use adenosine::app_bsky; use adenosine::auth::parse_did_from_jwt; use adenosine::created_at_now; use adenosine::identifiers::*; use adenosine::xrpc::{XrpcClient, XrpcMethod}; use adenosine_cli::*; use anyhow::anyhow; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::str::FromStr; use colored_json::to_colored_json_auto; use log::{self, debug}; use std::io::Write; use structopt::StructOpt; use termcolor::{Color, ColorChoice, ColorSpec, StandardStream, WriteColor}; #[derive(StructOpt)] #[structopt( rename_all = "kebab-case", about = "command-line client for AT protocol (" )] struct Opt { /// HTTP(S) URL of Personal Data Server to connect to #[structopt( global = true, long = "--pds-host", env = "ATP_PDS_HOST", default_value = "http://localhost:2583" )] pds_host: String, /// Authentication session token (JWT), for operations that need it #[structopt( global = true, long = "--auth-token", env = "ATP_AUTH_TOKEN", hide_env_values = true )] auth_token: Option, /// Authentication handle (username), for commands that need it #[structopt( global = true, long = "--auth-handle", env = "ATP_AUTH_HANDLE", hide_env_values = true )] auth_handle: Option, /// Authentication password, for commands that need it #[structopt( global = true, long = "--auth-password", env = "ATP_AUTH_PASSWORD", hide_env_values = true )] auth_password: Option, /// Admin password in auth, if needed #[structopt( global = true, long = "--admin-password", env = "ATP_AUTH_ADMIN_PASSWORD", hide_env_values = true )] admin_password: Option, /// Log more messages. Pass multiple times for ever more verbosity /// /// By default, it'll only report errors. Passing `-v` one time also prints /// warnings, `-vv` enables info logging, `-vvv` debug, and `-vvvv` trace. #[structopt(global = true, long, short = "v", parse(from_occurrences))] verbose: i8, #[structopt(long = "--shell-completions", hidden = true)] shell_completions: Option, #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: Command, } #[derive(StructOpt)] enum AccountCommand { /// Register a new account /// /// Does not (yet) support invite codes or email verification. /// /// This will return a JWT token that you should assign to the `ATP_AUTH_TOKEN` environment /// variable. Register { #[structopt(long, short)] email: String, #[structopt(long = "--username", short = "-u")] handle: String, #[structopt(long, short)] password: String, #[structopt(long, short)] recovery_key: Option, #[structopt(long, short)] invite_code: Option, }, /// Delete the currently logged-in account (danger!) Delete, /// Create a new authenticated session /// /// This will return a JWT token that you should assign to the `ATP_AUTH_TOKEN` environment /// variable Login { #[structopt(long = "--username", short = "-u")] handle: String, #[structopt(long, short)] password: String, }, /// Refreshes JWT token Refresh, /// Deletes the current login session Logout, /// Fetches account metadata for the current session // TODO: CreateRevocationKey or CreateDid CreateInvite { #[structopt(short = "-u", default_value = "1")] uses: u64, }, } #[derive(StructOpt)] enum RepoCommand { /// Get the current 'root' commit for a DID Head { /// Repository DID, or uses the current session account did: Option, }, /// Dump raw binary repository as CAR format to stdout Export { /// Repository DID, or uses the current session account did: Option, /// CID of a prior commit; only newer updates are included #[structopt(long)] from: Option, }, /// Read raw binary repository as CAR format from stdin, and import to PDS Import { // TODO: could accept either path or stdin? /// Repository DID, or uses the current session account #[structopt(long)] did: Option, }, } #[derive(StructOpt)] enum BskyCommand { /// Fetch the account feed for a specific user (or self, by default) Feed { name: Option }, /// Fetch timeline for currently logged-in account Timeline, /// View post thread (parent and child replies) Thread { uri: AtUri, /// How far to recurse along the parent and child reply chains #[structopt(long)] depth: Option, }, /// Fetch notification feed Notifications, /// Create a new 'post' record Post { text: String }, /// Create a 'repost' record for the target by AT URI Repost { uri: AtUri }, /// Create a 'like' record for the target by AT URI Like { uri: AtUri }, /// Create a 