#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Tool for bulk copying of PDFs (or other files) from GWB to AWS S3. See unpaywall delivery README (in bnewbold's scratch repo) for notes on running this script for that specific use-case. Script takes: - input TSV: `sha1, file:cdx (json)` => usually from dumpfilemeta, filtered down (eg, by join by SHA-1) to a specific manifest - AWS S3 bucket and prefix AWS S3 credentials are passed via environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) GWB credentials end up under /opt/.petabox/ (!) Output: - errors/stats to stderr - log to stdout (redirect to file), prefixed by sha1 Requires: - raven (sentry) - boto3 (AWS S3 client library) - wayback/GWB libraries """ import os import sys import json import base64 import hashlib import argparse from collections import Counter import boto3 import raven import wayback.exception from wayback.resource import Resource from wayback.resource import ArcResource from wayback.resourcestore import ResourceStore from gwb.loader import CDXLoaderFactory # Yep, a global. Gets DSN from `SENTRY_DSN` environment variable sentry_client = raven.Client() class DeliverGwbS3(): def __init__(self, s3_bucket, **kwargs): self.warc_uri_prefix = kwargs.get('warc_uri_prefix') self.rstore = None self.count = Counter() # /serve/ instead of /download/ doesn't record view count self.petabox_base_url = kwargs.get('petabox_base_url', 'http://archive.org/serve/') # gwb library will fall back to reading from /opt/.petabox/webdata.secret self.petabox_webdata_secret = kwargs.get('petabox_webdata_secret', os.environ.get('PETABOX_WEBDATA_SECRET')) print("petabox_webdata_secret: {}".format(self.petabox_webdata_secret)) self.s3_bucket = s3_bucket self.s3_prefix = kwargs.get('s3_prefix', 'pdf/') self.s3_suffix = kwargs.get('s3_suffix', '.pdf') self.s3 = boto3.resource('s3') self.bucket = self.s3.Bucket(self.s3_bucket) def fetch_warc_content(self, warc_path, offset, c_size): warc_uri = self.warc_uri_prefix + warc_path if not self.rstore: self.rstore = ResourceStore(loaderfactory=CDXLoaderFactory( webdata_secret=self.petabox_webdata_secret, download_base_url=self.petabox_base_url)) try: gwb_record = self.rstore.load_resource(warc_uri, offset, c_size) except wayback.exception.ResourceUnavailable: return None, dict(status="error", reason="failed to load file contents from wayback/petabox (ResourceUnavailable)") except ValueError as ve: return None, dict(status="error", reason="failed to load file contents from wayback/petabox (ValueError: {})".format(ve)) except EOFError as eofe: return None, dict(status="error", reason="failed to load file contents from wayback/petabox (EOFError: {})".format(eofe)) except TypeError as te: return None, dict(status="error", reason="failed to load file contents from wayback/petabox (TypeError: {}; likely a bug in wayback python code)".format(te)) # Note: could consider a generic "except Exception" here, as we get so # many petabox errors. Do want jobs to fail loud and clear when the # whole cluster is down though. if gwb_record.get_status()[0] != 200: return None, dict(status="error", reason="archived HTTP response (WARC) was not 200", warc_status=gwb_record.get_status()[0]) try: raw_content = gwb_record.open_raw_content().read() except IncompleteRead as ire: return None, dict(status="error", reason="failed to read actual file contents from wayback/petabox (IncompleteRead: {})".format(ire)) return raw_content, None def run(self, manifest_file): sys.stderr.write("Starting...\n") for line in manifest_file: line = line.strip().split('\t') if len(line) != 2: self.count['skip-line'] += 1 continue sha1_hex, cdx_json = line[0], line[1] assert len(sha1_hex) == 40 file_cdx = json.loads(cdx_json) # If warc is not item/file.(w)arc.gz form, skip it if len(file_cdx['warc'].split('/')) != 2: sys.stderr.write('WARC path not petabox item/file: {}'.format(file_cdx['warc'])) print("{}\tskip warc\t{}".format(sha1_hex, file_cdx['warc'])) self.count['skip-warc'] += 1 continue # fetch from GWB/petabox via HTTP range-request blob, status = self.fetch_warc_content(file_cdx['warc'], file_cdx['offset'], file_cdx['c_size']) if blob is None and status: print("{}\terror petabox\t{}\t{}".format(sha1_hex, file_cdx['warc'], status['reason'])) self.count['err-petabox'] += 1 continue elif not blob: print("{}\tskip-empty-blob".format(sha1_hex) self.count['skip-empty-blob'] += 1 continue # verify sha1 if sha1_hex != hashlib.sha1(blob).hexdigest(): #assert sha1_hex == hashlib.sha1(blob).hexdigest() #sys.stderr.write("{}\terror petabox-mismatch\n".format(sha1_hex)) print("{}\terror petabox-hash-mismatch".format(sha1_hex)) self.count['petabox-hash-mismatch'] += 1 self.count['petabox-ok'] += 1 # upload to AWS S3 obj = self.bucket.put_object( Key="{}{}/{}{}".format( self.s3_prefix, sha1_hex[0:4], sha1_hex, self.s3_suffix), Body=blob) print("{}\tsuccess\t{}".format(sha1_hex, obj.key)) self.count['success-s3'] += 1 sys.stderr.write("{}\n".format(self.count)) @sentry_client.capture_exceptions def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--s3-bucket', required=True, type=str, help='AWS S3 bucket to upload into') parser.add_argument('--s3-prefix', type=str, default="pdf/", help='key prefix for items created in bucket') parser.add_argument('--s3-suffix', type=str, default=".pdf", help='file suffix for created objects') parser.add_argument('--warc-uri-prefix', type=str, default='https://archive.org/serve/', help='URI where WARCs can be found') parser.add_argument('manifest_file', help="TSV/JSON manifest file", default=sys.stdin, type=argparse.FileType('r')) args = parser.parse_args() worker = DeliverGwbS3(**args.__dict__) worker.run(args.manifest_file) if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover main()