path: root/adenosine-pds/src/repo.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'adenosine-pds/src/repo.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 466 deletions
diff --git a/adenosine-pds/src/repo.rs b/adenosine-pds/src/repo.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f77b459..0000000
--- a/adenosine-pds/src/repo.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-use crate::car::{
- load_car_bytes_to_blockstore, load_car_path_to_blockstore, read_car_bytes_from_blockstore,
-use crate::mst::{collect_mst_keys, generate_mst, CommitNode, MetadataNode, RootNode};
-use crate::KeyPair;
-use adenosine::identifiers::{Did, Nsid, Tid};
-use anyhow::{anyhow, ensure, Context, Result};
-use ipfs_sqlite_block_store::BlockStore;
-use libipld::cbor::DagCborCodec;
-use libipld::multihash::Code;
-use libipld::prelude::Codec;
-use libipld::store::DefaultParams;
-use libipld::{Block, Cid, Ipld};
-use serde_json::{json, Value};
-use std::borrow::Cow;
-use std::collections::BTreeMap;
-use std::collections::HashSet;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use std::str::FromStr;
-#[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize)]
-pub struct RepoCommit {
- pub sig: Box<[u8]>,
- pub commit_cid: Cid,
- pub root_cid: Cid,
- pub did: Did,
- pub prev: Option<Cid>,
- pub meta_cid: Cid,
- pub mst_cid: Cid,
-impl RepoCommit {
- /// Returns a JSON object version of this struct, with CIDs and signatures in expected format
- /// (aka, CID as a string, not an array of bytes).
- pub fn to_pretty_json(&self) -> Value {
- json!({
- "sig": data_encoding::HEXUPPER.encode(&self.sig),
- "commit_cid": self.commit_cid.to_string(),
- "root_cid": self.root_cid.to_string(),
- "did": self.did.to_string(),
- "prev": self.prev.map(|v| v.to_string()),
- "meta_cid": self.meta_cid.to_string(),
- "mst_cid": self.mst_cid.to_string(),
- })
- }
-pub struct RepoStore {
- // TODO: only public for test/debug; should wrap instead
- pub db: BlockStore<libipld::DefaultParams>,
-pub enum Mutation {
- Create(Nsid, Tid, Ipld),
- Update(Nsid, Tid, Ipld),
- Delete(Nsid, Tid),
-impl RepoStore {
- pub fn open(db_path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Self> {
- Ok(RepoStore {
- db: BlockStore::open(db_path, Default::default())?,
- })
- }
- pub fn open_ephemeral() -> Result<Self> {
- Ok(RepoStore {
- db: BlockStore::open_path(ipfs_sqlite_block_store::DbPath::Memory, Default::default())?,
- })
- }
- pub fn new_connection(&mut self) -> Result<Self> {
- Ok(RepoStore {
- db: self.db.additional_connection()?,
- })
- }
- pub fn get_ipld(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<Ipld> {
- if let Some(b) = self.db.get_block(cid)? {
- let block: Block<DefaultParams> = Block::new(*cid, b)?;
- block.ipld()
- } else {
- Err(anyhow!("missing IPLD CID: {}", cid))
- }
- }
- pub fn get_blob(&mut self, cid: &Cid) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
- Ok(self.db.get_block(cid)?)
- }
- /// Returns CID that was inserted
- pub fn put_ipld<S: libipld::codec::Encode<DagCborCodec>>(&mut self, record: &S) -> Result<Cid> {
- let block = Block::<DefaultParams>::encode(DagCborCodec, Code::Sha2_256, record)?;
- let cid = *block.cid();
- self.db
- .put_block(block, None)
- .context("writing IPLD DAG-CBOR record to blockstore")?;
- Ok(cid)
- }
- /// Returns CID that was inserted
- pub fn put_blob(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<Cid> {
- let block = Block::<DefaultParams>::encode(libipld::raw::RawCodec, Code::Sha2_256, data)?;
- let cid = *block.cid();
- self.db
- .put_block(block, None)
- .context("writing non-record blob to blockstore")?;
- Ok(cid)
- }
- /// Quick alias lookup
- pub fn lookup_commit(&mut self, did: &Did) -> Result<Option<Cid>> {
- Ok(self.db.resolve(Cow::from(did.as_bytes()))?)
