use std::str; use std::env; use std::path::Path; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; use std::io; use std::io::{Read, Write, BufRead, BufReader}; use std::process::exit; use std::net; // This function is an ugly hack fall-back. It tries to find public IP address of this machine by // creating an outdoing connection pub fn get_local_ip() -> io::Result { let dummy = try!(net::TcpListener::bind("")); let addr = try!(dummy.local_addr()).ip(); drop(dummy); Ok(addr) } pub fn source_files(stream: &mut S, file_path: &str, recursive: bool) { println!("SOURCE FILE: {}", file_path); if recursive { unimplemented!(); } let mut f = File::open(file_path).unwrap(); let metadata = f.metadata().unwrap(); assert!(metadata.is_file()); let fmode: u32 = metadata.permissions().mode(); let flen: usize = metadata.len() as usize; // Format as 4 digits octal, left-padding with zero let line = format!("C{:0>4o} {} {}\n", fmode, flen, file_path); stream.write_all(line.as_bytes()).unwrap(); println!("{}", line); let mut byte_buf = [0; 1]; stream.read_exact(&mut byte_buf).unwrap(); let reply = byte_buf[0]; match reply { 0 => {}, // Success, pass 1 | 2 => { // Warning unimplemented!(); }, _ => { panic!("Unexpected status char!") }, }; let mut buf = [0; 4096]; let mut sent: usize = 0; while sent < flen { let rlen = buf).unwrap(); assert!(rlen > 0); let mut wbuf = &mut buf[..rlen]; stream.write_all(&wbuf).unwrap(); sent += rlen; //println!("sent: {}", sent); } // f.close(); XXX: stream.read_exact(&mut byte_buf).unwrap(); let reply = byte_buf[0]; match reply { 0 => {}, // Success, pass 1 | 2 => { // Warning unimplemented!(); }, _ => { panic!("Unexpected status char!") }, }; } fn raw_read_line(stream: &mut S) -> io::Result { let mut s = String::new(); let mut byte_buf = [0]; loop { stream.read_exact(&mut byte_buf).unwrap(); if byte_buf[0] == '\n' as u8 { return Ok(s); } s.push(byte_buf[0] as char); } } // TODO: it would be nice to be able to do BufReader/BufWriter on stream. This would require // implementations of Read and Write on immutable references to stream (a la TcpStream, File, et // al) pub fn sink_files(stream: &mut S, file_path: &str, recursive: bool) { println!("SINK FILE: {}", file_path); if recursive { unimplemented!(); } let mut f = File::create(file_path).unwrap(); let mut byte_buf = [0; 1]; let mut buf = [0; 4096]; stream.read_exact(&mut byte_buf).unwrap(); let msg_type = byte_buf[0]; match msg_type as char { 'C' => { println!("Going to create!"); }, 'D' => { unimplemented!(); }, 'E' => { unimplemented!(); }, 'T' => { unimplemented!(); }, _ => { panic!(format!("Unexpected message type: {}", msg_type)); }, }; let line = raw_read_line(stream).unwrap(); println!("got msg: {}", line); stream.write(&[0]).unwrap(); let line: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect(); assert!(line.len() == 3); let fmode: u32 = u32::from_str_radix(line[0], 8).unwrap(); let flen: usize = line[1].parse::().unwrap(); let fpath = Path::new(line[2]); // TODO: I've disabled set_len; is this best practice? scp doesn't do it. //f.set_len(flen as u64).unwrap(); fs::set_permissions(file_path, PermissionsExt::from_mode(fmode)).unwrap(); let mut received: usize = 0; while received < flen { let rlen = buf).unwrap(); //println!("recieved: {}", rlen); assert!(rlen > 0); let mut wbuf = &mut buf[..rlen]; f.write_all(&wbuf).unwrap(); received += rlen; } f.sync_all().unwrap(); // f.close(); XXX: closes automatically? stream.write(&[0]).unwrap(); }