package sandcrawler import java.text.Normalizer import java.util.regex.Pattern object StringUtilities { // bnewbold: I propose that we: // 1. keep only \p{Ideographic}, \p{Alphabetic}, and \p{Digit} // 2. strip accents // 3. "lower-case" (unicode-aware) // 4. do any final custom/manual mappings // // We should check (test) that null bytes are handled, in addition to other // more obvious characters // Adapted from;a=blob;f=src/main/java/org/apache/commons/lang3/;h=1d7b9b99335865a88c509339f700ce71ce2c71f2;hb=HEAD#l934 def removeAccents(s : String) : String = { val replacements = Map( '\u0141' -> 'L', '\u0142' -> 'l', // Letter ell '\u00d8' -> 'O', '\u00f8' -> 'o' ) val sb = new StringBuilder(Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFD)) for (i <- 0 to sb.length - 1) { for (key <- replacements.keys) { if (sb(i) == key) { sb.deleteCharAt(i); sb.insert(i, replacements(key)) } } } val pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+") pattern.matcher(sb).replaceAll("") } // Source: def removePunctuation(s: String) : String = { s.replaceAll("""[\p{Punct}]""", "") } // Adapted from: def similarity(s1a : String, s2a : String) : Double = { val (s1, s2) = (removeAccents(removePunctuation(s1a)), removeAccents(removePunctuation(s2a))) val longer : String = if (s1.length > s2.length) s1 else s2 val shorter : String = if (s1.length > s2.length) s2 else s1 if (longer.length == 0) { // Both strings are empty. 1 } else { (longer.length - stringDistance(longer, shorter)) / longer.length.toDouble } } // Source: def stringDistance(s1: String, s2: String): Int = { val memo = scala.collection.mutable.Map[(List[Char],List[Char]),Int]() def min(a:Int, b:Int, c:Int) = Math.min( Math.min( a, b ), c) def sd(s1: List[Char], s2: List[Char]): Int = { if (!memo.contains((s1, s2))) { memo((s1,s2)) = (s1, s2) match { case (_, Nil) => s1.length case (Nil, _) => s2.length case (c1::t1, c2::t2) => min( sd(t1,s2) + 1, sd(s1,t2) + 1, sd(t1,t2) + (if (c1==c2) 0 else 1) ) } } memo((s1,s2)) } sd( s1.toList, s2.toList ) } }