/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "qbsp.h" mapDrawSurface_t mapDrawSurfs[MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS]; int numMapDrawSurfs; /* ============================================================================= DRAWSURF CONSTRUCTION ============================================================================= */ /* ================= AllocDrawSurf ================= */ mapDrawSurface_t *AllocDrawSurf( void ) { mapDrawSurface_t *ds; if ( numMapDrawSurfs >= MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS"); } ds = &mapDrawSurfs[ numMapDrawSurfs ]; numMapDrawSurfs++; return ds; } /* ================= DrawSurfaceForSide ================= */ #define SNAP_FLOAT_TO_INT 8 #define SNAP_INT_TO_FLOAT (1.0/SNAP_FLOAT_TO_INT) mapDrawSurface_t *DrawSurfaceForSide( bspbrush_t *b, side_t *s, winding_t *w ) { mapDrawSurface_t *ds; int i, j; shaderInfo_t *si; drawVert_t *dv; float mins[2], maxs[2]; // brush primitive : // axis base vec3_t texX,texY; vec_t x,y; if ( w->numpoints > 64 ) { Error( "DrawSurfaceForSide: w->numpoints = %i", w->numpoints ); } si = s->shaderInfo; ds = AllocDrawSurf(); ds->shaderInfo = si; ds->mapBrush = b; ds->side = s; ds->fogNum = -1; ds->numVerts = w->numpoints; ds->verts = malloc( ds->numVerts * sizeof( *ds->verts ) ); memset( ds->verts, 0, ds->numVerts * sizeof( *ds->verts ) ); mins[0] = mins[1] = 99999; maxs[0] = maxs[1] = -99999; // compute s/t coordinates from brush primitive texture matrix // compute axis base ComputeAxisBase( mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, texX, texY ); for ( j = 0 ; j < w->numpoints ; j++ ) { dv = ds->verts + j; // round the xyz to a given precision for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { dv->xyz[i] = SNAP_INT_TO_FLOAT * floor( w->p[j][i] * SNAP_FLOAT_TO_INT + 0.5 ); } if (g_bBrushPrimit==BPRIMIT_OLDBRUSHES) { // calculate texture s/t dv->st[0] = s->vecs[0][3] + DotProduct( s->vecs[0], dv->xyz ); dv->st[1] = s->vecs[1][3] + DotProduct( s->vecs[1], dv->xyz ); dv->st[0] /= si->width; dv->st[1] /= si->height; } else { // calculate texture s/t from brush primitive texture matrix x = DotProduct( dv->xyz, texX ); y = DotProduct( dv->xyz, texY ); dv->st[0]=s->texMat[0][0]*x+s->texMat[0][1]*y+s->texMat[0][2]; dv->st[1]=s->texMat[1][0]*x+s->texMat[1][1]*y+s->texMat[1][2]; } for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { if ( dv->st[i] < mins[i] ) { mins[i] = dv->st[i]; } if ( dv->st[i] > maxs[i] ) { maxs[i] = dv->st[i]; } } // copy normal VectorCopy ( mapplanes[s->planenum].normal, dv->normal ); } // adjust the texture coordinates to be as close to 0 as possible if ( !si->globalTexture ) { mins[0] = floor( mins[0] ); mins[1] = floor( mins[1] ); for ( i = 0 ; i < w->numpoints ; i++ ) { dv = ds->verts + i; dv->st[0] -= mins[0]; dv->st[1] -= mins[1]; } } return ds; } //========================================================================= typedef struct { int planenum; shaderInfo_t *shaderInfo; int count; } sideRef_t; #define MAX_SIDE_REFS MAX_MAP_PLANES sideRef_t sideRefs[MAX_SIDE_REFS]; int numSideRefs; void AddSideRef( side_t *side ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < numSideRefs ; i++ ) { if ( side->planenum == sideRefs[i].planenum && side->shaderInfo == sideRefs[i].shaderInfo ) { sideRefs[i].count++; return; } } if ( numSideRefs == MAX_SIDE_REFS ) { Error( "MAX_SIDE_REFS" ); } sideRefs[i].planenum = side->planenum; sideRefs[i].shaderInfo = side->shaderInfo; sideRefs[i].count++; numSideRefs++; } /* ===================== MergeSides ===================== */ void MergeSides( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree ) { int i; qprintf( "----- MergeSides -----\n"); for ( i = e->firstDrawSurf ; i < numMapDrawSurfs ; i++ ) { // AddSideRef( side ); } qprintf( "%5i siderefs\n", numSideRefs ); } //===================================================================== /* =================== SubdivideDrawSurf =================== */ void SubdivideDrawSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, winding_t *w, float subdivisions ) { int i; int axis; vec3_t bounds[2]; const float epsilon = 0.1; int subFloor, subCeil; winding_t *frontWinding, *backWinding; mapDrawSurface_t *newds; if ( !w ) { return; } if ( w->numpoints < 3 ) { Error( "SubdivideDrawSurf: Bad w->numpoints" ); } ClearBounds( bounds[0], bounds[1] ); for ( i = 0 ; i < w->numpoints ; i++ ) { AddPointToBounds( w->p[i], bounds[0], bounds[1] ); } for ( axis = 0 ; axis < 3 ; axis++ ) { vec3_t planePoint = { 0, 0, 0 }; vec3_t planeNormal = { 0, 0, 0 }; float d; subFloor = floor( bounds[0][axis] / subdivisions ) * subdivisions; subCeil = ceil( bounds[1][axis] / subdivisions ) * subdivisions; planePoint[axis] = subFloor + subdivisions; planeNormal[axis] = -1; d = DotProduct( planePoint, planeNormal ); // subdivide if necessary if ( subCeil - subFloor > subdivisions ) { // gotta clip polygon into two polygons ClipWindingEpsilon( w, planeNormal, d, epsilon, &frontWinding, &backWinding ); // the clip may not produce two polygons if it was epsilon close if ( !frontWinding ) { w = backWinding; } else if ( !backWinding ) { w = frontWinding; } else { SubdivideDrawSurf( ds, frontWinding, subdivisions ); SubdivideDrawSurf( ds, backWinding, subdivisions ); return; } } } // emit this polygon newds = DrawSurfaceForSide( ds->mapBrush, ds->side, w ); newds->fogNum = ds->fogNum; } /* ===================== SubdivideDrawSurfs Chop up surfaces that have subdivision attributes ===================== */ void SubdivideDrawSurfs( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree ) { int i; mapDrawSurface_t *ds; int numBaseDrawSurfs; winding_t *w; float subdivision; shaderInfo_t *si; qprintf( "----- SubdivideDrawSurfs -----\n"); numBaseDrawSurfs = numMapDrawSurfs; for ( i = e->firstDrawSurf ; i < numBaseDrawSurfs ; i++ ) { ds = &mapDrawSurfs[i]; // only subdivide brush sides, not patches or misc_models if ( !ds->side ) { continue; } // check subdivision for shader si = ds->side->shaderInfo; if ( !si ) { continue; } if (ds->shaderInfo->autosprite || si->autosprite) { continue; } subdivision = si->subdivisions; if ( !subdivision ) { continue; } w = WindingFromDrawSurf( ds ); ds->numVerts = 0; // remove this reference SubdivideDrawSurf( ds, w, subdivision ); } } //=================================================================================== /* ==================== ClipSideIntoTree_r Adds non-opaque leaf fragments to the convex hull ==================== */ void ClipSideIntoTree_r( winding_t *w, side_t *side, node_t *node ) { plane_t *plane; winding_t *front, *back; if ( !w ) { return; } if ( node->planenum != PLANENUM_LEAF ) { if ( side->planenum == node->planenum ) { ClipSideIntoTree_r( w, side, node->children[0] ); return; } if ( side->planenum == ( node->planenum ^ 1) ) { ClipSideIntoTree_r( w, side, node->children[1] ); return; } plane = &mapplanes[ node->planenum ]; ClipWindingEpsilon ( w, plane->normal, plane->dist, ON_EPSILON, &front, &back ); FreeWinding( w ); ClipSideIntoTree_r( front, side, node->children[0] ); ClipSideIntoTree_r( back, side, node->children[1] ); return; } // if opaque leaf, don't add if ( !node->opaque ) { AddWindingToConvexHull( w, &side->visibleHull, mapplanes[ side->planenum ].normal ); } FreeWinding( w ); return; } /* ===================== ClipSidesIntoTree Creates side->visibleHull for all visible sides The drawsurf for a side will consist of the convex hull of all points in non-opaque clusters, which allows overlaps to be trimmed off automatically. ===================== */ void ClipSidesIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree ) { bspbrush_t *b; int i; winding_t *w; side_t *side, *newSide; shaderInfo_t *si; qprintf( "----- ClipSidesIntoTree -----\n"); for ( b = e->brushes ; b ; b = b->next ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < b->numsides ; i++ ) { side = &b->sides[i]; if ( !side->winding) { continue; } w = CopyWinding( side->winding ); side->visibleHull = NULL; ClipSideIntoTree_r( w, side, tree->headnode ); w = side->visibleHull; if ( !w ) { continue; } si = side->shaderInfo; if ( !si ) { continue; } // don't create faces for non-visible sides if ( si->surfaceFlags & SURF_NODRAW ) { continue; } // always use the original quad winding for auto sprites if ( side->shaderInfo->autosprite ) { w = side->winding; } // if ( side->bevel ) { Error( "monkey tried to create draw surface for brush bevel" ); } // save this winding as a visible surface DrawSurfaceForSide( b, side, w ); // make a back side for it if needed if ( !(si->contents & CONTENTS_FOG) ) { continue; } // duplicate the up-facing side w = ReverseWinding( w ); newSide = malloc( sizeof( *side ) ); *newSide = *side; newSide->visibleHull = w; newSide->planenum ^= 1; // save this winding as a visible surface DrawSurfaceForSide( b, newSide, w ); } } } /* =================================================================================== FILTER REFERENCES DOWN THE TREE =================================================================================== */ /* ==================== FilterDrawSurfIntoTree Place a reference to the given drawsurf in every leaf it contacts We assume that the point mesh aproximation to the curve will get a reference into all the leafs we need. ==================== */ int FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree( vec3_t point, mapDrawSurface_t *ds, node_t *node ) { drawSurfRef_t *dsr; float d; plane_t *plane; int c; if ( node->planenum != PLANENUM_LEAF ) { plane = &mapplanes[ node->planenum ]; d = DotProduct( point, plane->normal ) - plane->dist; c = 0; if ( d >= -ON_EPSILON ) { c += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree( point, ds, node->children[0] ); } if ( d <= ON_EPSILON ) { c += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree( point, ds, node->children[1] ); } return c; } // if opaque leaf, don't add if ( node->opaque ) { return 0; } // add the drawsurf if it hasn't been already for ( dsr = node->drawSurfReferences ; dsr ; dsr = dsr->nextRef ) { if ( dsr->outputNumber == numDrawSurfaces ) { return 0; // already referenced } } dsr = malloc( sizeof( *dsr ) ); dsr->outputNumber = numDrawSurfaces; dsr->nextRef = node->drawSurfReferences; node->drawSurfReferences = dsr; return 1; } /* ==================== FilterDrawSurfIntoTree_r Place a reference to the given drawsurf in every leaf it is in ==================== */ int FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree_r( winding_t *w, mapDrawSurface_t *ds, node_t *node ) { drawSurfRef_t *dsr; plane_t *plane; int total; winding_t *front, *back; if ( node->planenum != PLANENUM_LEAF ) { plane = &mapplanes[ node->planenum ]; ClipWindingEpsilon ( w, plane->normal, plane->dist, ON_EPSILON, &front, &back ); total = 0; if ( front ) { total += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree_r( front, ds, node->children[0] ); } if ( back ) { total += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree_r( back, ds, node->children[1] ); } FreeWinding( w ); return total; } // if opaque leaf, don't add if ( node->opaque ) { return 0; } // add the drawsurf if it hasn't been already for ( dsr = node->drawSurfReferences ; dsr ; dsr = dsr->nextRef ) { if ( dsr->outputNumber == numDrawSurfaces ) { return 0; // already referenced } } dsr = malloc( sizeof( *dsr ) ); dsr->outputNumber = numDrawSurfaces; dsr->nextRef = node->drawSurfReferences; node->drawSurfReferences = dsr; return 1; } /* ==================== FilterSideIntoTree_r Place a reference to the given drawsurf in every leaf it contacts ==================== */ int FilterSideIntoTree_r( winding_t *w, side_t *side, mapDrawSurface_t *ds, node_t *node ) { drawSurfRef_t *dsr; plane_t *plane; winding_t *front, *back; int total; if ( !w ) { return 0; } if ( node->planenum != PLANENUM_LEAF ) { if ( side->planenum == node->planenum ) { return