- }
- pub fn get_commit(&mut self, commit_cid: &Cid) -> Result<RepoCommit> {
- // read records by CID: commit, root, meta
- let commit_node: CommitNode = DagCborCodec
- .decode(
- &self
- .db
- .get_block(commit_cid)?
- .ok_or(anyhow!("expected commit block in store"))?,
- )
- .context("parsing commit IPLD node from blockstore")?;
- let root_node: RootNode = DagCborCodec
- .decode(
- &self
- .db
- .get_block(&commit_node.root)?
- .ok_or(anyhow!("expected root block in store"))?,
- )
- .context("parsing root IPLD node from blockstore")?;
- let metadata_node: MetadataNode = DagCborCodec
- .decode(
- &self
- .db
- .get_block(&root_node.meta)?
- .ok_or(anyhow!("expected metadata block in store"))?,
- )
- .context("parsing metadata IPLD node from blockstore")?;
- ensure!(
- metadata_node.datastore == "mst",
- "unexpected repo metadata.datastore: {}",
- metadata_node.datastore
- );
- ensure!(
- metadata_node.version == 1,
- "unexpected repo metadata.version: {}",
- metadata_node.version
- );
- Ok(RepoCommit {
- sig: commit_node.sig,
- commit_cid: *commit_cid,
- root_cid: commit_node.root,
- meta_cid: root_node.meta,
- did: Did::from_str(&metadata_node.did)?,
- prev: root_node.prev,
- mst_cid: root_node.data,
- })
- }
- pub fn get_mst_record_by_key(&mut self, mst_cid: &Cid, key: &str) -> Result<Option<Ipld>> {
- let map = self.mst_to_map(mst_cid)?;
- if let Some(cid) = map.get(key) {
- self.get_ipld(cid).map(Some)
- } else {
- Ok(None)
- }
- }
- pub fn collections(&mut self, did: &Did) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
- let commit = if let Some(c) = self.lookup_commit(did)? {
- self.get_commit(&c)?
- } else {
- return Err(anyhow!("DID not found in repositories: {}", did));
- };
- let map = self.mst_to_map(&commit.mst_cid)?;
- let mut collections: HashSet<String> = Default::default();
- // XXX: confirm that keys actually start with leading slash
- for k in map.keys() {
- let coll = k.split('/').nth(1).unwrap();
- collections.insert(coll.to_string());
- }
- Ok(collections.into_iter().collect())
- }
- pub fn get_atp_record(
- &mut self,
- did: &Did,
- collection: &Nsid,
- tid: &Tid,
- ) -> Result<Option<Ipld>> {
- let commit = if let Some(c) = self.lookup_commit(did)? {
- self.get_commit(&c)?
- } else {
- return Ok(None);
- };
- let record_key = format!("/{}/{}", collection, tid);
- self.get_mst_record_by_key(&commit.mst_cid, &record_key)
- }
- pub fn write_metadata(&mut self, did: &Did) -> Result<Cid> {
- self.put_ipld(&MetadataNode {
- datastore: "mst".to_string(),
- did: did.to_string(),
- version: 1,
- })
- }
- pub fn write_root(&mut self, meta_cid: Cid, prev: Option<Cid>, mst_cid: Cid) -> Result<Cid> {
- self.put_ipld(&RootNode {
- auth_token: None,
- prev,
- meta: meta_cid,
- data: mst_cid,
- })
- }
- pub fn write_commit(&mut self, did: &Did, root_cid: Cid, sig: &str) -> Result<Cid> {
- let commit_cid = self.put_ipld(&CommitNode {
- root: root_cid,
- sig: sig.as_bytes().to_vec().into_boxed_slice(),
- })?;
- self.db.alias(did.as_bytes().to_vec(), Some(&commit_cid))?;
- Ok(commit_cid)
- }
- pub fn mst_from_map(&mut self, map: &BTreeMap<String, Cid>) -> Result<Cid> {
- let mst_cid = generate_mst(&mut self.db, map)?;
- Ok(mst_cid)
- }
- pub fn mst_to_map(&mut self, mst_cid: &Cid) -> Result<BTreeMap<String, Cid>> {
- let mut cid_map: BTreeMap<String, Cid> = Default::default();
- collect_mst_keys(&mut self.db, mst_cid, &mut cid_map)
- .context("reading repo MST from blockstore")?;
- Ok(cid_map)
- }
- pub fn update_mst(&mut self, mst_cid: &Cid, mutations: &[Mutation]) -> Result<Cid> {
- let mut cid_map = self.mst_to_map(mst_cid)?;
- for m in mutations.iter() {
- match m {
- Mutation::Create(collection, tid, val) => {
- let cid = self.put_ipld(val)?;
- cid_map.insert(format!("/{}/{}", collection, tid), cid);
- }
- Mutation::Update(collection, tid, val) => {
- let cid = self.put_ipld(val)?;
- cid_map.insert(format!("/{}/{}", collection, tid), cid);
- }
- Mutation::Delete(collection, tid) => {
- cid_map.remove(&format!("/{}/{}", collection, tid));
- }
- }
- }
- let mst_cid = generate_mst(&mut self.db, &cid_map)?;
- Ok(mst_cid)
- }
- /// High-level helper to write a batch of mutations to the repo corresponding to the DID, and
- /// signing the resulting new root CID with the given keypair.
