This directory contains `sandcrawler` python code for ingest pipelines, batch processing, PDF extraction, etc. ## Development Quickstart As of December 2022, working with this code requires: - Python 3.8 (specifically, due to version specification in `pipenv`) - `pipenv` for python dependency management - generic and python-specific build tools (`pkg-config`, `python-dev`, etc) - poppler (PDF processing library) - libmagic - libsodium - access to IA internal packages (``), specifically for globalwayback and related packages In production and CI we use Ubuntu Focal (20.04). The CI script for this repository (`../.gitlab-ci.yml`) is the best place to look for a complete list of dependencies for both development and deployment. Note that our CI system runs from our cluster, which resolves the devpi access issue. For developer laptops, you may need `sshuttle` or something similar set up to do initial package pulls. It is recommended to set the env variable `PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=true` when working with pipenv. You can include this in a `.env` file. There is a Makefile which helps with the basics. Eg: # install deps using pipenv make deps # run python tests make test # run code formatting and lint checks make fmt lint Sometimes when developing it is helpful to enter a shell with pipenv, eg: pipenv shell Often when developing it is helpful (or necessary) to set environment variables. `pipenv shell` will read from `.env`, so you can copy and edit `example.env`, and it will be used in tests, `pipenv shell`, etc.