/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ // cl_parse.c -- parse a message received from the server #include "client.h" char *svc_strings[256] = { "svc_bad", "svc_nop", "svc_gamestate", "svc_configstring", "svc_baseline", "svc_serverCommand", "svc_download", "svc_snapshot" }; void SHOWNET( msg_t *msg, char *s) { if ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2) { Com_Printf ("%3i:%s\n", msg->readcount-1, s); } } /* ========================================================================= MESSAGE PARSING ========================================================================= */ /* ================== CL_DeltaEntity Parses deltas from the given base and adds the resulting entity to the current frame ================== */ void CL_DeltaEntity (msg_t *msg, clSnapshot_t *frame, int newnum, entityState_t *old, qboolean unchanged) { entityState_t *state; // save the parsed entity state into the big circular buffer so // it can be used as the source for a later delta state = &cl.parseEntities[cl.parseEntitiesNum & (MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES-1)]; if ( unchanged ) { *state = *old; } else { MSG_ReadDeltaEntity( msg, old, state, newnum ); } if ( state->number == (MAX_GENTITIES-1) ) { return; // entity was delta removed } cl.parseEntitiesNum++; frame->numEntities++; } /* ================== CL_ParsePacketEntities ================== */ void CL_ParsePacketEntities( msg_t *msg, clSnapshot_t *oldframe, clSnapshot_t *newframe) { int newnum; entityState_t *oldstate; int oldindex, oldnum; newframe->parseEntitiesNum = cl.parseEntitiesNum; newframe->numEntities = 0; // delta from the entities present in oldframe oldindex = 0; oldstate = NULL; if (!oldframe) { oldnum = 99999; } else { if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &cl.parseEntities[ (oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex) & (MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES-1)]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } } while ( 1 ) { // read the entity index number newnum = MSG_ReadBits( msg, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); if ( newnum == (MAX_GENTITIES-1) ) { break; } if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParsePacketEntities: end of message"); } while ( oldnum < newnum ) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: unchanged: %i\n", msg->readcount, oldnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, qtrue ); oldindex++; if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &cl.parseEntities[ (oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex) & (MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES-1)]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } } if (oldnum == newnum) { // delta from previous state if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: delta: %i\n", msg->readcount, newnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, newnum, oldstate, qfalse ); oldindex++; if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &cl.parseEntities[ (oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex) & (MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES-1)]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } continue; } if ( oldnum > newnum ) { // delta from baseline if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: baseline: %i\n", msg->readcount, newnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, newnum, &cl.entityBaselines[newnum], qfalse ); continue; } } // any remaining entities in the old frame are copied over while ( oldnum != 99999 ) { // one or more entities from the old packet are unchanged if ( cl_shownet->integer == 3 ) { Com_Printf ("%3i: unchanged: %i\n", msg->readcount, oldnum); } CL_DeltaEntity( msg, newframe, oldnum, oldstate, qtrue ); oldindex++; if ( oldindex >= oldframe->numEntities ) { oldnum = 99999; } else { oldstate = &cl.parseEntities[ (oldframe->parseEntitiesNum + oldindex) & (MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES-1)]; oldnum = oldstate->number; } } } /* ================ CL_ParseSnapshot If the snapshot is parsed properly, it will be copied to cl.snap and saved in cl.snapshots[]. If the snapshot is invalid for any reason, no changes to the state will be made at all. ================ */ void CL_ParseSnapshot( msg_t *msg ) { int len; clSnapshot_t *old; clSnapshot_t