- pub fn mutate_repo(
- &mut self,
- did: &Did,
- mutations: &[Mutation],
- signing_key: &KeyPair,
- ) -> Result<Cid> {
- let commit_cid = self.lookup_commit(did)?.unwrap();
- let last_commit = self.get_commit(&commit_cid)?;
- let new_mst_cid = self
- .update_mst(&last_commit.mst_cid, mutations)
- .context("updating MST in repo")?;
- let new_root_cid = self.write_root(
- last_commit.meta_cid,
- Some(last_commit.commit_cid),
- new_mst_cid,
- )?;
- // TODO: is this how signatures are supposed to work?
- let sig = signing_key.sign_bytes(new_root_cid.to_string().as_bytes());
- self.write_commit(did, new_root_cid, &sig)
- }
- /// Reads in a full MST tree starting at a repo commit, then re-builds and re-writes the tree
- /// in to the repo, and verifies that both the MST root CIDs and the repo root CIDs are identical.
- pub fn verify_repo_mst(&mut self, commit_cid: &Cid) -> Result<()> {
- // load existing commit and MST tree
- let existing_commit = self.get_commit(commit_cid)?;
- let repo_map = self.mst_to_map(&existing_commit.mst_cid)?;
- // write MST tree, and verify root CID
- let new_mst_cid = self.mst_from_map(&repo_map)?;
- if new_mst_cid != existing_commit.mst_cid {
- Err(anyhow!(
- "MST root CID did not verify: {} != {}",
- existing_commit.mst_cid,
- new_mst_cid
- ))?;
- }
- let new_root_cid =
- self.write_root(existing_commit.meta_cid, existing_commit.prev, new_mst_cid)?;
- if new_root_cid != existing_commit.root_cid {
- Err(anyhow!(
- "repo root CID did not verify: {} != {}",
- existing_commit.root_cid,
- new_root_cid
- ))?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Import blocks from a CAR file in memory, optionally setting an alias pointing to the input
- /// (eg, a DID identifier).
- ///
- /// Does not currently do any validation of, eg, signatures. It is naive and incomplete to use
- /// this to simply import CAR content from users, remote servers, etc.
- ///
- /// Returns the root commit from the CAR file, which may or may not actually be a "commit"
- /// block.
- pub fn import_car_bytes(&mut self, car_bytes: &[u8], alias: Option<String>) -> Result<Cid> {
- let cid = load_car_bytes_to_blockstore(&mut self.db, car_bytes)?;
- self.verify_repo_mst(&cid)?;
- if let Some(alias) = alias {
- self.db.alias(alias.as_bytes().to_vec(), Some(&cid))?;
- }
- Ok(cid)
- }
- /// Similar to import_car_bytes(), but reads from a local file on disk instead of from memory.
- pub fn import_car_path(&mut self, car_path: &PathBuf, alias: Option<String>) -> Result<Cid> {
- let cid = load_car_path_to_blockstore(&mut self.db, car_path)?;
- self.verify_repo_mst(&cid)?;
- if let Some(alias) = alias {
- self.db.alias(alias.as_bytes().to_vec(), Some(&cid))?;
- }
- Ok(cid)
- }
- /// Exports in CAR format to a Writer
- ///
- /// The "from" commit CID feature is not implemented.
