path: root/lectures
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9 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lectures/lec01_intro b/lectures/lec01_intro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7785b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec01_intro
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+top down approach:
+ start with data, do stats, make predictions
+ see also Ma'ayan coursera course, "Network Analysis in Systems Bio"
+bottom up approach:
+ start with a model, run simulations to make predictions
+ scope: ODE, dynamics
+ beyond: parameter estimations, PDE, stochastics
+7 weeks, 25 lectures, 20 minutes each, 3-4 a week
+questions at the end of lectures, "just for self"
+5x homework assignments, required
+will discuss neuron firing a bit
+impression: will be very motivated
diff --git a/lectures/lec02_matlab1 b/lectures/lec02_matlab1
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index 0000000..53a8ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec02_matlab1
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+'format compact' => less syntax
+self assess:
+ C) 13x4
+ E) vertcat; different columns
+### julia notes:
+built-in types seem to default to just an array instead of, eg, 3x1 or 1x3.
+can transform with "'"; A'' != A?
+to vert/horiz cat, need to explicitly
+julia> size([1,2,3])
+julia> size([1,2,3]')
+julia> size([1,2,3]'')
diff --git a/lectures/lec03_matlab2 b/lectures/lec03_matlab2
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d5b19a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec03_matlab2
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+### julia notes
+for plotting, 'winston' is simple and matlab-like
+ 'gadfly' is nice/correct, using design paradigms
+ 'pyplot' is matplotlib
+for this class, at least to start, i'm going to try winston.
+using Winston
+plot( cumsum(randn(1000)) )
+in winston, fplot() is nice for plotting functions over ranges
diff --git a/lectures/lec04_matlab3 b/lectures/lec04_matlab3
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index 0000000..5388d38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec04_matlab3
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+exp(x) -> e^x
+### julia notes
+use maximum() instead of max().
+doesn't return multiple values like matlab. use 'findmax' instead.
+anonymous function syntax:
+ find(x-> x > 2, [1,2,3,4,5])
+unpack using parens (tuples?), not brackets
+writedlm, readdlm instead of dlmwrite, dlmread
+read/write instead of save/load?
+some built-ins like {sum, prod, max} are deep, not shallow like in matlab.
diff --git a/lectures/lec05_matlab4 b/lectures/lec05_matlab4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c5af12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec05_matlab4
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+matlab has globals!
diff --git a/lectures/lec06_intro1 b/lectures/lec06_intro1
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index 0000000..97b2f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec06_intro1
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Ligands are little molecules (which could be proteins or chemicals or whatever)
+which bind to a larger biomolecule (eg, a protein or DNA) called the receptor.
+"Receptor/ligand" binding affinity refers to how strongly different ligands
+want to attach to different receptors. Both binding (association) and
+un-binding (dissociation) is happening all the time, so you get a (dynamic, or
+possibly steady state) distribution of binding probability.
+ODEs (ordinary differential equations) are those involving only a single
+independent variable; eg, solving for x in terms of t, only having derivatives
+dx/dt, (d^2 x / d x^2), etc. the order of the ODE is the highest order of
+PDEs (partial differential equations) are those involving multiple independent
+variables, and thus partial derivatives. Eg, x in terms of t and r, having
+derivatives del x / del t, del x / del r, and del^2 x / (del t * del r).
+Law of mass action: rate of a reaction involving two quantities is proportional
+to the product of the densities of both.
+Michaelis-Menten: approximation to solution of enzyme-catalyzed reaction
+ d [S] / dt = (max reaction rate) * [S] / (Km + [S])
+ [S] is concentration of substrate S
+ Km is Michaelis constant, which is a specific substrate concentration
+ (max reaction rate) =~ k_2 [E]_total
+ Km =~ (k_-1 + k_2) / (k_1)
+ all assuming that enzyme E catalizes S into P with rates k_n:
+ -> k_1
+ [E] + [S] [ES] -> k_2 [E] + [P]
+ <- k_-1
diff --git a/lectures/lec07_intro2_eulers b/lectures/lec07_intro2_eulers
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index 0000000..17630d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec07_intro2_eulers
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+euler's method:
+dx/dt =~ ( x(t + Dt) - x(t) ) / Dt, for very small Dt
+so, x(t + Dt) = x(t) + f(x) * Dt, which is how to integrate the system
+"if Dt is too large, becomes highly unstable" (duh)
+scary MATLAB advice:
+- watch out of totally crazy values (very high)
+- non-negative values go negative
+MATLAB built-in ODE solvers: ode23, ode15s
+runge-kutta (use dxdt from between t_n and t_(n+1) )
+variable time-step methods
+summary: Euler's method sucks, news at 11.
+### misc julia notes
+the only place to find history (?!?!!) is in ~/.julia_history
+### codes
+using Winston
+dt = 0.05
+tlast = 2
+iterations = int( round(tlast/dt) )
+xall = zeros(iterations, 1)
+x = c
+for i = 1:iterations
+ xall[i] = x
+ dxdt = a - b*x
+ x = x + dxdt*dt
+time = dt * [0:iterations-1]'
diff --git a/lectures/lec08_intro3 b/lectures/lec08_intro3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81bcae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec08_intro3
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+One method for determining stability of a system:
+ plot derivative of value (eg, energy?) as a function of the value itself.
+Another: 2D phase plane analysis
+ "stable limit cycle"
+ "stable fixed point"
+Short lecture, just old concepts.
diff --git a/lectures/lec09_intro4_stability b/lectures/lec09_intro4_stability
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index 0000000..3462764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lectures/lec09_intro4_stability
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+nullclines: set of points in phase space where one derivative is zero.
+ can often be derived analytically.
+ the intersections of nullclines are even more interesting; an intersection
+ in a 2-D phase space is a fixed point (equilibria)
+vectors in a vector field area point in the same direction (quadrant) until a
+nullcline is crossed. the area is a "discrete region".
+"stable-limit cycle" is when there is a stable closed curve in phase space (as
+oopposed to, eg, a fixed point)
+how to find if stable vs unstable?
+take the jacobian, and find the eigenvalues of the jacobian at the limit point.
+if real parts are all positive, then unstable. if all negative, then stable. if
+complex eigenvalues have positive real parts, then there is a stable limit
+the 'bier_stability.m' script calculates eigenvalues numerically.
+PROJECT: re-write this script in julia