#include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* bprint [ -c | -Idir... | -f | -b | -n ] [ file... ] * annotate listings of files with prof.out data */ #define NDIRS (sizeof dirs/sizeof dirs[0] - 1) #define NEW(p,a) ((p) = alloc(sizeof *(p))) #define newarray(m,n,a) alloc((m)*(n)) #define NELEMS(a) ((int)(sizeof (a)/sizeof ((a)[0]))) #define MAXTOKEN 64 struct count { /* count data: */ int x, y; /* source coordinate */ int count; /* associated execution count */ }; char *progname; int number; char *dirs[20]; int fcount; struct file { /* per-file prof.out data: */ struct file *link; /* link to next file */ char *name; /* file name */ int size; /* size of counts[] */ int count; /* counts[0..count-1] hold valid data */ struct count *counts; /* count data */ struct func { /* function data: */ struct func *link; /* link to next function */ char *name; /* function name */ struct count count; /* total number of calls */ struct caller { /* caller data: */ struct caller *link; /* link to next caller */ char *name; /* caller's name */ char *file; /* call site: file, x, y */ int x, y; int count; /* number of calls from this site */ } *callers; } *funcs; /* list of functions */ } *filelist; FILE *fp; extern int process(char *); extern int findfunc(char *, char *); extern int findcount(char *, int, int); void *alloc(unsigned); char *string(char *); int process(char *); void emitdata(char *); void printfile(struct file *, int); void printfuncs(struct file *, int); /* alloc - allocate n bytes or die */ void *alloc(unsigned n) { void *new = malloc(n); assert(new); return new; } /* emitdata - write prof.out data to file */ void emitdata(char *file) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(file, "w"))) { struct file *p; for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link) { int i; struct func *q; struct caller *r; fprintf(fp, "1\n%s\n", p->name); for (i = 0, q = p->funcs; q; i++, q = q->link) if ((r = q->callers)) for (i--; r; r = r->link) i++; fprintf(fp, "%d\n", i); for (q = p->funcs; q; q = q->link) if (q->count.count == 0 || !q->callers) fprintf(fp, "%s 1 %d %d %d ? ? 0 0\n", q->name, q->count.x, q->count.y, q->count.count); else for (r = q->callers; r; r = r->link) fprintf(fp, "%s 1 %d %d %d %s %s %d %d\n", q->name, q->count.x, q->count.y, r->count, r->name, r->file, r->x, r->y); fprintf(fp, "%d\n", p->count); for (i = 0; i < p->count; i++) fprintf(fp, "1 %d %d %d\n", p->counts[i].x, p->counts[i].y, p->counts[i].count); } fclose(fp); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't create `%s'\n", progname, file); } /* openfile - open name for reading, searching -I directories */ FILE *openfile(char *name) { int i; FILE *fp; if (*name != '/') for (i = 0; dirs[i]; i++) { char buf[200]; sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", dirs[i], name); if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r"))) return fp; } return fopen(name, "r"); } /* printfile - print annotated listing for p */ void printfile(struct file *p, int nf) { int lineno; FILE *fp; char *s, buf[512]; struct count *u = p->counts, *r, *uend; if (u == 0 || p->count <= 0) return; uend = &p->counts[p->count]; if ((fp = openfile(p->name)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open `%s'\n", progname, p->name); return; } if (nf) printf("%s%s:\n\n", nf == 1 ? "" : "\f", p->name); for (lineno = 1; fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp); lineno++) { if (number) printf("%d\t", lineno); while (u < uend && u->y < lineno) u++; for (s = buf; *s; ) { char *t = s + 1; while (u < uend && u->y == lineno && u->x < s - buf) u++; if (isalnum(*s) || *s == '_') while (isalnum(*t) || *t == '_') t++; while (u < uend && u->y == lineno && u->x < t - buf) { printf("<%d>", u->count); for (r = u++; u < uend && u->x == r->x && u->y == r->y && u->count == r->count; u++) ; } while (s < t) putchar(*s++); } if (*s) printf("%s", s); } fclose(fp); } /* printfuncs - summarize data for functions in p */ void printfuncs(struct file *p, int nf) { struct func *q; if (nf) printf("%s:\n", p->name); for (q = p->funcs; q; q = q->link) if (fcount <= 1 || q->count.count == 0 || !q->callers) printf("%d\t%s\n", q->count.count, q->name); else { struct caller *r; for (r = q->callers; r; r = r->link) printf("%d\t%s\tfrom %s\tin %s:%d.%d\n", r->count, q->name, r->name, r->file, r->y, r->x + 1); } } /* string - save a copy of str, if necessary */ char *string(char *str) { static struct string { struct string *link; char str[1]; } *list; struct string *p; for (p = list; p; p = p->link) if (strcmp(p->str, str) == 0) return p->str; p = (struct string *)alloc(strlen(str) + sizeof *p); strcpy(p->str, str); p->link = list; list = p; return p->str; } /* acaller - add caller and site (file,x,y) to callee's callers list */ static void acaller(char *caller, char *file, int x, int y, int count, struct func *callee) { struct caller *q; assert(callee); for (q = callee->callers; q && (caller != q->name || file != q->file || x != q->x || y != q->y); q = q->link) ; if (!q) { struct caller **r; NEW(q, PERM); q->name = caller; q->file = file; q->x = x; q->y = y; q->count = 0; for (r = &callee->callers; *r && (strcmp(q->name, (*r)->name) > 0 || strcmp(q->file, (*r)->file) > 0 || q->y > (*r)->y || q->y > (*r)->y); r = &(*r)->link) ; q->link = *r; *r = q; } q->count += count; } /* compare - return <0, 0, >0 if a<b, a==b, a>b, resp. */ static int compare(struct count *a, struct count *b) { if (a->y == b->y) return a->x - b->x; return a->y - b->y; } /* findfile - return file name's file list entry, or 0 */ static struct file *findfile(char *name) { struct file *p; for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link) if (p->name == name) return p; return 0; } /* afunction - add function name and its data to file's function list */ static struct func *afunction(char *name, char *file, int x, int y, int count) { struct file *p = findfile(file); struct func *q; assert(p); for (q = p->funcs; q && name != q->name; q = q->link) ; if (!q) { struct func **r; NEW(q, PERM); q->name = name; q->count.x = x; q->count.y = y; q->count.count = 0; q->callers = 0; for (r = &p->funcs; *r && compare(&q->count, &(*r)->count) > 0; r = &(*r)->link) ; q->link = *r; *r = q; } q->count.count += count; return q; } /* apoint - append execution point i to file's data */ static void apoint(int i, char *file, int x, int y, int count) { struct file *p = findfile(file); assert(p); if (i >= p->size) { int j; if (p->size == 0) { p->size = i >= 200 ? 