Another dump of PDF URLs for partners. This time want to provide TSV with full wayback download URLs, as well as "access" URLs. export TASKDATE=2022-04-27 ## "Ingested", AKA, "Targetted" PDF URLs These are URLs where we did a successful ingest run. COPY ( SELECT terminal_sha1hex as pdf_sha1hex, ('' || terminal_dt || 'id_/' || terminal_url) as crawl_url, ('' || terminal_dt || '/' || terminal_url) as display_url FROM ingest_file_result WHERE ingest_type = 'pdf' AND status = 'success' AND hit = true ORDER BY terminal_sha1hex ASC -- LIMIT 10; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_ingested.2022-04-27.tsv' WITH NULL ''; => COPY 85712674 May contain duplicates, both by sha1hex, URL, or both. Note that this could be filtered by timestamp, to make it monthly/annual. ## All CDX PDFs "All web PDFs": CDX query; left join file_meta, but don't require COPY ( SELECT cdx.sha1hex as pdf_sha1hex, ('' || cdx.datetime || 'id_/' || cdx.url) as crawl_url, ('' || cdx.datetime || '/' || cdx.url) as display_url FROM cdx LEFT JOIN file_meta ON cdx.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex WHERE file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf' OR ( file_meta.mimetype IS NULL AND cdx.mimetype = 'application/pdf' ) ORDER BY cdx.sha1hex ASC -- LIMIT 10; ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_speculative.2022-04-27.tsv' WITH NULL ''; => COPY 161504070 Should be unique by wayback URL; may contain near-duplicates or duplicates by ## Upload to TODO: next time compress these files first (gzip/pigz) ia upload ia_scholarly_urls_$TASKDATE \ -m collection:ia_biblio_metadata \ -m title:"IA Scholarly URLs ($TASKDATE)" \ -m date:$TASKDATE \ -m creator:"Internet Archive Web Group" \ -m description:"URL lists to PDFs on the web (and preserved in the wayback machine) which are likely to contain research materials." \ /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_ingested.$TASKDATE.tsv /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_speculative.$TASKDATE.tsv