Crawled some 6 million new PDFs from Should get these ingested, as well as any previous existing content. Also, there are a bunch of PDF outlinks to the web; should do S2-specific matching and ingest of those. There are a few categories of paper from pdfs.s.o: 1. we had previous GWB crawl, didn't re-crawl 2. we had PDF from elsewhere on the web, didn't re-crawl 3. crawled successfully 4. crawl failed In this ingest, want to get all of categories 1 and 3. Could try to do this by dumping sandcrawler CDX table matching pdfs.s.o (which includes recent crawl), and join that against the ingest request list. For other random web URLs, can do the usual persist/backfill/recrawl pipeline. ## Create Seedlist zcat s2-corpus-pdfUrls.json.gz | parallel -j5 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ - | pv -l | gzip > s2-corpus-pdfUrls.2019.ingest_request.json.gz zcat s2-corpus-s2PdfUrl.json.gz | parallel -j5 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ - | pv -l | gzip > s2-corpus-s2PdfUrl.2019.ingest_request.json.gz zcat s2-corpus-s2PdfUrl.json.gz | jq .id -r | sort -u -S 2G > s2-corpus-s2PdfUrl.id_list zcat s2-corpus-pdfUrls.json.gz | jq .id -r | sort -u -S 2G > s2-corpus-pdfUrls.id_list zcat s2-corpus-pdfUrls.2019.ingest_request.json.gz s2-corpus-s2PdfUrl.2019.ingest_request.json.gz | rg | sort -u -S 3G | gzip > s2_hosted_ingestrequest.json.gz zcat s2-corpus-pdfUrls.2019.ingest_request.json.gz s2-corpus-s2PdfUrl.2019.ingest_request.json.gz | rg -v | sort -u -S 3G | gzip > s2_external_ingestrequest.json.gz zcat s2_external_ingestrequest.json.gz | wc -l 41201427 zcat s2_hosted_ingestrequest.json.gz | wc -l 23345761