'follow' record for the target by AT URI Follow { uri: DidOrHost }, // TODO: Unlike { uri: String, }, // TODO: Unfollow { uri: String, }, /* TODO: Follows { name: String, }, Followers { name: String, }, */ /// Display a profile record (or self if not provided) Profile { name: Option }, /// Query by partial handle SearchUsers { query: String }, } #[derive(StructOpt)] enum Command { /// Summarize connection and authentication with API Status, /// List all collections for a user, or all records for a collection Ls { uri: AtUri }, /// Fetch and display a generic record by full AT URI Get { uri: AtUri, /// Specific version of record to fetch #[structopt(long)] cid: Option, }, /// Generic record creation Create { collection: Nsid, /// Set of object fields (keys) and values to construct the object from fields: Vec, }, /// Generic mutation of an existing record Update { uri: AtUri, /// Set of object fields (keys) and values to update in the record fields: Vec, }, /// Generic record deletion Delete { uri: AtUri }, /// Print user/repository-level description (including DID document) Describe { name: Option }, /// Have PDS resolve the DID for a handle Resolve { name: DidOrHost }, /// Generic HTTP XRPC helper, printing any result Xrpc { /// 'get' or 'post' method: XrpcMethod, /// Name of method to call nsid: Nsid, /// Set of query parameters and body fields for the request fields: Vec, /// Whether to authenticate #[structopt(long)] auth: bool }, /// Manage user account and sessions Account { #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: AccountCommand, }, /// Direct access to binary repository content Repo { #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: RepoCommand, }, /// Helper commands for Lexicon Bsky { #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: BskyCommand, }, } fn main() -> Result<()> { dotenvy::dotenv().ok(); let opt = Opt::from_args(); let log_level = match opt.verbose { std::i8::MIN..=-1 => "none", 0 => "error", 1 => "warn", 2 => "info", 3 => "debug", 4..=std::i8::MAX => "trace", }; // hyper logging is very verbose, so crank that down even if everything else is more verbose let log_filter = format!("{log_level},hyper=error"); env_logger::Builder::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or(log_filter)) .format_timestamp(None) .init(); debug!("Args parsed, starting up"); #[cfg(windows)] colored_json::enable_ansi_support(); if let Some(shell) = opt.shell_completions { Opt::clap().gen_completions_to("adenosine", shell, &mut std::io::stdout()); std::process::exit(0); } if let Err(err) = run(opt) { // Be graceful about some errors if let Some(io_err) = err.root_cause().downcast_ref::() { if let std::io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe = io_err.kind() { // presumably due to something like writing to stdout and piped to `head -n10` and // stdout was closed debug!("got BrokenPipe error, assuming stdout closed as expected and exiting with success"); std::process::exit(0); } } let mut color_stderr = StandardStream::stderr(if atty::is(atty::Stream::Stderr) { ColorChoice::Auto } else { ColorChoice::Never }); color_stderr.set_color(ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(Color::Red)).set_bold(true))?; eprintln!("Error: {err:?}"); color_stderr.set_color(&ColorSpec::new())?; std::process::exit(1); } Ok(()) } fn print_result_json(result: Option) -> Result<()> { if let Some(val) = result { writeln!(&mut std::io::stdout(), "{}", to_colored_json_auto(&val)?)? }; Ok(()) } /// Helper for endpoints that require authentication. /// /// If an author token already exists, use it to refresh the session. If no auth token is provided, /// tries using handle/password to login, resulting in a session auth token. /// /// Returns DID passed from session token if auth was successful, otherwise an Error. fn require_auth_did(opt: &Opt, xrpc_client: &mut XrpcClient) -> Result { if opt.auth_token.is_some() { // TODO: currently would session (old refresh gets deleted) //xrpc_client.auth_refresh()?; } else if let (Some(handle), Some(passwd)) = (&opt.auth_handle, &opt.auth_password) { xrpc_client.auth_login(handle, passwd)?; } else { return Err(anyhow!