/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include #include #include "cmdlib.h" #include "mathlib.h" #include "imagelib.h" #include "scriplib.h" #ifdef _TTIMOBUILD #include "../common/qfiles.h" #include "../common/surfaceflags.h" #else #include "../code/qcommon/qfiles.h" #include "../code/game/surfaceflags.h" #endif #include "shaders.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef _TTIMOBUILD #include "pakstuff.h" #include "jpeglib.h" #else #include "../libs/pakstuff.h" #include "../libs/jpeglib.h" #endif #endif // 5% backsplash by default #define DEFAULT_BACKSPLASH_FRACTION 0.05 #define DEFAULT_BACKSPLASH_DISTANCE 24 #define MAX_SURFACE_INFO 4096 shaderInfo_t defaultInfo; shaderInfo_t shaderInfo[MAX_SURFACE_INFO]; int numShaderInfo; typedef struct { char *name; int clearSolid, surfaceFlags, contents; } infoParm_t; infoParm_t infoParms[] = { // server relevant contents {"water", 1, 0, CONTENTS_WATER }, {"slime", 1, 0, CONTENTS_SLIME }, // mildly damaging {"lava", 1, 0, CONTENTS_LAVA }, // very damaging {"playerclip", 1, 0, CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP }, {"monsterclip", 1, 0, CONTENTS_MONSTERCLIP }, {"nodrop", 1, 0, CONTENTS_NODROP }, // don't drop items or leave bodies (death fog, lava, etc) {"nonsolid", 1, SURF_NONSOLID, 0}, // clears the solid flag // utility relevant attributes {"origin", 1, 0, CONTENTS_ORIGIN }, // center of rotating brushes {"trans", 0, 0, CONTENTS_TRANSLUCENT }, // don't eat contained surfaces {"detail", 0, 0, CONTENTS_DETAIL }, // don't include in structural bsp {"structural", 0, 0, CONTENTS_STRUCTURAL }, // force into structural bsp even if trnas {"areaportal", 1, 0, CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL }, // divides areas {"clusterportal",1, 0, CONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL },// for bots {"donotenter", 1, 0, CONTENTS_DONOTENTER }, // for bots {"botclip", 1, 0, CONTENTS_BOTCLIP }, // for bots {"nobotclip", 0, 0, CONTENTS_NOBOTCLIP }, // don't use for bot clipping {"fog", 1, 0, CONTENTS_FOG}, // carves surfaces entering {"sky", 0, SURF_SKY, 0 }, // emit light from an environment map {"lightfilter", 0, SURF_LIGHTFILTER, 0 }, // filter light going through it {"alphashadow", 0, SURF_ALPHASHADOW, 0 }, // test light on a per-pixel basis {"hint", 0, SURF_HINT, 0 }, // use as a primary splitter // server attributes {"slick", 0, SURF_SLICK, 0 }, {"noimpact", 0, SURF_NOIMPACT, 0 }, // don't make impact explosions or marks {"nomarks", 0, SURF_NOMARKS, 0 }, // don't make impact marks, but still explode {"ladder", 0, SURF_LADDER, 0 }, {"nodamage", 0, SURF_NODAMAGE, 0 }, {"metalsteps", 0, SURF_METALSTEPS,0 }, {"flesh", 0, SURF_FLESH, 0 }, {"nosteps", 0, SURF_NOSTEPS, 0 }, // drawsurf attributes {"nodraw", 0, SURF_NODRAW, 0 }, // don't generate a drawsurface (or a lightmap) {"pointlight", 0, SURF_POINTLIGHT, 0 }, // sample lighting at vertexes {"nolightmap", 0, SURF_NOLIGHTMAP,0 }, // don't generate a lightmap {"nodlight", 0, SURF_NODLIGHT, 0 }, // don't ever add dynamic lights {"dust", 0, SURF_DUST, 0} // leave dust trail when walking on this surface }; /* =============== LoadShaderImage =============== */ byte* LoadImageFile(char *filename, qboolean *bTGA) { byte *buffer = NULL; int nLen = 0; *bTGA = qtrue; if (FileExists(filename)) { LoadFileBlock(filename, &buffer); } #ifdef _WIN32 else { PakLoadAnyFile(filename, &buffer); } #endif if ( buffer == NULL) { nLen = strlen(filename); filename[nLen-3] = 'j'; filename[nLen-2] = 'p'; filename[nLen-1] = 'g'; if (FileExists(filename)) { LoadFileBlock(filename, &buffer); } #ifdef _WIN32 else { PakLoadAnyFile(filename, &buffer); } #endif if ( buffer ) { *bTGA = qfalse; } } return buffer; } /* =============== LoadShaderImage =============== */ static void LoadShaderImage( shaderInfo_t *si ) { char filename[1024]; int i, count; float color[4]; byte *buffer; qboolean bTGA = qtrue; // look for the lightimage if it is specified if ( si->lightimage[0] ) { sprintf( filename, "%s%s", gamedir, si->lightimage ); DefaultExtension( filename, ".tga" ); buffer = LoadImageFile(filename, &bTGA); if ( buffer != NULL) { goto loadTga; } } // look for the editorimage if it is specified if ( si->editorimage[0] ) { sprintf( filename, "%s%s", gamedir, si->editorimage ); DefaultExtension( filename, ".tga" ); buffer = LoadImageFile(filename, &bTGA); if ( buffer != NULL) { goto loadTga; } } // just try the shader name with a .tga // on unix, we have case sensitivity problems... sprintf( filename, "%s%s.tga", gamedir, si->shader ); buffer = LoadImageFile(filename, &bTGA); if ( buffer != NULL) { goto loadTga; } sprintf( filename, "%s%s.TGA", gamedir, si->shader ); buffer = LoadImageFile(filename, &bTGA); if ( buffer != NULL) { goto loadTga; } // couldn't load anything _printf("WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader %s\n", si->shader ); si->color[0] = 1; si->color[1] = 1; si->color[2] = 1; si->width = 64; si->height = 64; si->pixels = malloc( si->width * si->height * 4 ); memset ( si->pixels, 255, si->width * si->height * 4 ); return; // load the image to get dimensions and color loadTga: if ( bTGA) { LoadTGABuffer( buffer, &si->pixels, &si->width, &si->height ); } else { #ifdef _WIN32 LoadJPGBuff(buffer, &si->pixels, &si->width, &si->height ); #endif } free(buffer); count = si->width * si->height; VectorClear( color ); color[ 3 ] = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) { color[0] += si->pixels[ i * 4 + 0 ]; color[1] += si->pixels[ i * 4 + 1 ]; color[2] += si->pixels[ i * 4 + 2 ]; color[3] += si->pixels[ i * 4 + 3 ]; } ColorNormalize( color, si->color ); VectorScale( color, 1.0/count, si->averageColor ); } /* =============== AllocShaderInfo =============== */ static shaderInfo_t *AllocShaderInfo( void ) { shaderInfo_t *si; if ( numShaderInfo == MAX_SURFACE_INFO ) { Error( "MAX_SURFACE_INFO" ); } si = &shaderInfo[ numShaderInfo ]; numShaderInfo++; // set defaults si->contents = CONTENTS_SOLID; si->backsplashFraction = DEFAULT_BACKSPLASH_FRACTION; si->backsplashDistance = DEFAULT_BACKSPLASH_DISTANCE; si->lightmapSampleSize = 0; si->forceTraceLight = qfalse; si->forceVLight = qfalse; si->patchShadows = qfalse; si->vertexShadows = qfalse; si->noVertexShadows = qfalse; si->forceSunLight = qfalse; si->vertexScale = 1.0; si->notjunc = qfalse; return si; } /* =============== ShaderInfoForShader =============== */ shaderInfo_t *ShaderInfoForShader( const char *shaderName ) { int i; shaderInfo_t *si; char shader[MAX_QPATH]; // strip off extension strcpy( shader, shaderName ); StripExtension( shader ); // search for it for ( i = 0 ; i < numShaderInfo ; i++ ) { si = &shaderInfo[ i ]; if ( !Q_stricmp( shader, si->shader ) ) { if ( !si->width ) { LoadShaderImage( si ); } return si; } } si = AllocShaderInfo(); strcpy( si->shader, shader ); LoadShaderImage( si ); return si; } /* =============== ParseShaderFile =============== */ static void ParseShaderFile( const char *filename ) { int i; int numInfoParms = sizeof(infoParms) / sizeof(infoParms[0]); shaderInfo_t *si; // qprintf( "shaderFile: %s\n", filename ); LoadScriptFile( filename ); while ( 1 ) { if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } si = AllocShaderInfo(); strcpy( si->shader, token ); MatchToken( "{" ); while ( 1 ) { if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } // skip internal braced sections if ( !strcmp( token, "{" ) ) { si->hasPasses = qtrue; while ( 1 ) { if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } if ( !strcmp( token, "}" ) ) { break; } } continue; } if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "surfaceparm" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); for ( i = 0 ; i < numInfoParms ; i++ ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( token, infoParms[i].name ) ) { si->surfaceFlags |= infoParms[i].surfaceFlags; si->contents |= infoParms[i].contents; if ( infoParms[i].clearSolid ) { si->contents &= ~CONTENTS_SOLID; } break; } } if ( i == numInfoParms ) { // we will silently ignore all tokens beginning with qer, // which are QuakeEdRadient parameters if ( Q_strncasecmp( token, "qer", 3 ) ) { _printf( "Unknown surfaceparm: \"%s\"\n", token ); } } continue; } // qer_editorimage if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "qer_editorimage" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); strcpy( si->editorimage, token ); DefaultExtension( si->editorimage, ".tga" ); continue; } // q3map_lightimage if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_lightimage" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); strcpy( si->lightimage, token ); DefaultExtension( si->lightimage, ".tga" ); continue; } // q3map_surfacelight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_surfacelight" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); si->value = atoi( token ); continue; } // q3map_lightsubdivide if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_lightsubdivide" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); si->lightSubdivide = atoi( token ); continue; } // q3map_lightmapsamplesize if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_lightmapsamplesize" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); si->lightmapSampleSize = atoi( token ); continue; } // q3map_tracelight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_tracelight" ) ) { si->forceTraceLight = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_vlight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_vlight" ) ) { si->forceVLight = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_patchshadows if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_patchshadows" ) ) { si->patchShadows = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_vertexshadows if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_vertexshadows" ) ) { si->vertexShadows = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_novertexshadows if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_novertexshadows" ) ) { si->noVertexShadows = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_forcesunlight if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_forcesunlight" ) ) { si->forceSunLight = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_vertexscale if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_vertexscale" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); si->vertexScale = atof(token); continue; } // q3map_notjunc if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_notjunc" ) ) { si->notjunc = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_globaltexture if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_globaltexture" ) ) { si->globalTexture = qtrue; continue; } // q3map_backsplash if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_backsplash" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); si->backsplashFraction = atof( token ) * 0.01; GetToken( qfalse ); si->backsplashDistance = atof( token ); continue; } // q3map_backshader if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_backshader" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); strcpy( si->backShader, token ); continue; } // q3map_flare if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_flare" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); strcpy( si->flareShader, token ); continue; } // light // old style flare specification if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "light" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); strcpy( si->flareShader, "flareshader" ); continue; } // q3map_sun // color will be normalized, so it doesn't matter what range you use // intensity falls off with angle but not distance 100 is a fairly bright sun // degree of 0 = from the east, 90 = north, etc. altitude of 0 = sunrise/set, 90 = noon if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "q3map_sun" ) ) { float a, b; GetToken( qfalse ); si->sunLight[0] = atof( token ); GetToken( qfalse ); si->sunLight[1] = atof( token ); GetToken( qfalse ); si->sunLight[2] = atof( token ); VectorNormalize( si->sunLight, si->sunLight); GetToken( qfalse ); a = atof( token ); VectorScale( si->sunLight, a, si->sunLight); GetToken( qfalse ); a = atof( token ); a = a / 180 * Q_PI; GetToken( qfalse ); b = atof( token ); b = b / 180 * Q_PI; si->sunDirection[0] = cos( a ) * cos( b ); si->sunDirection[1] = sin( a ) * cos( b ); si->sunDirection[2] = sin( b ); si->surfaceFlags |= SURF_SKY; continue; } // tesssize is used to force liquid surfaces to subdivide if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "tesssize" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); si->subdivisions = atof( token ); continue; } // cull none will set twoSided if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "cull" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "none" ) ) { si->twoSided = qtrue; } continue; } // deformVertexes autosprite[2] // we catch this so autosprited surfaces become point // lights instead of area lights if ( !Q_stricmp( token, "deformVertexes" ) ) { GetToken( qfalse ); if ( !Q_strncasecmp( token, "autosprite", 10 ) ) { si->autosprite = qtrue; si->contents = CONTENTS_DETAIL; } continue; } // ignore all other tokens on the line while ( TokenAvailable() ) { GetToken( qfalse ); } } } } /* =============== LoadShaderInfo =============== */ #define MAX_SHADER_FILES 64 void LoadShaderInfo( void ) { char filename[1024]; int i; char *shaderFiles[MAX_SHADER_FILES]; int numShaderFiles; sprintf( filename, "%sscripts/shaderlist.txt", gamedir ); LoadScriptFile( filename ); numShaderFiles = 0; while ( 1 ) { if ( !GetToken( qtrue ) ) { break; } shaderFiles[numShaderFiles] = malloc(MAX_OS_PATH); strcpy( shaderFiles[ numShaderFiles ], token ); numShaderFiles++; } for ( i = 0 ; i < numShaderFiles ; i++ ) { sprintf( filename, "%sscripts/%s.shader", gamedir, shaderFiles[i] ); ParseShaderFile( filename ); free(shaderFiles[i]); } qprintf( "%5i shaderInfo\n", numShaderInfo); }