Journal: Feb 28, 2009

Bryan Newbold,

I skimmed through a bunch of papers that I had looked up a couple months ago, mostly to see if any of them would be worth actually reading. Here are my notes, there may be better links and more papers on the references page.

"GR and the application of algebraic manipulative systems"

barton and fitch; 6pages, 1971

mentions tetrad formulation, some algorithms, develops motivation

"using camal for algebraic computations in general relativity"

fitch and cohen, 8pages, 1979

blah, doesn't look interesting, does have a table comparing various sytems

"the use of algebraic computing in general relativity"

cohen, leringe, and sundblad, 18pages, 1975

better than the above but mostly a review paper of contemporary systems

"Algebraic computing in general relativity"

d'Inverno, 27 pages, 1974

mostly "advice" on how implementations could/should be; lots of examples of things to implement, could be good as unit tests

"Computer programs for calculating general-relativistic curvature tensors"

fletcher, clemens, matzner, thorne, zimmerman; 2pages, 1967

just a historical note? pretty trivial?

"Scientific computation and functional programming"

karczmarczuk, 10pages, 1999

all quantum but the writing style is what i expect my cs/implementation section will look like. haskell. maybe a good bibliography to go though?

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