extern crate daemonize; use super::common; use std::str; use std::env; use std::env::home_dir; use std::process::exit; use getopts::Options; use utp::{UtpSocket, UtpStream, UtpListener}; use crypto::{SecretStream, key2string, string2key, nonce2string, string2nonce}; use sodiumoxide::crypto::secretbox; fn run_server(path: &str, is_recv: bool, recursive: bool, daemonize: bool, no_crypto: bool) { // TODO: try to detect the address the SSH connection came in on via the SSH_CONNECTION env // variable. // Connect to an hypothetical local server running on port 61000 let addr = ""; // Accept connection from anybody let listener = UtpListener::bind(addr).expect("Error binding to local port"); let listen_port = listener.local_addr().unwrap().port(); let listen_addr = listener.local_addr().unwrap().ip(); let secret_key = secretbox::gen_key(); let read_nonce = secretbox::gen_nonce(); let write_nonce = secretbox::gen_nonce(); /* XXX: DEBUG: assert!(secret_key == string2key(&key2string(&secret_key)).unwrap()); assert!(read_nonce == string2nonce(&nonce2string(&read_nonce)).unwrap()); let read_nonce = secretbox::Nonce::from_slice(&[0; secretbox::NONCEBYTES]).unwrap(); let write_nonce = secretbox::Nonce::from_slice(&[0; secretbox::NONCEBYTES]).unwrap(); */ // Send back details so client can connect println!("UCP CONNECT {} {} {} {} {}", listen_addr, listen_port, key2string(&secret_key), nonce2string(&read_nonce), nonce2string(&write_nonce)); // TODO: maybe wait for an ACK of some sort here before daemonizing? if daemonize { // At this point we partially daemonize (fork and redirect terminal), so that SSH will drop us. // But, don't clobber working dir. let working_dir = match env::home_dir() { Some(path) => path, None => env::current_dir().unwrap(), }; // XXX: should maybe use log/syslog from here on? let daemonizer = daemonize::Daemonize::new().working_directory(working_dir); match daemonizer.start() { Ok(_) => println!("Success, daemonized"), Err(e) => println!("{}", e), } } else { println!("Not daemonizing (DEBUG MODE)"); } let (mut socket, _src) = listener.accept().unwrap(); println!("Got connection from {}", socket.peer_addr().unwrap()); let mut stream: UtpStream = socket.into(); if !no_crypto { let mut stream = SecretStream::new(stream); stream.key = secret_key; stream.read_nonce = read_nonce; stream.write_nonce = write_nonce; if is_recv { common::sink_files(&mut stream, path, recursive); } else { common::source_files(&mut stream, path, recursive); } } else { if is_recv { common::sink_files(&mut stream, path, recursive); } else { common::source_files(&mut stream, path, recursive); } } // XXX: does Drop do this well enough? //stream.close().unwrap(); } fn usage_server(opts: Options) { let brief = "usage:\tucp server ..."; // XXX: println!(""); println!("IMPORTANT: this is the server mode of ucp. Unless you are developing/debugging, you probably want the 'regular' one (from the 'server' from you command)"); print!("{}", opts.usage(&brief)); } pub fn main_server() { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let mut opts = Options::new(); opts.optflag("h", "help", "print this help menu"); //opts.optflag("v", "verbose", "more debugging messages"); opts.optflag("d", "dir-mode", "read/write a dir instead of file (server side)"); opts.optflag("", "no-daemonize", "don't daemonize (for debuggign)"); opts.optopt("f", "from", "file or dir to read from (server side)", "FILE"); opts.optopt("t", "to", "file or dir to write to (server side)", "FILE"); opts.optflag("", "no-crypto", "sends data in the clear (no crypto or verification)"); assert!(args.len() >= 2 && args[1] == "server"); let matches = match opts.parse(&args[2..]) { Ok(m) => { m } Err(f) => { println!("Error parsing args!"); usage_server(opts); exit(-1); } }; if matches.opt_present("h") { usage_server(opts); return; } //let verbose: bool = matches.opt_present("v"); let dir_mode: bool = matches.opt_present("d"); let daemonize: bool = !matches.opt_present("no-daemonize"); let no_crypto: bool = matches.opt_present("no-crypto"); match (matches.opt_present("f"), matches.opt_present("t")) { (true, true) | (false, false) => { println!("Must be either 'from' or 'to', but not both"); exit(-1); }, _ => {}, } if matches.opt_present("f") { run_server(&matches.opt_str("f").unwrap(), false, dir_mode, daemonize, no_crypto); } if matches.opt_present("t") { run_server(&matches.opt_str("t").unwrap(), true, dir_mode, daemonize, no_crypto); } }