The Quake 3 engine is open source, this does not mean that Quake 3 Arena the game is free. You must purchase the game to use the data!


There are three methods of installation. The preffered way is to use an official installer.

$desc) { $installers .= "
  • $desc
  • \n"; } $official ="

    Sanctioned Installers

    We have provided installers for the most popular platforms supports. These have been tested, and if they do not work you can report bugs to us about them.

    "; $unofficial = '

    Using packages for your Operating System

    If you\'re lucky your Operating System provider or someone else using it may have already done all of the work for you. Please report problems with these to those who are guilty.

    '; $source = '

    Check out and build from Subversion


    This part assumes Windows users are using Cygwin. If you aren\'t, TortoiseSVN is a good client.

    1. Change into a directory that you want the tree to be kept in.
    2. Check out the source tree:
      svn co svn:// quake3
      (You can check out a specific revision with the -r option, like this: svn co svn:// quake3 -r100)
    3. Read the README file. Really. Do it.
    4. Compile and install Quake 3:
    5. If everything has gone well, you should have a binary that works! If not, seek help.
    '; switch ($_GET['method']){ case "official": echo $official; break; case "unofficial": echo $unofficial; break; case "source": echo $source; break; default: echo $official; break; } ?>