newSnap; int deltaNum; int oldMessageNum; int i, packetNum; // get the reliable sequence acknowledge number // NOTE: now sent with all server to client messages //clc.reliableAcknowledge = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // read in the new snapshot to a temporary buffer // we will only copy to cl.snap if it is valid Com_Memset (&newSnap, 0, sizeof(newSnap)); // we will have read any new server commands in this // message before we got to svc_snapshot newSnap.serverCommandNum = clc.serverCommandSequence; newSnap.serverTime = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // if we were just unpaused, we can only *now* really let the // change come into effect or the client hangs. cl_paused->modified = 0; newSnap.messageNum = clc.serverMessageSequence; deltaNum = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if ( !deltaNum ) { newSnap.deltaNum = -1; } else { newSnap.deltaNum = newSnap.messageNum - deltaNum; } newSnap.snapFlags = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); // If the frame is delta compressed from data that we // no longer have available, we must suck up the rest of // the frame, but not use it, then ask for a non-compressed // message if ( newSnap.deltaNum <= 0 ) { newSnap.valid = qtrue; // uncompressed frame old = NULL; clc.demowaiting = qfalse; // we can start recording now } else { old = &cl.snapshots[newSnap.deltaNum & PACKET_MASK]; if ( !old->valid ) { // should never happen Com_Printf ("Delta from invalid frame (not supposed to happen!).\n"); } else if ( old->messageNum != newSnap.deltaNum ) { // The frame that the server did the delta from // is too old, so we can't reconstruct it properly. Com_Printf ("Delta frame too old.\n"); } else if ( cl.parseEntitiesNum - old->parseEntitiesNum > MAX_PARSE_ENTITIES-128 ) { Com_Printf ("Delta parseEntitiesNum too old.\n"); } else { newSnap.valid = qtrue; // valid delta parse } } // read areamask len = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if(len > sizeof(newSnap.areamask)) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParseSnapshot: Invalid size %d for areamask.", len); return; } MSG_ReadData( msg, &newSnap.areamask, len); // read playerinfo SHOWNET( msg, "playerstate" ); if ( old ) { MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate( msg, &old->ps, &newSnap.ps ); } else { MSG_ReadDeltaPlayerstate( msg, NULL, &newSnap.ps ); } // read packet entities SHOWNET( msg, "packet entities" ); CL_ParsePacketEntities( msg, old, &newSnap ); // if not valid, dump the entire thing now that it has // been properly read if ( !newSnap.valid ) { return; } // clear the valid flags of any snapshots between the last // received and this one, so if there was a dropped packet // it won't look like something valid to delta from next // time we wrap around in the buffer oldMessageNum = cl.snap.messageNum + 1; if ( newSnap.messageNum - oldMessageNum >= PACKET_BACKUP ) { oldMessageNum = newSnap.messageNum - ( PACKET_BACKUP - 1 ); } for ( ; oldMessageNum < newSnap.messageNum ; oldMessageNum++ ) { cl.snapshots[oldMessageNum & PACKET_MASK].valid = qfalse; } // copy to the current good spot cl.snap = newSnap; cl.snap.ping = 999; // calculate ping time for ( i = 0 ; i < PACKET_BACKUP ; i++ ) { packetNum = ( clc.netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 - i ) & PACKET_MASK; if ( cl.snap.ps.commandTime >= cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_serverTime ) { cl.snap.ping = cls.realtime - cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_realtime; break; } } // save the frame off in the backup array for later delta comparisons cl.snapshots[cl.snap.messageNum & PACKET_MASK] = cl.snap; if (cl_shownet->integer == 3) { Com_Printf( " snapshot:%i delta:%i ping:%i\n", cl.snap.messageNum, cl.snap.deltaNum, cl.snap.ping ); } cl.newSnapshots = qtrue; } //===================================================================== int cl_connectedToPureServer; /* ================== CL_SystemInfoChanged The systeminfo configstring has been changed, so parse new information out of it. This will happen at every gamestate, and possibly during gameplay. ================== */ void CL_SystemInfoChanged( void ) { char *systemInfo; const char *s, *t; char key[BIG_INFO_KEY]; char value[BIG_INFO_VALUE]; qboolean gameSet; systemInfo = cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[ CS_SYSTEMINFO ]; // NOTE TTimo: // when the serverId changes, any further messages we send to the server will use this new serverId // https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=475 // in some cases, outdated cp commands might get sent with this news serverId cl.serverId = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_serverid" ) ); // don't set any vars when playing a demo if ( clc.demoplaying ) { return; } s = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_cheats" ); if ( atoi(s) == 0 ) { Cvar_SetCheatState(); } // check pure server string s = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_paks" ); t = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_pakNames" ); FS_PureServerSetLoadedPaks( s, t ); s = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_referencedPaks" ); t = Info_ValueForKey( systemInfo, "sv_referencedPakNames" ); FS_PureServerSetReferencedPaks( s, t ); gameSet = qfalse; // scan through all the variables in the systeminfo and locally set cvars to match s = systemInfo; while ( s ) { int cvar_flags; Info_NextPair( &s, key, value ); if ( !key[0] ) { break; } // ehw! if (!Q_stricmp(key, "fs_game")) { if(FS_CheckDirTraversal(value)) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Server sent invalid fs_game value %s\n", value); continue; } gameSet = qtrue; } if((cvar_flags = Cvar_Flags(key)) == CVAR_NONEXISTENT) Cvar_Get(key, value, CVAR_SERVER_CREATED | CVAR_ROM); else { // If this cvar may not be modified by a server discard the value. if(!(cvar_flags & (CVAR_SYSTEMINFO | CVAR_SERVER_CREATED))) { Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: server is not allowed to set %s=%s\n", key, value); continue; } Cvar_Set(key, value); } } // if game folder should not be set and it is set at the client side if ( !gameSet && *Cvar_VariableString("fs_game") ) { Cvar_Set( "fs_game", "" ); } cl_connectedToPureServer = Cvar_VariableValue( "sv_pure" ); } /* ================== CL_ParseGamestate ================== */ void CL_ParseGamestate( msg_t *msg ) { int i; entityState_t *es; int newnum; entityState_t nullstate; int cmd; char *s; Con_Close(); clc.connectPacketCount = 0; // wipe local client state CL_ClearState(); // a gamestate always marks a server command sequence clc.serverCommandSequence = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // parse all the configstrings and baselines cl.gameState.dataCount = 1; // leave a 0 at the beginning for uninitialized configstrings while ( 1 ) { cmd = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if ( cmd == svc_EOF ) { break; } if ( cmd == svc_configstring ) { int len; i = MSG_ReadShort( msg ); if ( i < 0 || i >= MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "configstring > MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS" ); } s = MSG_ReadBigString( msg ); len = strlen( s ); if ( len + 1 + cl.gameState.dataCount > MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "MAX_GAMESTATE_CHARS exceeded" ); } // append it to the gameState string buffer cl.gameState.stringOffsets[ i ] = cl.gameState.dataCount; Com_Memcpy( cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.dataCount, s, len + 1 ); cl.gameState.dataCount += len + 1; } else if ( cmd == svc_baseline ) { newnum = MSG_ReadBits( msg, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); if ( newnum < 0 || newnum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Baseline number out of range: %i", newnum ); } Com_Memset (&nullstate, 0, sizeof(nullstate)); es = &cl.entityBaselines[ newnum ]; MSG_ReadDeltaEntity( msg, &nullstate, es, newnum ); } else { Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "CL_ParseGamestate: bad command byte" ); } } clc.clientNum = MSG_ReadLong(msg); // read the checksum feed clc.checksumFeed = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // parse serverId and other cvars CL_SystemInfoChanged(); // reinitialize the filesystem if the game directory has changed FS_ConditionalRestart( clc.checksumFeed ); // This used to call CL_StartHunkUsers, but now we enter the download state before loading the // cgame CL_InitDownloads(); // make sure the game starts Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" ); } //===================================================================== /* ===================== CL_ParseDownload A download message has been received from the server ===================== */ void CL_ParseDownload ( msg_t *msg ) { int size; unsigned char data[MAX_MSGLEN]; int block; if (!