Reminder of release process (new tagged versions): final prep: - consider running `cargo update` and checking that everything works - `make lint` and fix anything - `make fmt` and commit any fixes - update CHANGELOG and increment version in `adenosine-*/Cargo.toml`. `make build` to update `Cargo.lock`, then commit - `make test`, `make deb` and ensure build works and is clean - ensure working directory is clean (no edits, even if unrelated to code changes) push/tag/etc: - when project is ready to share on, do: push to `cargo publish -p adenosine-cli`, `cargo publish -p adenosine-pds`, `cargo publish -p adenosine` => add `--allow-dirty` if you have local "untracked" git files (and are confident!) => usually want to do this before git tag in case validation details come up - create a git tag: `git tag vX.Y.Z -a -s -u -m "release X.Y.Z"` - push git and tag: `git push`, `git push --tags` - `cp ./target/release/adenosine adenosine_X.Y.Z_amd64_linux` - `cp ./target/release/adenosine-pds adenosine-pds_X.Y.Z_amd64_linux` - upload linux binary and deb package, eg: `ia upload adenosine-bin ./target/debian/*.deb adenosine*_amd64_linux` homebrew / OS X (TODO): - pull project - build, then build package (?) - upload package (?) - update homebrew-adenosine repository