Journal: Jan 22, 2009

Bryan Newbold,

Some notes on sage: To import an ascii text file with coordinates, do:

d ='output.txt')
But this is super slow, should probably just use gnuplot for now...
gnuplot('set terminal png; set xrange[-4:4]; set yrange[-100:100]; set output "/home/bnewbold/fromsage.png"; plot "/home/bnewbold/output";')
Could fidget with style settings too.

Fiddled some more got an @interact going: see a screenshot here. Still have most of yesturday's stuff to do if i'm going to pursue that... I got scmutils working (at least partially) on a virtual machine: It's a amd64 host so I had to fiddle with loading extra 32bit libraries, more about that in these directions I emailed to the mit-scheme-devel list.

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