# Original Python: # from pyx import * # # # colors and symbols to use (alternatingly) # colors = [color.rgb.red, color.rgb.green, color.rgb.blue, color.gray.black] # symbols = [graph.style._diamondsymbol, graph.style._trianglesymbol, graph.style._circlesymbol] # # # create the graph styles to be used below # symbol = graph.style.symbol(symbol=attr.changelist(symbols), # symbolattrs=[deco.stroked.clear, # attr.changelist([deco.filled([cc]) for cc in colors])]) # line = graph.style.line(lineattrs=[attr.changelist(colors), # attr.changelist([style.linestyle.solid])]) # # g = graph.graphxy(width=8, x=graph.axis.linear(min=0, max=1)) # g.plot([graph.data.function("y(x) = x**%d" % i, points=8) for i in range(1, 7)], # styles=[line, symbol]) # g.writeEPSfile("usesymbol") # g.writePDFfile("usesymbol") # g.writeSVGfile("usesymbol") using PyX # colors and symbols to use (alternatingly) colors = [color_rgb.red, color_rgb.green, color_rgb.blue, color_gray.black] symbols = [graph_style._diamondsymbol, graph_style._trianglesymbol, graph_style._circlesymbol] # create the graph styles to be used below symbol = graph_style.symbol(symbol=attr.changelist(symbols), symbolattrs=[deco_stroked.clear, attr.changelist([deco.filled([cc]) for cc in colors])]) line = graph_style.line(lineattrs=[attr.changelist(colors), attr.changelist([style_linestyle.solid])]) g = graph.graphxy(width=8, x=graph_axis.linear(min=0, max=1)) plot(g, [graph_data_function("y(x) = x**$i", points=8) for i in 1:7], styles=[line, symbol]) writeEPSfile(g, "usesymbol") writePDFfile(g, "usesymbol")