#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Transform an OAI-PMH bulk dump (JSON) into ingest requests. Eg: https://archive.org/details/oai_harvest_20200215 """ import argparse import json import sys import urlcanon DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST = [ # large OA publishers (we get via DOI) # large repos and aggregators (we crawl directly) "://arxiv.org/", "://europepmc.org/", "ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/", "semanticscholar.org/", "://doi.org/", "://dx.doi.org/", "zenodo.org/", "figshare.com/", "://archive.org/", ".archive.org/", "://", "://www.kb.dk/", "://kb-images.kb.dk/", "://mdz-nbn-resolving.de/", "://aggr.ukm.um.si/", "://edoc.mpg.de/", "doaj.org/", "orcid.org/", "://gateway.isiknowledge.com/", # OAI specific additions "://hdl.handle.net/", ] # OAI identifier prefixes for repositories that we want to skip (for various reasons) OAI_BLOCKLIST = [ "oai:kb.dk:", "oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:", "oai:hispana.mcu.es:", "oai:bnf.fr:", "oai:ukm.si:", "oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:", "oai:hsp.org:", "oai:repec:", "oai:n/a:", "oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:", "oai:americanae.aecid.es:", "oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:", "oai:espace.library.uq.edu:", "oai:edoc.mpg.de:", "oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:", "oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:", "oai:krm.or.kr:", "oai:hypotheses.org:%", ] RELEASE_STAGE_MAP = { "info:eu-repo/semantics/draftVersion": "draft", "info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersion": "submitted", "info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersion": "accepted", "info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion": "published", "info:eu-repo/semantics/updatedVersion": "updated", } def canon(s): parsed = urlcanon.parse_url(s) return str(urlcanon.whatwg(parsed)) def transform(obj): """ Transforms from a single OAI-PMH object to zero or more ingest requests. Returns a list of dicts. """ requests = [] if not obj.get("oai") or not obj["oai"].startswith("oai:"): return [] if not obj.get("urls"): return [] oai_id = obj["oai"].lower() for prefix in OAI_BLOCKLIST: if oai_id.startswith(prefix): return [] # look in obj['formats'] for PDF? if obj.get("formats"): # if there is a list of formats, and it does not contain PDF, then # skip. Note that we will continue if there is no formats list. has_pdf = False for f in obj["formats"]: if "pdf" in f.lower(): has_pdf = True if not has_pdf: return [] doi = None if obj.get("doi"): doi = obj["doi"][0].lower().strip() if not doi.startswith("10."): doi = None # infer release stage and/or type from obj['types'] release_stage = None for t in obj.get("types", []): if t in RELEASE_STAGE_MAP: release_stage = RELEASE_STAGE_MAP[t] # TODO: infer rel somehow? Eg, repository vs. OJS publisher rel = None for url in obj["urls"]: skip = False for domain in DOMAIN_BLOCKLIST: if domain in url: skip = True if skip: continue try: base_url = canon(url) except UnicodeEncodeError: continue request = { "base_url": base_url, "ingest_type": "pdf", "link_source": "oai", "link_source_id": oai_id, "ingest_request_source": "metha-bulk", "release_stage": release_stage, "rel": rel, "ext_ids": { "oai": obj["oai"].lower(), }, "edit_extra": {}, } if doi: request["ext_ids"]["doi"] = doi requests.append(request) return requests def run(args): for l in args.json_file: if not l.strip(): continue row = json.loads(l) requests = transform(row) or [] for r in requests: print("{}".format(json.dumps(r, sort_keys=True))) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument( "json_file", help="OAI-PMH dump file to use (usually stdin)", type=argparse.FileType("r"), ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() args = parser.parse_args() run(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()