FilterSideIntoTree_r( w, side, ds, node->children[0] ); } if ( side->planenum == ( node->planenum ^ 1) ) { return FilterSideIntoTree_r( w, side, ds, node->children[1] ); } plane = &mapplanes[ node->planenum ]; ClipWindingEpsilon ( w, plane->normal, plane->dist, ON_EPSILON, &front, &back ); total = FilterSideIntoTree_r( front, side, ds, node->children[0] ); total += FilterSideIntoTree_r( back, side, ds, node->children[1] ); FreeWinding( w ); return total; } // if opaque leaf, don't add if ( node->opaque ) { return 0; } dsr = malloc( sizeof( *dsr ) ); dsr->outputNumber = numDrawSurfaces; dsr->nextRef = node->drawSurfReferences; node->drawSurfReferences = dsr; FreeWinding( w ); return 1; } /* ===================== FilterFaceIntoTree ===================== */ int FilterFaceIntoTree( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, tree_t *tree ) { int l; winding_t *w; w = WindingFromDrawSurf( ds ); l = FilterSideIntoTree_r( w, ds->side, ds, tree->headnode ); return l; } /* ===================== FilterPatchSurfIntoTree ===================== */ #define SUBDIVISION_LIMIT 8.0 int FilterPatchSurfIntoTree( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, tree_t *tree ) { int i, j; int l; mesh_t baseMesh, *subdividedMesh; winding_t *w; baseMesh.width = ds->patchWidth; baseMesh.height = ds->patchHeight; baseMesh.verts = ds->verts; subdividedMesh = SubdivideMesh( baseMesh, SUBDIVISION_LIMIT, 32 ); l = 0; for (i = 0; i < subdividedMesh->width-1; i++) { for (j = 0; j < subdividedMesh->height-1; j++) { w = AllocWinding(3); VectorCopy(subdividedMesh->verts[j * subdividedMesh->width + i].xyz, w->p[0]); VectorCopy(subdividedMesh->verts[j * subdividedMesh->width + i + 1].xyz, w->p[1]); VectorCopy(subdividedMesh->verts[(j+1) * subdividedMesh->width + i].xyz, w->p[2]); w->numpoints = 3; l += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree_r( w, ds, tree->headnode ); w = AllocWinding(3); VectorCopy(subdividedMesh->verts[j * subdividedMesh->width + i + 1].xyz, w->p[0]); VectorCopy(subdividedMesh->verts[(j+1) * subdividedMesh->width + i + 1].xyz, w->p[1]); VectorCopy(subdividedMesh->verts[(j+1) * subdividedMesh->width + i].xyz, w->p[2]); w->numpoints = 3; l += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree_r( w, ds, tree->headnode ); } } // also use the old point filtering into the tree for ( i = 0 ; i < subdividedMesh->width * subdividedMesh->height ; i++ ) { l += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree( subdividedMesh->verts[i].xyz, ds, tree->headnode ); } free(subdividedMesh); return l; } /* ===================== FilterMiscModelSurfIntoTree ===================== */ int FilterMiscModelSurfIntoTree( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, tree_t *tree ) { int i; int l; winding_t *w; l = 0; for (i = 0; i < ds->numIndexes-2; i++) { w = AllocWinding(3); VectorCopy(ds->verts[ds->indexes[i]].xyz, w->p[0]); VectorCopy(ds->verts[ds->indexes[i+1]].xyz, w->p[1]); VectorCopy(ds->verts[ds->indexes[i+2]].xyz, w->p[2]); w->numpoints = 3; l += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree_r( w, ds, tree->headnode ); } // also use the old point filtering into the tree for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts ; i++ ) { l += FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree( ds->verts[i].xyz, ds, tree->headnode ); } return l; } /* ===================== FilterFlareSurfIntoTree ===================== */ int FilterFlareSurfIntoTree( mapDrawSurface_t *ds, tree_t *tree ) { return FilterMapDrawSurfIntoTree( ds->lightmapOrigin, ds, tree->headnode ); } //====================================================================== int c_stripSurfaces, c_fanSurfaces; /* ================== IsTriangleDegenerate Returns qtrue if all three points are collinear or backwards =================== */ #define COLINEAR_AREA 10 static qboolean IsTriangleDegenerate( drawVert_t *points, int a, int b, int c ) { vec3_t v1, v2, v3; float