*clc.downloadTempName) { Com_Printf("Server sending download, but no download was requested\n"); CL_AddReliableCommand( "stopdl" ); return; } // read the data block = MSG_ReadShort ( msg ); if ( !block ) { // block zero is special, contains file size clc.downloadSize = MSG_ReadLong ( msg ); Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadSize", clc.downloadSize ); if (clc.downloadSize < 0) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, MSG_ReadString( msg ) ); return; } } size = MSG_ReadShort ( msg ); if (size < 0 || size > sizeof(data)) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_ParseDownload: Invalid size %d for download chunk.", size); return; } MSG_ReadData(msg, data, size); if (clc.downloadBlock != block) { Com_DPrintf( "CL_ParseDownload: Expected block %d, got %d\n", clc.downloadBlock, block); return; } // open the file if not opened yet if (!clc.download) { clc.download = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite( clc.downloadTempName ); if (!clc.download) { Com_Printf( "Could not create %s\n", clc.downloadTempName ); CL_AddReliableCommand( "stopdl" ); CL_NextDownload(); return; } } if (size) FS_Write( data, size, clc.download ); CL_AddReliableCommand( va("nextdl %d", clc.downloadBlock) ); clc.downloadBlock++; clc.downloadCount += size; // So UI gets access to it Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadCount", clc.downloadCount ); if (!size) { // A zero length block means EOF if (clc.download) { FS_FCloseFile( clc.download ); clc.download = 0; // rename the file FS_SV_Rename ( clc.downloadTempName, clc.downloadName ); } *clc.downloadTempName = *clc.downloadName = 0; Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", "" ); // send intentions now // We need this because without it, we would hold the last nextdl and then start // loading right away. If we take a while to load, the server is happily trying // to send us that last block over and over. // Write it twice to help make sure we acknowledge the download CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); // get another file if needed CL_NextDownload (); } } /* ===================== CL_ParseCommandString Command strings are just saved off until cgame asks for them when it transitions a snapshot ===================== */ void CL_ParseCommandString( msg_t *msg ) { char *s; int seq; int index; seq = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); s = MSG_ReadString( msg ); // see if we have already executed stored it off if ( clc.serverCommandSequence >= seq ) { return; } clc.serverCommandSequence = seq; index = seq & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1); Q_strncpyz( clc.serverCommands[ index ], s, sizeof( clc.serverCommands[ index ] ) ); } /* ===================== CL_ParseServerMessage ===================== */ void CL_ParseServerMessage( msg_t *msg ) { int cmd; if ( cl_shownet->integer == 1 ) { Com_Printf ("%i ",msg->cursize); } else if ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2 ) { Com_Printf ("------------------\n"); } MSG_Bitstream(msg); // get the reliable sequence acknowledge number clc.reliableAcknowledge = MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // if ( clc.reliableAcknowledge < clc.reliableSequence - MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS ) { clc.reliableAcknowledge = clc.reliableSequence; } // // parse the message // while ( 1 ) { if ( msg->readcount > msg->cursize ) { Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParseServerMessage: read past end of server message"); break; } cmd = MSG_ReadByte( msg ); if ( cmd == svc_EOF) { SHOWNET( msg, "END OF MESSAGE" ); break; } if ( cl_shownet->integer >= 2 ) { if ( !svc_strings[cmd] ) { Com_Printf( "%3i:BAD CMD %i\n", msg->readcount-1, cmd ); } else { SHOWNET( msg, svc_strings[cmd] ); } } // other commands switch ( cmd ) { default: Com_Error (ERR_DROP,"CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message\n"); break; case svc_nop: break; case svc_serverCommand: CL_ParseCommandString( msg ); break; case svc_gamestate: CL_ParseGamestate( msg ); break; case svc_snapshot: CL_ParseSnapshot( msg ); break; case svc_download: CL_ParseDownload( msg ); break; } } }