Name of this project: URL: Hello and welcome to the Quake 3 source repository on I'll be your maintainer,, please send all your patches to the bugzilla:, or join the mailing list ( and submit your patch there. If you're too lazy for either method, then I would rather you e-mailed your patches to me directly than not at all. The intent of this is to give people a baseline Quake 3. Bug fixes, SDL port, OpenAL, security, etc. Extra graphics and sound will be accepted as long as they are entirely optional and off by default. The map editor isn't included, get a modern copy from here: The id software readme has been renamed to id-readme.txt so as to prevent confusion. Refer to the web-site for updated status, enjoy! Compiling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cd code/unix && make Installing under Linux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In code/unix edit the Makefile's COPYDIR variable to be where you installed quake 3 to. By default it will be set to /usr/local/games/quake3 if you haven't set it. Then run "make copyfiles", beware that this will overwrite any binaries installed previously, even id ones. Using shared libraries instead of qvm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To make quake3 prefer shared libraries instead of qvm run it with the following parameters: +set sv_pure 0 +set vm_cgame 0 +set vm_game 0 +set vm_ui 0 Using Demo Data Files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ you only need demoq3/pak0.pk3 from the demo installer. The qvm files inside pak0.pk3 will not work, you have to use the native shared libraries from this project. To do so copy or link ui*.so, qagame*.so, cgame*.so from baseq3 to demoq3 and run quake3 with the parameters described above. 64bit mods ~~~~~~~~~~ To compile working(!) shared libraries for 64bit mods the vmMain and dllEntry functions as well as the syscall pointer have to be changed to accept and return long instead of int.