// A partial Scheme implementation in Rust // Build with: rustc minimal.rs -o minimal-rust use std::io; use std::io::Write; use std::collections::HashMap; //////////// Types and Constants // There doesn't seem to be a symbol or quote type in Rust, so i'm going to use strings and vectors // XXX: how to avoid the '16' here? const SCHEME_BUILTINS: [&'static str; 16] = ["lambda", "quote", "cond", "else", "cons", "car", "cdr", "null?", "eq?", "atom?", "zero?", "number?", "+", "-", "*", "/"]; #[derive(Clone, PartialEq)] enum SchemeExpr<'a> { SchemeNull, SchemeTrue, SchemeFalse, SchemeNum(f64), SchemeBuiltin(&'a str), SchemeSymbol(&'a str), SchemeStr(&'a str), SchemeProcedure( Vec>, Vec>, HashMap<&'a str, SchemeExpr<'a>>), SchemeList(Vec>), SchemeQuote(Vec>), } //////////// Lexing, Parsing, and Printing fn is_scheme_whitespace(c: char) -> bool{ " \r\n".find(c) != None } fn is_scheme_sep(c: char) -> bool { "()".find(c) != None } fn is_valid_symbol(s: &str) -> bool { // TODO: this could be an 'any' or 'filter' call? if s.len() == 0 { return false; } for c in s.chars() { if !c.is_alphabetic() && c != '-' { return false; } } return true; } // TODO: need to expand prefix notation stuff like `(1 2 3) to (quote 1 2 3) here? fn scheme_tokenize<'a>(raw_str: &'a str) -> Result, &'static str> { let mut ret = Vec::<&str>::new(); let mut food: usize = 0; let mut quoted: bool = false; for (i, c) in raw_str.chars().enumerate() { if quoted { if c == '"' && raw_str.chars().collect::>()[i-1] != '\\' { ret.push(&raw_str[i-food-1..i+1]); quoted = false; food = 0; } else if (raw_str.len() == i+1) { return Err("unmatched quote char"); } else { food += 1; } } else if c == '"' { if food > 0 { return Err("unexpected quote char"); } if (raw_str.len() == i+1) { return Err("unmatched (trailing) quote char"); } quoted = true; } else if is_scheme_whitespace(c) || is_scheme_sep(c) { if food > 0 { ret.push(&raw_str[i-food..i]); } if is_scheme_sep(c) { ret.push(&raw_str[i..i+1]); } food = 0; } else if (raw_str.len() == i+1) { ret.push(&raw_str[i-food..]); } else { food += 1; } } return Ok(ret); } fn scheme_parse_token(token: &str) -> Result { // First match on easy stuff match token { "#t" => return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeTrue), "#f" => return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeFalse), _ => () } // Is it a builtin? if SCHEME_BUILTINS.contains(&token) { return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin(token)); } // Try to parse as a number match token.parse::() { Ok(x) => return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeNum(x)), Err(_) => () } // Is it a string? if token.starts_with("\"") && token.ends_with("\"") { return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeStr(token)); } // If it's all alphas, must be a symbol if is_valid_symbol(token) { return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeSymbol(token)); } return Err("unparsable token"); } fn scheme_parse<'a>(tokens: &Vec<&'a str>, depth: u32) -> Result<(SchemeExpr<'a>, usize), &'static str> { let mut ret = Vec::::new(); let mut i: usize = 0; if tokens.len() == 0 { return Ok((SchemeExpr::SchemeNull, 0)); } else if tokens.len() == 1 { let expr = try!(scheme_parse_token(tokens[0])); return Ok((expr, 1)); } while i < tokens.len() { match tokens[i] { "(" => { let (expr, skip) = try!(scheme_parse(&tokens[i+1..].to_vec(), depth+1)); ret.push(expr); i += skip;}, ")" => { if depth == 0 { return Err("missing an open bracket"); } return Ok((SchemeExpr::SchemeList(ret), i+1));}, token => { let expr = try!(scheme_parse_token(token)); ret.push(expr); } } i += 1; } if depth > 0 { return Err("missing a close bracket"); } let rlen = ret.len(); if depth == 0 && rlen == 1 { return Ok((ret.pop().unwrap(), rlen)); } else { return Ok((SchemeExpr::SchemeList(ret), rlen)); } } fn scheme_repr<'a>(ast: &SchemeExpr) -> Result { return match ast { &SchemeExpr::SchemeTrue => Ok("#t".to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeFalse => Ok("#f".to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeNull => Ok("'()".to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeNum(num) => Ok(format!("{}", num).to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin(b)=> Ok(b.to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeStr(s)=> Ok(s.to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeSymbol(s)=> Ok(s.to_string()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeProcedure(ref binds, ref body, _) => { let mut ret = "(lambda (".to_string(); for bind in binds { ret = ret + &try!(scheme_repr(&bind)) + " "; } ret = ret + ") "; for expr in body { ret = ret + &try!