import sys import json import base64 import requests from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from collections import namedtuple from sandcrawler.ia import SavePageNowClient, CdxApiClient, WaybackClient, WaybackError, SavePageNowError, CdxApiError, PetaboxError, cdx_to_dict from sandcrawler.grobid import GrobidClient from sandcrawler.misc import gen_file_metadata from sandcrawler.html import extract_fulltext_url from sandcrawler.workers import SandcrawlerWorker class IngestFileWorker(SandcrawlerWorker): """ High level flow is to look in history first, then go to live web if resource not found. Following redirects is treated as "fetching a resource". Current version fetches a single resource; if it isn't a hit but is an HTML 200, treats it as a landing page, tries to extract fulltext link, then fetches that resource. process(request) -> response Does all the things! Check existing processing (short circuit): check_existing_ingest(base_url) -> ingest_file_result or none process_existing(result) -> response try fetching all the rows we want. if any don't exist, fetch the resource itself and call process_hit() Fetch resource: find_resource(url) -> ResourceResult Process resource: process_hit(ResourceResult) -> response process_grobid(ResourceResult) """ def __init__(self, sink=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.sink = sink self.wayback_client = kwargs.get('wayback_client') if not self.wayback_client: self.wayback_client = WaybackClient() self.spn_client = kwargs.get('spn_client') if not self.spn_client: self.spn_client = SavePageNowClient() self.grobid_client = kwargs.get('grobid_client') if not self.grobid_client: self.grobid_client = GrobidClient() self.try_existing_ingest = False self.try_wayback = True self.try_spn2 = True def check_existing_ingest(self, base_url): """ Check in sandcrawler-db (postgres) to see if we have already ingested this URL (ingest file result table). Returns existing row *if* found *and* we should use it, otherwise None. Looks at existing ingest results and makes a decision based on, eg, status and timestamp. """ if not self.try_existing_ingest: return None raise NotImplementedError # this "return True" is just here to make pylint happy return True def find_resource(self, url, best_mimetype=None): """ Looks in wayback for a resource starting at the URL, following any redirects. If a hit isn't found, try crawling with SPN. """ via = "none" resource = None if self.try_wayback: via = "wayback" resource = self.wayback_client.lookup_resource(url, best_mimetype) # check for "soft 404" conditions, where we should retry with live SPNv2 # TODO: could refactor these into the resource fetch things themselves? soft404 = False if resource and resource.hit and resource.terminal_url.endswith('/cookieAbsent'): soft404 = True if self.try_spn2 and (not resource or not resource.hit or soft404): via = "spn2" resource = self.spn_client.crawl_resource(url, self.wayback_client) print("[FETCH {}\t] {}\t{}".format( via, resource.status, resource.terminal_url or url), file=sys.stderr) return resource def process_existing(self, request, result_row): """ If we have an existing ingest file result, do any database fetches or additional processing necessary to return a result. """ result = { 'hit': result_row.hit, 'status': result_row.status, 'request': request, } # TODO: fetch file_meta # TODO: fetch grobid return result def process_hit(self, resource, file_meta): """ Run all the necessary processing for a new/fresh ingest hit. """ return { 'grobid': self.process_grobid(resource), } def process_grobid(self, resource): """ Submits to resource body to GROBID for processing. TODO: By default checks sandcrawler-db for an existing row first, then decide if we should re-process TODO: Code to push to Kafka might also go here? """ result = self.grobid_client.process_fulltext(resource.body) if result['status'] == "success": metadata = self.grobid_client.metadata(result) if metadata: result.update(metadata) result.pop('tei_xml', None) return result def process(self, request): # backwards compatibility if request.get('ingest_type') in ('file', None): reqeust['ingest_type'] = 'pdf' # for now, only pdf ingest is implemented if not 'ingest_type' in request: request['ingest_type'] = "pdf" assert request.get('ingest_type') == "pdf" ingest_type = request.get('ingest_type') base_url = request['base_url'] print("[INGEST {}\t] {}".format(ingest_type, base_url), file=sys.stderr) best_mimetype = None if ingest_type == "pdf": best_mimetype = "application/pdf" existing = self.check_existing_ingest(base_url) if existing: return self.process_existing(request, existing) result = dict(request=request, hit=False) next_url = base_url hops = [base_url] self.max_hops = 6 while len(hops) <= self.max_hops: result['hops'] = hops try: resource = self.find_resource(next_url, best_mimetype) except SavePageNowError as e: result['status'] = 'spn2-error' result['error_message'] = str(e) return result except PetaboxError as e: result['status'] = 'petabox-error' result['error_message'] = str(e) return result except CdxApiError as e: result['status'] = 'cdx-error' result['error_message'] = str(e) return result except WaybackError as e: result['status'] = 'wayback-error' result['error_message'] = str(e) return result if not resource.hit: result['status'] = resource.status return result file_meta = gen_file_metadata(resource.body) if "html" in file_meta['mimetype'] or "xml" in file_meta['mimetype']: # Got landing page or similar. Some XHTML detected as "application/xml" if resource.terminal_dt: result['terminal'] = { "terminal_url": resource.terminal_url, "terminal_dt": resource.terminal_dt, "terminal_status_code": resource.terminal_status_code, } fulltext_url = extract_fulltext_url(resource.terminal_url, resource.body) result['html'] = fulltext_url if not fulltext_url: result['status'] = 'no-pdf-link' return result next_url = fulltext_url.get('pdf_url') or fulltext_url.get('next_url') assert next_url print("[EXTRACT\t] {}\t{}".format( fulltext_url.get('technique'), next_url, ), file=sys.stderr) if next_url in hops: result['status'] = 'link-loop' result['error_message'] = "repeated: {}".format(next_url) return result hops.append(next_url) continue # default is to NOT keep hopping break if len(hops) >= self.max_hops: result['status'] = "max-hops-exceeded" return result if resource.terminal_dt: result['terminal'] = { "terminal_url": resource.terminal_url, "terminal_dt": resource.terminal_dt, "terminal_status_code": resource.terminal_status_code, } # fetch must be a hit if we got this far (though not necessarily an ingest hit!) assert resource.hit == True assert resource.terminal_status_code == 200 result['file_meta'] = file_meta result['cdx'] = cdx_to_dict(resource.cdx) # other failure cases if not resource.body or file_meta['size_bytes'] == 0: result['status'] = 'null-body' return result if not (resource.hit and file_meta['mimetype'] == "application/pdf"): result['status'] = "wrong-mimetype" # formerly: "other-mimetype" return result info = self.process_hit(resource, file_meta) result.update(info) result['status'] = "success" result['hit'] = True print("[SUCCESS\t] sha1:{} grobid:{}".format( result.get('file_meta', {}).get('sha1hex'), result.get('grobid', {}).get('status_code'), ), file=sys.stderr) return result class IngestFileRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): if self.path != "/ingest": self.send_response(404) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write("404: Not Found") return length = int(self.headers.get('content-length')) request = json.loads('utf-8')) print("Got request: {}".format(request)) ingester = IngestFileWorker() result = ingester.process(request) self.send_response(200) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(result))