// A partial Scheme implementation in Rust // Build with: rustc minimal.rs -o minimal-rust use std::io; use std::io::Write; // There doesn't seem to be a symbole or quote type in Rust, so i'm going to use strings and // vectors // "list of tokens" implemented as a vector of String. // AST implemented as nested tuples (immutable). //let const SCHEME_BUILTINS = ("lambda", "quote", "cond", "else", "cons", "car", "cdr", "null?", "eq?", "atom?", "zero?", "number?", "+", "-", "*", "/"); #[allow(dead_code)] enum SchemeExpr<'a> { SchemeNull, SchemeTrue, SchemeFalse, SchemeNum(f64), SchemeBuiltin(&'a str), SchemeStr(&'a str), SchemeList(Vec>), } /////////////////////////////////// fn is_zero(n: f64) -> bool { return n == 0.; } /////////////////////////////////// fn is_scheme_whitespace(c: char) -> bool{ " \r\n".find(c) != None } fn is_scheme_sep(c: char) -> bool { "()".find(c) != None } // TODO: need to expand prefix notation stuff like `(1 2 3) to (quote 1 2 3) here? fn scheme_tokenize<'a>(raw_str: &'a str) -> Result, &'static str> { let mut ret = Vec::<&str>::new(); let mut food: usize = 0; let mut quoted: bool = false; for (i, c) in raw_str.chars().enumerate() { if quoted { if c == '"' && raw_str.chars().collect::>()[i-1] != '\\' { ret.push(&raw_str[i-food-1..i+1]); quoted = false; food = 0; } else if (raw_str.len() == i+1) { return Err("unmatched quote char"); } else { food += 1; } } else if c == '"' { if food > 0 { return Err("unexpected quote char"); } if (raw_str.len() == i+1) { return Err("unmatched (trailing) quote char"); } quoted = true; } else if is_scheme_whitespace(c) || is_scheme_sep(c) { if food > 0 { ret.push(&raw_str[i-food..i]); } if is_scheme_sep(c) { ret.push(&raw_str[i..i+1]); } food = 0; } else if (raw_str.len() == i+1) { ret.push(&raw_str[i-food..]); } else { food += 1; } } return Ok(ret); } fn scheme_parse_num(s: &String) -> Result { let num = 0.; return Ok(num); } fn scheme_parse<'a>(tokens: &Vec<&'a str>) -> Result<(SchemeExpr<'a>, usize), &'static str> { return Ok((SchemeExpr::SchemeNull, 0)); } fn scheme_eval<'a>(ast: &SchemeExpr) -> Result, &'static str> { return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeNull); } fn scheme_repr<'a>(ast: &SchemeExpr) -> Result { return match ast { &SchemeExpr::SchemeTrue => Ok("#t".to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeFalse => Ok("#t".to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeNull => Ok("'()".to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeList(ref list) => { let mut ret: String = list.iter().fold("(".to_string(), |acc, ref el| acc + &scheme_repr(&el).unwrap()); ret.push_str(")"); Ok(ret) }, _ => Err("don't know how to repr something"), } } fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let mut stdout = io::stdout(); loop { let raw_input = &mut String::new(); stdout.write(b"\nminimal-rust> ").unwrap(); stdout.flush().unwrap(); stdin.read_line(raw_input).unwrap(); let raw_input = raw_input; // UGH if raw_input.len() == 0 { stdout.write(b"\nCiao!\n").unwrap(); return; } let tokens = match scheme_tokenize(&raw_input) { Ok(tokens) => { println!("Tokens: {}", tokens.join(", ")); tokens}, Err(e) => { println!("couldn't tokenize: {}", e); continue}}; let ast = match scheme_parse(&tokens) { Ok((ast, _)) => ast, Err(e) => { println!("couldn't parse: {}", e); continue}}; let resp = match scheme_eval(&ast) { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { println!("couldn't eval: {}", e); continue}}; println!("{}", scheme_repr(&resp).unwrap()); } }