(scheme_repr(&expr)); } ret = ret + ")"; Ok(ret) }, &SchemeExpr::SchemeList(ref list) => { let mut ret: String = list.iter().fold("(".to_string(), |acc, ref el| acc + " " + &scheme_repr(&el).unwrap()); ret.push_str(" )"); Ok(ret) }, &SchemeExpr::SchemeQuote(ref list) => { let mut ret: String = list.iter().fold("(quote ".to_string(), |acc, ref el| acc + " " + &scheme_repr(&el).unwrap()); ret.push_str(" )"); Ok(ret) }, } } //////////// Expression Evaluation fn quote_action<'a>(list: &'a Vec, ctx: HashMap<&str, SchemeExpr<'a>>) -> Result, &'static str> { // XXX: why can't I '.map()' here? (try .iter().skip(1)...) let mut body = Vec::::new(); for el in list[1..].to_vec() { body.push(el.clone()); } Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeList(body)) } fn cond_action<'a>(list: &'a Vec, ctx: HashMap<&'a str, SchemeExpr<'a>>) -> Result, &'static str> { for line in list.iter().skip(1) { match line { &SchemeExpr::SchemeList(ref inner) => { if inner.len() != 2 { return Err("cond must contain tuples of (predicate, value) (len !=2)"); } let pred = &inner[0]; let val = &inner[1]; let m = try!(scheme_meaning(&pred, ctx.clone())); if m != SchemeExpr::SchemeFalse && m != SchemeExpr::SchemeNull { return scheme_meaning(&val, ctx); } }, _ => { return Err("cond must contain tuples of (predicate, value)"); }, } } // "undefined", return empty tuple Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeNull) } fn lambda_action<'a>(list: &'a Vec, ctx: HashMap<&'a str, SchemeExpr<'a>>) -> Result, &'static str> { if list.len() < 3 { return Err("lambda must have a bind and at least one body expr"); } let mut binds = Vec::::new(); let bind_list = match &list[1] { &SchemeExpr::SchemeList(ref bl) => bl, _ => { return Err("second arg to lambda must be a list of binds") }, }; for bind in bind_list { match bind { &SchemeExpr::SchemeSymbol(_) => binds.push(bind.clone()), _ => return Err("lambda binds must all be non-builtin symbols") } } let mut body = list.iter().skip(2).map(|x| x.clone()).collect(); Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeProcedure(binds, body, ctx.clone())) } fn apply_action<'a>(list: &'a Vec, ctx: HashMap<&'a str, SchemeExpr<'a>>) -> Result, &'static str> { if list.len() == 0 { // TODO: is this correct? return Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeNull); } let action = &list[0]; // XXX: shouldn't be an unwrap here, should be a try!() let args: Vec = list.iter().skip(1).map(|x| scheme_meaning(x, ctx.clone()).unwrap()).collect(); // XXX: only things that work with more than one arg match action { &SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin("+") => { let mut val: f64 = 0.; for arg in args { val += match arg { SchemeExpr::SchemeNum(x) => x, _ => { return Err("+ builtin only takes nums"); }, }; } Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeNum(val)) }, _ => { return Err("unimplemented builtin"); } } } fn scheme_meaning<'a>(ast: &'a SchemeExpr, ctx: HashMap<&'a str, SchemeExpr<'a>>) -> Result, &'static str> { return match ast { // "identity actions" &SchemeExpr::SchemeTrue => Ok(ast.clone()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeFalse => Ok(ast.clone()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeNull => Ok(ast.clone()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeStr(_) => Ok(ast.clone()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeNum(_) => Ok(ast.clone()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin(_) => Ok(ast.clone()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeProcedure(_, _, _) => Ok(ast.clone()), &SchemeExpr::SchemeQuote(ref list) => Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeList(list.clone())), &SchemeExpr::SchemeSymbol(sym) => match ctx.get(sym) { // the "lookup action" Some(val) => Ok(val.clone()), None => Err("symbol not defined"), }, &SchemeExpr::SchemeList(ref list) => { match list[0] { SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin("quote") => quote_action(list, ctx), SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin("cond") => cond_action(list, ctx), SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin("lambda") => lambda_action(list, ctx), SchemeExpr::SchemeBuiltin(_) => apply_action(list, ctx), SchemeExpr::SchemeProcedure(_, _, _) => apply_action(list, ctx), SchemeExpr::SchemeList(_) => apply_action(list, ctx), _ => Ok(SchemeExpr::SchemeNull) }}, } } fn scheme_eval<'a>(ast: &'a SchemeExpr) -> Result, &'static str> { let mut ctx = HashMap::<&str, SchemeExpr>::new(); Ok(try!(scheme_meaning(ast, ctx))) } //////////// Top-Level Program fn main() { let stdin = io::stdin(); let mut stdout = io::stdout(); loop { let raw_input = &mut String::new(); stdout.write(b"\nminimal-rust> ").unwrap(); stdout.flush().unwrap(); stdin.read_line(raw_input).unwrap(); let raw_input = raw_input; // UGH if raw_input.len() == 0 { stdout.write(b"\nCiao!\n").unwrap(); return; } let tokens = match scheme_tokenize(&raw_input) { Ok(tokens) => { println!("Tokens: {}", tokens.join(", ")); // debug tokens}, Err(e) => { println!("couldn't tokenize: {}", e); continue}}; let ast = match scheme_parse(&tokens, 0) { Ok((ast, _)) => { println!("AST: {}", scheme_repr(&ast).unwrap()); ast}, Err(e) => { println!("couldn't parse: {}", e); continue}}; let resp = match scheme_eval(&ast) { Ok(x) => x, Err(e) => { println!("couldn't eval: {}", e); continue}}; println!("{}", scheme_repr(&resp).unwrap()); } }