path: root/adenosine/src/lib.rs
diff options
authorbryan newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2023-02-19 15:05:50 -0800
committerbryan newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2023-02-19 15:05:50 -0800
commitdeb836b3c34c3d6ee9e2620f1a798b3d0b7ede8b (patch)
tree379a5668e203329ce733eb1b00acec0d77b746bb /adenosine/src/lib.rs
parenteff4692a082ea96a0cf48d82fbd16658cbf52a72 (diff)
create 'adenosine' crate with library code
Diffstat (limited to 'adenosine/src/lib.rs')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/adenosine/src/lib.rs b/adenosine/src/lib.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..461930f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adenosine/src/lib.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+use anyhow::anyhow;
+pub use anyhow::Result;
+use reqwest::header;
+use serde_json::Value;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::time::Duration;
+pub mod identifiers;
+use identifiers::Nsid;
+static APP_USER_AGENT: &str = concat!(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), "/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),);
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
+pub enum XrpcMethod {
+ Get,
+ Post,
+impl FromStr for XrpcMethod {
+ type Err = anyhow::Error;
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+ match s {
+ "get" => Ok(XrpcMethod::Get),
+ "post" => Ok(XrpcMethod::Post),
+ _ => Err(anyhow!("unknown method: {}", s)),
+ }
+ }
+pub struct XrpcClient {
+ http_client: reqwest::blocking::Client,
+ host: String,
+impl XrpcClient {
+ pub fn new(host: String, auth_token: Option<String>) -> Result<Self> {
+ let mut headers = header::HeaderMap::new();
+ if let Some(token) = &auth_token {
+ let mut auth_value = header::HeaderValue::from_str(&format!("Bearer {}", token))?;
+ auth_value.set_sensitive(true);
+ headers.insert(header::AUTHORIZATION, auth_value);
+ };
+ let http_client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder()
+ .default_headers(headers)
+ .user_agent(APP_USER_AGENT)
+ .timeout(Duration::from_secs(30))
+ //.danger_accept_invalid_certs(true)
+ .build()
+ .expect("ERROR :: Could not build reqwest client");
+ Ok(XrpcClient { http_client, host })
+ }
+ pub fn get(
+ &self,
+ nsid: &Nsid,
+ params: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<Value>> {
+ log::debug!("XRPC GET endpoint={} params={:?}", nsid, params);
+ let params: HashMap<String, String> = params.unwrap_or_default();
+ let res = self
+ .http_client
+ .get(format!("{}/xrpc/{}", self.host, nsid))
+ .query(&params)
+ .send()?;
+ // TODO: refactor this error handling stuff into single method
+ if res.status() == 400 {
+ let val: Value = res.json()?;
+ return Err(anyhow!(
+ "XRPC Bad Request (400): {}",
+ val["message"].as_str().unwrap_or("unknown")
+ ));
+ } else if res.status() == 500 {
+ let val: Value = res.json()?;
+ return Err(anyhow!(
+ "XRPC Internal Error (500): {}",
+ val["message"].as_str().unwrap_or("unknown")
+ ));
+ }
+ let res = res.error_for_status()?;
+ Ok(res.json()?)
+ }
+ pub fn get_to_writer<W: std::io::Write>(
+ &self,
+ nsid: &Nsid,
+ params: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
+ output: &mut W,
+ ) -> Result<u64> {
+ let params: HashMap<String, String> = params.unwrap_or_default();
+ let res = self
+ .http_client
+ .get(format!("{}/xrpc/{}", self.host, nsid))
+ .query(&params)
+ .send()?;
+ if res.status() == 400 {
+ let val: Value = res.json()?;
+ return Err(anyhow!(
+ "XRPC Bad Request (400): {}",
+ val["message"].as_str().unwrap_or("unknown")
+ ));
+ } else if res.status() == 500 {
+ let val: Value = res.json()?;
+ return Err(anyhow!(
+ "XRPC Internal Error (500): {}",
+ val["message"].as_str().unwrap_or("unknown")
+ ));
+ }
+ let mut res = res.error_for_status()?;
+ Ok(res.copy_to(output)?)
