PDS proof of concept: x ipld sqlite driver importing CAR file => simple binary, two args - MST code to read and mutate tree state => just read the whole tree and then write the whole tree => with tests - skeleton env config: DB paths, port commands: serve, import, resolve, generate-secret warp: homepage, serving XRPC endpoint (or individually?) database wrappers integration tests - implement basic non-authenticated CRUD on repository, test with CLI createAccount repoGetRecord repoListRecords repoBatchWrite repoCreateRecord repoPutRecord repoDeleteRecord syncGetRepo syncGetRoot syncUpdateRepo ? python test script - sqlite schema (for application) - write wrapper which updates MST *and* updates other tables in a transaction - JSON schema type generation (separate crate?) - HTTP API handler implementing many endpoints com.atproto createSession getAccountsConfig getSession repoDescribe resolveName app.bsky getHomeFeed getAuthorFeed getLikedBy getNotificationCount getNotifications getPostThread getProfile getRepostedBy getUserFollowers getUserFollows getUsersSearch postNotificationsSeen updateProfile - did:web handler? other utils/helpers: - pack/unpack a repo CAR into JSON files in a directory tree (plus a commit.json with sig?) libraries: - `jsonschema` to validate requests and records (rich validation) - `schemafy` to codegen serde types for records (ahead of time?) - `rusqlite` with "bundled" sqlite for datastore - `ipfs-sqlite-block-store` and `libipld` to parse and persist repo content - `warp` as async HTTP service - `deadpool-sqlite` or `tokio-rusqlite` to use rusqlite from async code? - `r2d2` to wrap rusqlite (?) - pretty_env_logger - ??? for CBOR (de)serialization of MST, separate from the IPLD stuff? - no good crate for working with CAR files... could rip out this code? https://github.com/n0-computer/iroh/tree/main/iroh-car ## concurrency (in warp app) note that there isn't really any point in having this be async, given that we just have a single shared sqlite on disk. could try `rouille` instead of `warp`? maybe good for remote stuff like did:web resolution? could try using sqlx instead of rusqlite for natively-async database stuff? for block store: - open a single connection at startup, store in mutex - handlers get a reference to mutex. if they need a connection, they enter a blocking thread then: block on the mutex, then create a new connection, unlock the mutex do any operations on connection synchronously exit the block ## system tables account did (PK) username (UNIQUE, indexed) email (UNIQUE) password_bcrypt signing_key did_doc did (PK) seen_at (timestamp) session did jwt ??? repo did head_commit record (should this exist? good for queries) did collection tid record_cid record_cbor (CBOR bytes? JSON?) password_reset did token ## atp tables what actually needs to be indexed? - post replies (forwards and backwards - likes (back index) - follows (back index) - usernames (as part of profile?) - mentions? hashtags? additional state - notifications bsky_post did tid (or timestamp from tid?) text reply_root (nullable) reply_parent (nullable) entities: JSON (?) bsky_profile did tid display_name description my_state (JSON) bsky_follow did tid target_did bsky_like did tid target_uri target_cid (what is this? the commit, or record CID?) bsky_repost did tid target_uri target_cid bsky_notification did created_at (timestamp) seen (boolean) reason target_uri TODO: - bsky_badge (etc) - bsky_media_embed