- pub fn export_car(
- &mut self,
- commit_cid: &Cid,
- _from_commit_cid: Option<&Cid>,
- ) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
- // TODO: from_commit_cid
- read_car_bytes_from_blockstore(&mut self.db, commit_cid)
- }
-fn test_repo_mst() {
- use libipld::ipld;
- let mut repo = RepoStore::open_ephemeral().unwrap();
- let did = Did::from_str("did:plc:dummy").unwrap();
- // basic blob and IPLD record put/get
- let blob = b"beware the swamp thing";
- let blob_cid = repo.put_blob(blob).unwrap();
- let record = ipld!({"some-thing": 123});
- let record_cid = repo.put_ipld(&record).unwrap();
- repo.get_blob(&blob_cid).unwrap().unwrap();
- repo.get_ipld(&record_cid).unwrap();
- // basic MST get/put
- let mut map: BTreeMap<String, Cid> = Default::default();
- let empty_map_cid = repo.mst_from_map(&map).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(map, repo.mst_to_map(&empty_map_cid).unwrap());
- assert!(repo
- .get_mst_record_by_key(&empty_map_cid, "/test.records/44444444444444")
- .unwrap()
- .is_none());
- map.insert("/blobs/1".to_string(), blob_cid.clone());
- map.insert("/blobs/2".to_string(), blob_cid.clone());
- map.insert(
- "/test.records/44444444444444".to_string(),
- record_cid.clone(),
- );
- map.insert(
- "/test.records/22222222222222".to_string(),
- record_cid.clone(),
- );
- let simple_map_cid = repo.mst_from_map(&map).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(map, repo.mst_to_map(&simple_map_cid).unwrap());
- // create root and commit IPLD nodes
- let meta_cid = repo.write_metadata(&did).unwrap();
- let simple_root_cid = repo.write_root(meta_cid, None, simple_map_cid).unwrap();
- let simple_commit_cid = repo
- .write_commit(&did, simple_root_cid, "dummy-sig")
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(
- Some(record.clone()),
- repo.get_mst_record_by_key(&simple_map_cid, "/test.records/44444444444444")
- .unwrap()
- );
- assert_eq!(
- Some(record.clone()),
- repo.get_atp_record(
- &did,
- &Nsid::from_str("test.records").unwrap(),
- &Tid::from_str("44444444444444").unwrap()
- )
- .unwrap()
- );
- assert!(repo
- .get_mst_record_by_key(&simple_map_cid, "/test.records/33333333333333")
- .unwrap()
- .is_none());
- assert!(repo
- .get_atp_record(
- &did,
- &Nsid::from_str("test.records").unwrap(),
- &Tid::from_str("33333333333333").unwrap()
- )
- .unwrap()
- .is_none());
- assert_eq!(
- Some(simple_commit_cid.clone()),
- repo.lookup_commit(&did).unwrap()
- );
- map.insert(
- "/test.records/33333333333333".to_string(),
- record_cid.clone(),
- );
- let simple3_map_cid = repo.mst_from_map(&map).unwrap();
- let simple3_root_cid = repo
- .write_root(meta_cid, Some(simple_commit_cid), simple3_map_cid)
- .unwrap();
- let simple3_commit_cid = repo
- .write_commit(&did, simple3_root_cid, "dummy-sig3")
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(map, repo.mst_to_map(&simple3_map_cid).unwrap());
- assert_eq!(
- Some(record.clone()),
- repo.get_mst_record_by_key(&simple3_map_cid, "/test.records/33333333333333")
- .unwrap()
- );
- assert_eq!(
- Some(record.clone()),
- repo.get_atp_record(
- &did,
- &Nsid::from_str("test.records").unwrap(),
- &Tid::from_str("33333333333333").unwrap()
- )
- .unwrap()
- );
- let commit = repo.get_commit(&simple3_commit_cid).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(commit.sig.to_vec(), b"dummy-sig3".to_vec());
- assert_eq!(commit.did, did);
- assert_eq!(commit.prev, Some(simple_commit_cid));
- assert_eq!(commit.mst_cid, simple3_map_cid);
- assert_eq!(
- Some(simple3_commit_cid.clone()),
- repo.lookup_commit(&did).unwrap()
- );