# This file contains a recursive version of the pywrap() function from PyCall: # it will generate nested Julia Modules for nested Python modules. # This extends to recursive or infinitely looping modules. For example, the # Python "os" module goes infinitely deep: # # os.path.genericpath.os.path.genericpath.os.path.genericpath.os.path... # # It was created for PyX.jl because PyX has deeply nested modules (eg, # pyx.graph.graphxy), which are not handled by the generic pywrap() from # PyCall. _pyrecwrap_cache = Dict{PyObject,Module}() function pyrecwrap(o::PyObject, mname::Symbol=:__anon__) members = convert(Vector{Tuple{AbstractString,PyObject}}, pycall(PyCall.inspect["getmembers"], PyObject, o)) if PyCall.pyversion >= v"3" # Blacklist the "inspect" module under Python3; fail if called on it, and filter it # out of recursive imports. # See also: https://github.com/stevengj/PyCall.jl/issues/252 if o == PyCall.inspect error("Wrapping the 'inspect' module under Python3 causes a hang") end filter!(m -> !(m[1] == PyCall.inspect), members) end filter!(m -> !(m[1] in PyCall.reserved), members) m = Module(mname, false) # Preload module cache with this (so far empty) module _pyrecwrap_cache[o] = m consts = Expr[] for (ms, mo) in members # ms is Symbol, mo is PyObject) if pyisinstance(mo, PyCall.@pyglobalobj :PyModule_Type) if mo == PyCall.inspect continue end # Before recursing, check if we've seen this python module before if !haskey(_pyrecwrap_cache, mo) _pyrecwrap_cache[mo] = pyrecwrap(mo) end mm = _pyrecwrap_cache[mo] push!(consts, Expr(:const, Expr(:(=), symbol(ms), mm))) else push!(consts, Expr(:const, Expr(:(=), symbol(ms), convert(PyAny, mo)))) end end exports = try convert(Vector{Symbol}, o["__all__"]) catch [symbol(x[1]) for x in filter(x -> x[1][1] != '_', members)] end eval(m, Expr(:toplevel, consts..., :(pymember(s) = $(getindex)($(o), s)), Expr(:export, exports...))) m end