d; VectorSubtract( points[b].xyz, points[a].xyz, v1 ); VectorSubtract( points[c].xyz, points[a].xyz, v2 ); CrossProduct( v1, v2, v3 ); d = VectorLength( v3 ); // assume all very small or backwards triangles will cause problems if ( d < COLINEAR_AREA ) { return qtrue; } return qfalse; } /* =============== SurfaceAsTriFan The surface can't be represented as a single tristrip without leaving a degenerate triangle (and therefore a crack), so add a point in the middle and create (points-1) triangles in fan order =============== */ static void SurfaceAsTriFan( dsurface_t *ds ) { int i; int colorSum[4]; drawVert_t *mid, *v; // create a new point in the center of the face if ( numDrawVerts == MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS" ); } mid = &drawVerts[ numDrawVerts ]; numDrawVerts++; colorSum[0] = colorSum[1] = colorSum[2] = colorSum[3] = 0; v = drawVerts + ds->firstVert; for (i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts ; i++, v++ ) { VectorAdd( mid->xyz, v->xyz, mid->xyz ); mid->st[0] += v->st[0]; mid->st[1] += v->st[1]; mid->lightmap[0] += v->lightmap[0]; mid->lightmap[1] += v->lightmap[1]; colorSum[0] += v->color[0]; colorSum[1] += v->color[1]; colorSum[2] += v->color[2]; colorSum[3] += v->color[3]; } mid->xyz[0] /= ds->numVerts; mid->xyz[1] /= ds->numVerts; mid->xyz[2] /= ds->numVerts; mid->st[0] /= ds->numVerts; mid->st[1] /= ds->numVerts; mid->lightmap[0] /= ds->numVerts; mid->lightmap[1] /= ds->numVerts; mid->color[0] = colorSum[0] / ds->numVerts; mid->color[1] = colorSum[1] / ds->numVerts; mid->color[2] = colorSum[2] / ds->numVerts; mid->color[3] = colorSum[3] / ds->numVerts; VectorCopy((drawVerts+ds->firstVert)->normal, mid->normal ); // fill in indices in trifan order if ( numDrawIndexes + ds->numVerts*3 > MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAWINDEXES" ); } ds->firstIndex = numDrawIndexes; ds->numIndexes = ds->numVerts*3; //FIXME // should be: for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts ; i++ ) { // set a break point and test this in a map //for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts*3 ; i++ ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts ; i++ ) { drawIndexes[numDrawIndexes++] = ds->numVerts; drawIndexes[numDrawIndexes++] = i; drawIndexes[numDrawIndexes++] = (i+1) % ds->numVerts; } ds->numVerts++; } /* ================ SurfaceAsTristrip Try to create indices that make (points-2) triangles in tristrip order ================ */ #define MAX_INDICES 1024 static void SurfaceAsTristrip( dsurface_t *ds ) { int i; int rotate; int numIndices; int ni; int a, b, c; int indices[MAX_INDICES]; // determine the triangle strip order numIndices = ( ds->numVerts - 2 ) * 3; if ( numIndices > MAX_INDICES ) { Error( "MAX_INDICES exceeded for surface" ); } // try all possible orderings of the points looking // for a strip order that isn't degenerate for ( rotate = 0 ; rotate < ds->numVerts ; rotate++ ) { for ( ni = 0, i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts - 2 - i ; i++ ) { a = ( ds->numVerts - 1 - i + rotate ) % ds->numVerts; b = ( i + rotate ) % ds->numVerts; c = ( ds->numVerts - 2 - i + rotate ) % ds->numVerts; if ( IsTriangleDegenerate( drawVerts + ds->firstVert, a, b, c ) ) { break; } indices[ni++] = a; indices[ni++] = b; indices[ni++] = c; if ( i + 1 != ds->numVerts - 1 - i ) { a = ( ds->numVerts - 2 - i + rotate ) % ds->numVerts; b = ( i + rotate ) % ds->numVerts; c = ( i + 1 + rotate ) % ds->numVerts; if ( IsTriangleDegenerate( drawVerts + ds->firstVert, a, b, c ) ) { break; } indices[ni++] = a; indices[ni++] = b; indices[ni++] = c; } } if ( ni == numIndices ) { break; // got it done without degenerate triangles } } // if any triangle in the strip is degenerate, // render from a centered fan point instead if ( ni < numIndices ) { c_fanSurfaces++; SurfaceAsTriFan( ds ); return; } // a normal tristrip c_stripSurfaces++; if ( numDrawIndexes + ni > MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES" ); } ds->firstIndex = numDrawIndexes; ds->numIndexes = ni; memcpy( drawIndexes + numDrawIndexes, indices, ni * sizeof(int) ); numDrawIndexes += ni; } /* =============== EmitPlanarSurf =============== */ void EmitPlanarSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds ) { int j; dsurface_t *out; drawVert_t *outv; if ( numDrawSurfaces == MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS" ); } out = &drawSurfaces[ numDrawSurfaces ]; numDrawSurfaces++; out->surfaceType = MST_PLANAR; out->shaderNum = EmitShader( ds->shaderInfo->shader ); out->firstVert = numDrawVerts; out->numVerts = ds->numVerts; out->fogNum = ds->fogNum; out->lightmapNum = ds->lightmapNum; out->lightmapX = ds->lightmapX; out->lightmapY = ds->lightmapY; out->lightmapWidth = ds->lightmapWidth; out->lightmapHeight = ds->lightmapHeight; VectorCopy( ds->lightmapOrigin, out->lightmapOrigin ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[0], out->lightmapVecs[0] ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[1], out->lightmapVecs[1] ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[2], out->lightmapVecs[2] ); for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->numVerts ; j++ ) { if ( numDrawVerts == MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS" ); } outv = &drawVerts[ numDrawVerts ]; numDrawVerts++; memcpy( outv, &ds->verts[ j ], sizeof( *outv ) ); outv->color[0] = 255; outv->color[1] = 255; outv->color[2] = 255; outv->color[3] = 255; } // create the indexes SurfaceAsTristrip( out ); } /* =============== EmitPatchSurf =============== */ void EmitPatchSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds ) { int j; dsurface_t *out; drawVert_t *outv; if ( numDrawSurfaces == MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS" ); } out = &drawSurfaces[ numDrawSurfaces ]; numDrawSurfaces++; out->surfaceType = MST_PATCH; out->shaderNum = EmitShader( ds->shaderInfo->shader ); out->firstVert = numDrawVerts; out->numVerts = ds->numVerts; out->firstIndex = numDrawIndexes; out->numIndexes = ds->numIndexes; out->patchWidth = ds->patchWidth; out->patchHeight = ds->patchHeight; out->fogNum = ds->fogNum; out->lightmapNum = ds->lightmapNum; out->lightmapX = ds->lightmapX; out->lightmapY = ds->lightmapY; out->lightmapWidth = ds->lightmapWidth; out->lightmapHeight = ds->lightmapHeight; VectorCopy( ds->lightmapOrigin, out->lightmapOrigin ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[0], out->lightmapVecs[0] ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[1], out->lightmapVecs[1] ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[2], out->lightmapVecs[2] ); for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->numVerts ; j++ ) { if ( numDrawVerts == MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS" ); } outv = &drawVerts[ numDrawVerts ]; numDrawVerts++; memcpy( outv, &ds->verts[ j ], sizeof( *outv ) ); outv->color[0] = 255; outv->color[1] = 255; outv->color[2] = 255; outv->color[3] = 255; } for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->numIndexes ; j++ ) { if ( numDrawIndexes == MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES" ); } drawIndexes[ numDrawIndexes ] = ds->indexes[ j ]; numDrawIndexes++; } } /* =============== EmitFlareSurf =============== */ void EmitFlareSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds ) { dsurface_t *out; if ( numDrawSurfaces == MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS" ); } out = &drawSurfaces[ numDrawSurfaces ]; numDrawSurfaces++; out->surfaceType = MST_FLARE; out->shaderNum = EmitShader( ds->shaderInfo->shader ); out->fogNum = ds->fogNum; VectorCopy( ds->lightmapOrigin, out->lightmapOrigin ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[0], out->lightmapVecs[0] ); // color VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[2], out->lightmapVecs[2] ); } /* =============== EmitModelSurf =============== */ void EmitModelSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds ) { int j; dsurface_t *out; drawVert_t *outv; if ( numDrawSurfaces == MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS" ); } out = &drawSurfaces[ numDrawSurfaces ]; numDrawSurfaces++; out->surfaceType = MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP; out->shaderNum = EmitShader( ds->shaderInfo->shader ); out->firstVert = numDrawVerts; out->numVerts = ds->numVerts; out->firstIndex = numDrawIndexes; out->numIndexes = ds->numIndexes; out->patchWidth = ds->patchWidth; out->patchHeight = ds->patchHeight; out->fogNum = ds->fogNum; out->lightmapNum = ds->lightmapNum; out->lightmapX = ds->lightmapX; out->lightmapY = ds->lightmapY; out->lightmapWidth = ds->lightmapWidth; out->lightmapHeight = ds->lightmapHeight; VectorCopy( ds->lightmapOrigin, out->lightmapOrigin ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[0], out->lightmapVecs[0] ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[1], out->lightmapVecs[1] ); VectorCopy( ds->lightmapVecs[2], out->lightmapVecs[2] ); for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->numVerts ; j++ ) { if ( numDrawVerts == MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS" ); } outv = &drawVerts[ numDrawVerts ]; numDrawVerts++; memcpy( outv, &ds->verts[ j ], sizeof( *outv ) ); outv->color[0] = 255; outv->color[1] = 255; outv->color[2] = 255; } for ( j = 0 ; j < ds->numIndexes ; j++ ) { if ( numDrawIndexes == MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES ) { Error( "MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES" ); } drawIndexes[ numDrawIndexes ] = ds->indexes[ j ]; numDrawIndexes++; } } //====================================================================== /* ================== CreateFlareSurface Light flares from surface lights become ================== */ void CreateFlareSurface( mapDrawSurface_t *faceDs ) { mapDrawSurface_t *ds; int i; ds = AllocDrawSurf(); if ( faceDs->shaderInfo->flareShader[0] ) { ds->shaderInfo = ShaderInfoForShader( faceDs->shaderInfo->flareShader ); } else { ds->shaderInfo = ShaderInfoForShader( "flareshader" ); } ds->flareSurface = qtrue; VectorCopy( faceDs->lightmapVecs[2], ds->lightmapVecs[2] ); // find midpoint VectorClear( ds->lightmapOrigin ); for ( i = 0 ; i < faceDs->numVerts ; i++ ) { VectorAdd( ds->lightmapOrigin, faceDs->verts[i].xyz, ds->lightmapOrigin ); } VectorScale( ds->lightmapOrigin, 1.0/faceDs->numVerts, ds->lightmapOrigin ); VectorMA( ds->lightmapOrigin, 2, ds->lightmapVecs[2], ds->lightmapOrigin ); VectorCopy( faceDs->shaderInfo->color, ds->lightmapVecs[0] ); // FIXME: fog } /* ===================== FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree Upon completion, all drawsurfs that actually generate a reference will have been emited to the bspfile arrays, and the references will have valid final indexes ===================== */ void FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree( entity_t *e, tree_t *tree ) { int i; mapDrawSurface_t *ds; int refs; int c_surfs, c_refs; qprintf( "----- FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree -----\n"); c_surfs = 0; c_refs = 0; for ( i = e->firstDrawSurf ; i < numMapDrawSurfs ; i++ ) { ds = &mapDrawSurfs[i]; if ( !ds->numVerts && !ds->flareSurface ) { continue; } if ( ds->miscModel ) { refs = FilterMiscModelSurfIntoTree( ds, tree ); EmitModelSurf( ds ); } else if ( ds->patch ) { refs = FilterPatchSurfIntoTree( ds, tree ); EmitPatchSurf( ds ); } else if ( ds->flareSurface ) { refs = FilterFlareSurfIntoTree( ds, tree ); EmitFlareSurf( ds ); } else { refs = FilterFaceIntoTree( ds, tree ); // if ( ds->shaderInfo->value >= 1000 ) { // ds->shaderInfo->flareShader[0] ) { if ( ds->shaderInfo->flareShader[0] ) { CreateFlareSurface( ds ); } EmitPlanarSurf( ds ); } if ( refs > 0 ) { c_surfs++; c_refs += refs; } } qprintf( "%5i emited drawsurfs\n", c_surfs ); qprintf( "%5i references\n", c_refs ); qprintf( "%5i stripfaces\n", c_stripSurfaces ); qprintf( "%5i fanfaces\n", c_fanSurfaces ); }