2*i : 200; p->counts = newarray(p->size, sizeof *p->counts, PERM); } else { struct count *new; p->size = 2*i; new = newarray(p->size, sizeof *new, PERM); for (j = 0; j < p->count; j++) new[j] = p->counts[j]; p->counts = new; } for (j = p->count; j < p->size; j++) { static struct count z; p->counts[j] = z; } } p->counts[i].x = x; p->counts[i].y = y; p->counts[i].count += count; if (i >= p->count) p->count = i + 1; } /* findcount - return count associated with (file,x,y) or -1 */ int findcount(char *file, int x, int y) { static struct file *cursor; if (cursor == 0 || cursor->name != file) cursor = findfile(file); if (cursor) { int l, u; struct count *c = cursor->counts; for (l = 0, u = cursor->count - 1; l <= u; ) { int k = (l + u)/2; if (c[k].y > y || (c[k].y == y && c[k].x > x)) u = k - 1; else if (c[k].y < y || (c[k].y == y && c[k].x < x)) l = k + 1; else return c[k].count; } } return -1; } /* findfunc - return count associated with function name in file or -1 */ int findfunc(char *name, char *file) { static struct file *cursor; if (cursor == 0 || cursor->name != file) cursor = findfile(file); if (cursor) { struct func *p; for (p = cursor->funcs; p; p = p->link) if (p->name == name) return p->count.count; } return -1; } /* getd - read a nonnegative number */ static int getd(void) { int c, n = 0; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t')) ; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { do n = 10*n + (c - '0'); while ((c = getc(fp)) >= '0' && c <= '9'); return n; } return -1; } /* getstr - read a string */ static char *getstr(void) { int c; char buf[MAXTOKEN], *s = buf; while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t') if (s - buf < (int)sizeof buf - 2) *s++ = c; *s = 0; return s == buf ? (char *)0 : string(buf); } /* gather - read prof.out data from fd */ static int gather(void) { int i, nfiles, nfuncs, npoints; char *files[64]; if ((nfiles = getd()) < 0) return 0; assert(nfiles < NELEMS(files)); for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) { if ((files[i] = getstr()) == 0) return -1; if (!findfile(files[i])) { struct file *new; NEW(new, PERM); new->name = files[i]; new->size = new->count = 0; new->counts = 0; new->funcs = 0; new->link = filelist; filelist = new; } } if ((nfuncs = getd()) < 0) return -1; for (i = 0; i < nfuncs; i++) { struct func *q; char *name, *file; int f, x, y, count; if ((name = getstr()) == 0 || (f = getd()) <= 0 || (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0 || (count = getd()) < 0) return -1; q = afunction(name, files[f-1], x, y, count); if ((name = getstr()) == 0 || (file = getstr()) == 0 || (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0) return -1; if (*name != '?') acaller(name, file, x, y, count, q); } if ((npoints = getd()) < 0) return -1; for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) { int f, x, y, count; if ((f = getd()) < 0 || (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0 || (count = getd()) < 0) return -1; if (f) apoint(i, files[f-1], x, y, count); } return 1; } /* process - read prof.out data from file */ int process(char *file) { int more; if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) != NULL) { struct file *p; while ((more = gather()) > 0) ; fclose(fp); if (more < 0) return more; for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link) qsort(p->counts, p->count, sizeof *p->counts, (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) compare); return 1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; struct file *p; void (*f)(struct file *, int) = printfile; progname = argv[0]; if ((i = process("prof.out")) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't %s `%s'\n", progname, i == 0 ? "open" : "interpret", "prof.out"); exit(1); } for (i = 1; i < argc && *argv[i] == '-'; i++) if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) { emitdata("prof.out"); exit(0); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0) f = printfile; else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0) { fcount++; f = printfuncs; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) number++; else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-I", 2) == 0) { int j; for (j = 0; j < NDIRS && dirs[j]; j++) ; if (j < NDIRS) dirs[j] = &argv[i][2]; else fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many -I options\n", progname); } else { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -c | -b | -n | -f | -Idir... ] [ file... ]\n", progname); exit(1); } for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link) qsort(p->counts, p->count, sizeof *p->counts, (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare); if (i < argc) { int nf = i < argc - 1 ? 1 : 0; for ( ; i < argc; i++, nf ? nf++ : 0) if ((p = findfile(string(argv[i])))) (*f)(p, nf); else fprintf(stderr, "%s: no data for `%s'\n", progname, argv[i]); } else { int nf = filelist && filelist->link ? 1 : 0; for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link, nf ? nf++ : 0) (*f)(p, nf); } return 0; }