( "command requires auth, but have neither token or handle/password" )); } xrpc_client.auth_did() } fn run(opt: Opt) -> Result<()> { let mut xrpc_client = XrpcClient::new( opt.pds_host.clone(), opt.auth_token.clone(), opt.admin_password.clone(), )?; let mut params: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let jwt_did: Option = if let Some(ref token) = opt.auth_token { Some(parse_did_from_jwt(token)?) } else { None }; let result = match opt.cmd { Command::Status => { println!("Configuration"); println!(" ATP_PDS_HOST: {}", opt.pds_host); if opt.auth_token.is_some() { println!(" ATP_AUTH_TOKEN: "); } else { println!(" ATP_AUTH_TOKEN:"); } // TODO: parse JWT? // TODO: connection, auth check // TODO: account username, did, etc None } Command::Describe { ref name } => { let name = name .as_ref() .map(|v| v.to_string()) .unwrap_or(require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?.to_string()); params.insert("repo".to_string(), name); xrpc_client.get( &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.describeRepo")?, Some(params), )? } Command::Resolve { name } => { params.insert("handle".to_string(), name.to_string()); xrpc_client.get( &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.identity.resolveHandle")?, Some(params), )? } Command::Get { uri, cid } => { params.insert("repo".to_string(), uri.repository.to_string()); params.insert( "collection".to_string(), uri.collection.ok_or(anyhow!("collection required"))?, ); params.insert( "rkey".to_string(), uri.record.ok_or(anyhow!("record key required"))?, ); if let Some(c) = cid { params.insert("cid".to_string(), c); } xrpc_client.get(&Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.getRecord")?, Some(params))? } Command::Ls { uri } => { // TODO: option to print fully-qualified path? params.insert("repo".to_string(), uri.repository.to_string()); if uri.collection.is_none() { // if a repository, but no collection, list the collections let describe = xrpc_client .get( &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.describeRepo")?, Some(params), )? .ok_or(anyhow!("expected a repo.describeRepo response"))?; for c in describe["collections"] .as_array() .ok_or(anyhow!("expected collection list"))? { println!( "at://{}/{}", uri.repository, c.as_str() .ok_or(anyhow!("expected collection as a JSON string"))? ); } } else if uri.collection.is_some() && uri.record.is_none() { // if a collection, but no record, list the records (with extracted timestamps) params.insert("collection".to_string(), uri.collection.unwrap()); let records = xrpc_client .get( &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.listRecords")?, Some(params), )? .ok_or(anyhow!("expected a repoListRecords response"))?; for r in records["records"].as_array().unwrap_or(&vec![]).iter() { println!("{}", r["uri"].as_str().unwrap()); } } else { return Err(anyhow!("got too much of a URI to 'ls'")); } None } Command::Create { ref collection, ref fields, } => { let did = require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; let val = value_from_fields(fields.clone()); &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.createRecord")?, None, Some(json!({ "repo": did, "collection": collection, // TODO: "validate" (boolean) "record": val })), )? } Command::Update { ref uri, ref fields, } => { require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; let did = uri.repository.to_string(); let collection = uri .collection .clone() .ok_or(anyhow!("collection required"))?; let rkey = uri.record.clone().ok_or(anyhow!("record key required"))?; params.insert("repo".to_string(), did.clone()); params.insert("collection".to_string(), collection.clone()); params.insert("rkey".to_string(), rkey.clone()); // fetch existing, extend map with fields, put the updated value let mut record = xrpc_client .get(&Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.getRecord")?, Some(params))? .unwrap_or(json!({})); update_value_from_fields(fields.clone(), &mut record); &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.putRecord")?, None, Some(json!({ "repo": did, "collection": collection, "rkey": rkey, "record": record, })), )? } Command::Delete { ref uri } => { require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; let did = uri.repository.to_string(); let collection = uri .collection .clone() .ok_or(anyhow!("collection required"))?; let rkey = uri.record.clone().ok_or(anyhow!