diff options
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/web/include/get.php b/web/include/get.php
index 68ae0ca..9be6294 100644
--- a/web/include/get.php
+++ b/web/include/get.php
@@ -74,20 +74,28 @@ client.</em></p>
<li><h3>Mac OS X</h3>
- <p>In a terminal, type make in the quake 3 directory
- you've downloaded with subversion, then install the latest id patch for
- OS X (at the bottom of this page), then copy the resulting darwinquake3
- binary in <span class="shell">code/unix/releaseppc/</span> to
- <span class="shell">/Applications/Quake3/Quake3.app/Contents/MacOS/Quake3</span>.
- You also need an /libSDL-1.2.0.dylib in that .app's MacOS directory. You'll need
- to copy your <span class="shell">pak0.pk3</span> from your Quake 3 cd-rom's
- <span class="shell">baseq3</span> directory to your
- <span class="shell">/Applications/Quake3/baseq3/</span> directory. Ditto for the
- Team Arena mission pack, though you'd be changing <span class="shell">baseq3</span>
- in the above example to <span class="shell">missionpack</span>.
- </p>
- <p>After you've done all of that mess, you can double click on the .app file, or cd to
- <span class="shell">/Applications/Quake3/</span>in a terminal and type <span class="shell">Quake3.app/Contents/MacOS/Quake3</span>, and hit return.
+ <ol>
+ <li>Change into the top level directory (it contains
+ the <span class="shell">ui</span> and
+ <span class="shell">code</span> directories.)</li>
+ <li>Run <span class="shell">make</span>.</li>
+ <li>Install the latest id patch for OS X</li>
+ <li>Copy <span class="shell">darwinquake3</span>
+ in <span class="shell">code/unix/releaseppc/</span>
+ to <span class="shell">/Applications/Quake3/Quake3.app/Contents/MacOS/Quake3</span>.</li>
+ <li>You need a libSDL-1.2.0.dylib in that .app's
+ MacOS directory.</li>
+ <li>You need to copy your <span class="shell">pak0.pk3</span>
+ from your Quake 3 CD-ROM's <span class="shell">/baseq3</span>
+ directory to your <span class="shell">/Applications/Quake3/baseq3</span>
+ directory.</li>
+ <li>Ditto for the Team Arena mission pack, though
+ you would be changing <span class="shell">baseq3</span>
+ in the above example to <span class="shell">missionpack</span>.
+ </ol>
+ <p>After you've done all of that mess, you can double click
+ on the .app file, or change to <span class="shell">/Applications/Quake3/</span>
+ in a terminal and run the binary.