To run News: tar xvf arc3.1.tar cd arc3.1 mkdir arc echo "myname" > arc/admins mzscheme -f as.scm at the arc prompt: (load "news.arc") (nsv) go to http://localhost:8080 click on login, and create an account called myname you should now be logged in as an admin manually give at least 10 karma to your initial set of users don't worry about "user break" messages when restarting News To customize News: change the variables at the top of news.arc To improve performance: (= static-max-age* 7200) ; browsers can cache static files for 7200 sec (declare 'direct-calls t) ; you promise not to redefine fns as tables (declare 'explicit-flush t) ; you take responsibility for flushing output ; (all existing news code already does)