("record key required"))?; &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.deleteRecord")?, None, Some(json!({ "repo": did, "collection": collection, "rkey": rkey, })), )? } Command::Xrpc { ref method, ref nsid, ref fields, auth, } => { if auth == true { require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; } update_params_from_fields(fields, &mut params); let body = value_from_fields(fields.clone()); match method { XrpcMethod::Get => xrpc_client.get(nsid, Some(params))?, XrpcMethod::Post => {, Some(params), Some(body))? } } } Command::Account { cmd: AccountCommand::Register { email, handle, password, recovery_key, invite_code, }, } => { let mut body = json!({ "email": email, "handle": handle, "password": password, }); if let Some(key) = recovery_key { body["recoveryKey"] = json!(key); } if let Some(code) = invite_code { body["inviteCode"] = json!(code); } &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.server.createAccount")?, None, Some(body), )? } Command::Account { cmd: AccountCommand::Login { handle, password }, } => &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.server.createSession")?, None, Some(json!({ "identifier": handle, "password": password, })), )?, Command::Account { cmd: AccountCommand::Refresh, } => &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.server.refreshSession")?, None, None, )?, Command::Account { cmd: AccountCommand::Logout, } => &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.server.deleteSession")?, None, None, )?, Command::Account { cmd: AccountCommand::Delete, } => &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.server.deleteAccount")?, None, None, )?, Command::Account { cmd: AccountCommand::CreateInvite { uses }, } => &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.server.createInviteCode")?, None, Some(json!({ "useCount": uses })), )?, Command::Repo { cmd: RepoCommand::Head { did }, } => { let did = match did { Some(DidOrHost::Host(_)) => return Err(anyhow!("expected a DID, not a hostname")), Some(v) => v.to_string(), None => jwt_did.ok_or(anyhow!("expected a DID"))?, }; params.insert("did".to_string(), did); xrpc_client.get(&Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.sync.getHead")?, Some(params))? } Command::Repo { cmd: RepoCommand::Export { did, from }, } => { let did = match did { Some(DidOrHost::Host(_)) => return Err(anyhow!("expected a DID, not a hostname")), Some(v) => v.to_string(), None => jwt_did.ok_or(anyhow!("expected a DID"))?, }; params.insert("did".to_string(), did); if let Some(from) = from { params.insert("from".to_string(), from); }; xrpc_client.get_to_writer( &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.sync.getRepo")?, Some(params), &mut std::io::stdout(), )?; None } Command::Repo { cmd: RepoCommand::Import { did }, } => { let did = match did { Some(DidOrHost::Host(_)) => return Err(anyhow!("expected a DID, not a hostname")), Some(v) => v.to_string(), None => jwt_did.ok_or(anyhow!("expected a DID"))?, }; params.insert("did".to_string(), did); xrpc_client.post_cbor_from_reader( &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.sync.updateRepo")?, Some(params), &mut std::io::stdin(), )? } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Feed { ref name }, } => { let name = name .as_ref() .map(|v| v.to_string()) .unwrap_or(require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?.to_string()); params.insert("actor".to_string(), name); let resp = xrpc_client.get( &Nsid::from_str("app.bsky.feed.getAuthorFeed")?, Some(params), )?; let resp = resp.ok_or(anyhow!("expected resp from getAuthorFeed"))?; if atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) { for val in resp["feed"] .as_array() .ok_or(anyhow!("expected feed from getAuthorFeed"))? .iter() { let val: serde_json::Value = val.clone(); let fi: app_bsky::FeedViewPost = serde_json::from_value(val)?; pretty::pp_feed_post_view(&fi)?; } None } else { Some(resp) } } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Timeline, } => { require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; let resp = xrpc_client.get(&Nsid::from_str("app.bsky.feed.getTimeline")?, None)?; let resp = resp.ok_or(anyhow!("expected resp from getTimeline"))?; if atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) { for val in resp["feed"] .as_array() .ok_or(anyhow!