

To join the list, send a blank e-mail to
To send an e-mail to the list, address it to
To unsubscribe, send a blank e-mail to
For more help, send a blank email to All of the above information plus more will be sent to you.

There is also a read-only mailing list which tracks changes to the SVN tree. You'll be sent an email each time someone commits a change. This is not normally a high-volume list, but it certainly can be at times. The instructions for this list are identical to the instructions for regular list, just change the quake3 part of the e-mail addresses to quake3-commits.