+ }
+ pub fn post(
+ &self,
+ nsid: &Nsid,
+ params: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
+ body: Option<Value>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<Value>> {
+ let params: HashMap<String, String> = params.unwrap_or_default();
+ log::debug!(
+ "XRPC POST endpoint={} params={:?} body={:?}",
+ nsid,
+ params,
+ body
+ );
+ let mut req = self
+ .http_client
+ .post(format!("{}/xrpc/{}", self.host, nsid))
+ .query(&params);
+ req = if let Some(b) = body {
+ req.json(&b)
+ } else {
+ req
+ };
+ let res = req.send()?;
+ if res.status() == 400 {
+ let val: Value = res.json()?;
+ return Err(anyhow!(
+ "XRPC Bad Request (400): {}",
+ val["message"].as_str().unwrap_or("unknown")
+ ));
+ } else if res.status() == 500 {
+ let val: Value = res.json()?;
+ return Err(anyhow!(
+ "XRPC Internal Error (500): {}",
+ val["message"].as_str().unwrap_or("unknown")
+ ));
+ }
+ let res = res.error_for_status()?;
+ if res.content_length() == Some(0) {
+ Ok(None)
+ } else {
+ Ok(res.json()?)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn post_cbor_from_reader<R: std::io::Read>(
+ &self,
+ nsid: &Nsid,
+ params: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
+ input: &mut R,
+ ) -> Result<Option<Value>> {
+ let params: HashMap<String, String> = params.unwrap_or_default();
+ let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+ input.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
+ let res = self
+ .http_client
+ .post(format!("{}/xrpc/{}", self.host, nsid))
+ .query(&params)
+ .header(reqwest::header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/cbor")
+ .body(buf)
+ .send()?;
+ if res.status() == 400 {
+ let val: Value = res.json()?;
+ return Err(anyhow!(
+ "XRPC Bad Request: {}",
+ val["message"].as_str().unwrap_or("unknown")
+ ));
+ }
+ let res = res.error_for_status()?;
+ Ok(res.json()?)
+ }
+ // reqwest::blocking::Body
+/// Tries to parse a DID internal identifier from a JWT (as base64-encoded token)
+pub fn parse_did_from_jwt(jwt: &str) -> Result<String> {
+ let second_b64 = jwt.split('.').nth(1).ok_or(anyhow!("couldn't parse JWT"))?;
+ let second_json: Vec<u8> = base64::decode_config(second_b64, base64::URL_SAFE)?;
+ let obj: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&second_json)?;
+ // trying to also support pulling "aud" as DID; not sure this is actually correct use of
+ // UCAN/JWT semantics?
+ let did = obj["sub"]
+ .as_str()
+ .or(obj["aud"].as_str())
+ .ok_or(anyhow!("couldn't find DID subject in JWT"))?
+ .to_string();
+ if !did.starts_with("did:") {
+ return Err(anyhow!("couldn't find DID subject in JWT"));
+ }
+ Ok(did)
+fn test_parse_jwt() {
+ assert!(parse_did_from_jwt(".").is_err());
+ // JWT from atproto ("sub")
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_did_from_jwt("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJkaWQ6cGxjOmV4M3NpNTI3Y2QyYW9nYnZpZGtvb296YyIsImlhdCI6MTY2NjgyOTM5M30.UvZgTqvaJICONa1wIUT1bny7u3hqVAqWhWy3qeuyZrE").unwrap(),
+ "did:plc:ex3si527cd2aogbvidkooozc",
+ );
+ // UCAN from adenosine-pds ("aud")
+ assert_eq!(
+ parse_did_from_jwt("eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsInVjdiI6IjAuOS4wLWNhbmFyeSJ9.eyJhdHQiOltdLCJhdWQiOiJkaWQ6cGxjOnM3b25ieWphN2MzeXJzZ3Zob2xrbHM1YiIsImV4cCI6MTY3NTM4Mzg2NywiZmN0IjpbXSwiaXNzIjoiZGlkOmtleTp6RG5hZWRHVGJkb0Frb1NlOG96a3k1WHAzMjZTVFpUSm50aDlHY2dxaTZQYjNzYjczIiwibm5jIjoiTnZURDhENWZjNXFpalIyMWJ1V2Z1ZE02dzlBM2drSy1ac3RtUW03b21pdyIsInByZiI6W119.QwZkb9R17tNhXnY_roqFYgdiIgUnSC18FYWQb3PcH6BU1R5l4W_T4XdACyczPGfM-jAnF2r2loBXDntYVS6N5A").unwrap(),
+ "did:plc:s7onbyja7c3yrsgvholkls5b",
+ );
+ assert!(parse_did_from_jwt("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9").is_err());
+/// Helper to generate the current timestamp as right now, UTC, formatted as an RFC 3339 string.
+/// Currently, bluesky PDS expects millisecond precision, so we use that.
+/// Returns something like "2022-11-22T09:21:15.640Z"
+pub fn created_at_now() -> String {
+ let now = time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc();
+ // remove microsecond precision, but retain millisecond precision
+ let ms = now.millisecond();
+ let now = now.replace_microsecond(0).unwrap();
+ let now = now.replace_millisecond(ms).unwrap();
+ now.format(&time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339)
+ .unwrap()
+fn test_created_at_now() {
+ // eg: 2022-11-22T09:20:44.123Z
+ let ts = created_at_now();
+ println!("{}", ts);
+ assert_eq!(&ts[4..5], "-");
+ assert_eq!(&ts[7..8], "-");
+ assert_eq!(&ts[10..11], "T");
+ assert_eq!(&ts[23..24], "Z");