("expected feed from getTimeline"))? .iter() { let val: serde_json::Value = val.clone(); //print_result_json(Some(val.clone()))?; let fi: app_bsky::FeedViewPost = serde_json::from_value(val)?; pretty::pp_feed_post_view(&fi)?; } None } else { Some(resp) } } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Thread { ref uri, depth }, } => { require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; params.insert("uri".to_string(), uri.to_string()); if let Some(d) = depth { params.insert("depth".to_string(), d.to_string()); } let resp = xrpc_client.get( &Nsid::from_str("app.bsky.feed.getPostThread")?, Some(params), )?; let resp = resp.ok_or(anyhow!("expected resp from getPostThread"))?; if atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) { resp["thread"] .as_object() .ok_or(anyhow!("expected thread from getPostThread"))?; let tpv: app_bsky::ThreadViewPost = serde_json::from_value(resp["thread"].clone())?; pretty::pp_thread_post_view(&tpv)?; None } else { Some(resp) } } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Notifications, } => { require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; xrpc_client.get( &Nsid::from_str("app.bsky.notification.listNotifications")?, None, )? } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Post { ref text }, } => { let did = require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.createRecord")?, None, Some(json!({ "repo": did, "collection": "", "record": { "text": text, "createdAt": created_at_now(), }, })), )? } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Repost { ref uri }, } => { let did = require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; params.insert("repo".to_string(), uri.repository.to_string()); params.insert( "collection".to_string(), uri.collection .clone() .ok_or(anyhow!("collection required"))?, ); params.insert( "rkey".to_string(), uri.record.clone().ok_or(anyhow!("record key required"))?, ); let existing = xrpc_client.get(&Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.getRecord")?, Some(params))?; let existing = existing.ok_or(anyhow!("expected record in reponse"))?; let cid = existing["cid"] .as_str() .ok_or(anyhow!("expected 'cid' in record response"))?; &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.createRecord")?, None, Some(json!({ "repo": did, "collection": "app.bsky.feed.repost", "record": { "subject": { "uri": uri.to_string(), "cid": cid, }, "createdAt": created_at_now(), } })), )? } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Like { ref uri }, } => { let did = require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; params.insert("repo".to_string(), uri.repository.to_string()); params.insert( "collection".to_string(), uri.collection .clone() .ok_or(anyhow!("collection required"))?, ); params.insert( "rkey".to_string(), uri.record.clone().ok_or(anyhow!("record key required"))?, ); let existing = xrpc_client.get(&Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.getRecord")?, Some(params))?; let existing = existing.ok_or(anyhow!("expected record in reponse"))?; let cid = existing["cid"] .as_str() .ok_or(anyhow!("expected 'cid' in record response"))?; &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.createRecord")?, None, Some(json!({ "repo": did, "collection": "", "record": { "subject": { "uri": uri.to_string(), "cid": cid }, "createdAt": created_at_now(), }, })), )? } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Follow { ref uri }, } => { let did = require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; &Nsid::from_str("com.atproto.repo.createRecord")?, None, Some(json!({ "repo": did, "collection": "app.bsky.graph.follow", "record": { "subject": { "did": uri.to_string() }, "createdAt": created_at_now(), } })), )? } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::Profile { ref name }, } => { let name = name .as_ref() .map(|v| v.to_string()) .unwrap_or(require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?.to_string()); params.insert("actor".to_string(), name); xrpc_client.get(&Nsid::from_str("")?, Some(params))? } Command::Bsky { cmd: BskyCommand::SearchUsers { ref query }, } => { require_auth_did(&opt, &mut xrpc_client)?; params.insert("term".to_string(), query.to_string()); xrpc_client.get( &Nsid::from_str("")?, Some(params), )? } }; print_result_json(result)?; Ok(()) }