## Backfill GROBID XML to Blob Store Initially ran this when spinning up new seaweedfs server to replace minio. At this time grobid persist worker was in db-only mode, as minio was too slow to accept uploads. Rough plan is to: 1. run grobid persist worker from Kafka with a new temporary consumer group, from the start of the GROBID output topic 2. when it gets to end, stop the *regular* consumer group while this one is still running. with temporary worker still running, at that point in time entire topic should be in S3 3. then reconfigure regular worker to db+s3 mode. halt the temporary worker, restart the regular one with new config, run it indefinitely Consumer group isn't an arg, so just edit `persist_worker.py` and set it to `persist-grobid-seaweedfs`. Also needed to patch a bit so `--s3-only` mode didn't try to connect to postgresql. Commands: ./sandcrawler_worker.py --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org:9092 --env prod --s3-bucket sandcrawler --s3-url wbgrp-svc169.us.archive.org:8333 persist-grobid --s3-only => Consuming from kafka topic sandcrawler-prod.grobid-output-pg, group persist-grobid-seaweed => run briefly, then kill On kafka-broker worker: ./kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --reset-offsets --to-earliest --group persist-grobid-seaweed --topic sandcrawler-prod.grobid-output-pg --dry-run Then run 2x instances of worker (same command as above): ./sandcrawler_worker.py --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org:9092 --env prod --s3-bucket sandcrawler --s3-url wbgrp-svc169.us.archive.org:8333 persist-grobid --s3-only At this point CPU-limited on this worker by the python processes (only 4 cores on this machine). Check in weed shell: weed shell > > fs.meta.cat buckets/sandcrawler/grobid/00/00/000068a76ab125389506e8834483c6ba4c73338a.tei.xml [...] "isGzipped": false [...] "mime": "application/xml", [...] An open question is if we should have separate buckets per derive type. Eg, a GROBID XML bucket separate from thumbnails bucket. Or are prefix directories enough. Basically this comes down to whether we want things mixed together at the volume level. I think we should keep separate. Need to set the mimetype in the upload for gzip on XML?