path: root/sql/stats/2021-04-07_stats.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sql/stats/2021-04-07_stats.txt')
1 files changed, 428 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sql/stats/2021-04-07_stats.txt b/sql/stats/2021-04-07_stats.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b8a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/stats/2021-04-07_stats.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+## SQL Table Sizes
+ table_name,
+ pg_size_pretty(table_size) AS table_size,
+ pg_size_pretty(indexes_size) AS indexes_size,
+ pg_size_pretty(total_size) AS total_size
+ FROM (
+ table_name,
+ pg_table_size(table_name) AS table_size,
+ pg_indexes_size(table_name) AS indexes_size,
+ pg_total_relation_size(table_name) AS total_size
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ('"' || table_schema || '"."' || table_name || '"') AS table_name
+ FROM information_schema.tables
+ WHERE table_schema = 'public'
+ ) AS all_tables
+ ORDER BY total_size DESC
+ ) AS pretty_sizes;
+ table_size | indexes_size | total_size
+ -------------------------------+------------+--------------+------------
+ "public"."cdx" | 49 GB | 50 GB | 100 GB
+ "public"."ingest_file_result" | 33 GB | 52 GB | 85 GB
+ "public"."ingest_request" | 39 GB | 45 GB | 83 GB
+ "public"."grobid" | 70 GB | 8613 MB | 78 GB
+ "public"."grobid_shadow" | 67 GB | 7208 MB | 74 GB
+ "public"."file_meta" | 35 GB | 31 GB | 66 GB
+ "public"."pdf_meta" | 19 GB | 4925 MB | 24 GB
+ "public"."shadow" | 9517 MB | 10 GB | 20 GB
+ "public"."fatcat_file" | 12 GB | 6656 MB | 18 GB
+ "public"."html_meta" | 1172 MB | 10 MB | 1182 MB
+ "public"."pdftrio" | 618 MB | 432 MB | 1051 MB
+ "public"."petabox" | 403 MB | 594 MB | 997 MB
+ (12 rows)
+## File Metadata
+Counts and total file size:
+ SELECT COUNT(*) as total_count, SUM(size_bytes) as total_size FROM file_meta;
+ total_count | total_size
+ -------------+-----------------
+ 174200807 | 234313766162033
+ (1 row)
+Top mimetypes:
+ SELECT mimetype, COUNT(*) FROM file_meta GROUP BY mimetype ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 30;
+ mimetype | count
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+-----------
+ application/pdf | 173816433
+ application/octet-stream | 155534
+ text/html | 115821
+ application/xml | 42170
+ application/xhtml+xml | 24347
+ text/plain | 15990
+ application/jats+xml | 6899
+ application/gzip | 6491
+ | 6034
+ application/postscript | 4912
+ application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | 1672
+ application/msword | 921
+ application/x-bzip2 | 891
+ image/jpeg | 721
+ image/gif | 389
+ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | 297
+ application/x-compress | 272
+ application/zip | 131
+ application/CDFV2-unknown | 99
+ image/png | 88
+ application/mac-binhex40 | 79
+ application/x-dosexec | 51
+ text/x-tex | 44
+ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation | 39
+ text/x-php | 37
+ text/rtf | 33
+ application/x-dvi | 29
+ application/x-rar | 29
+ application/vnd.ms-excel | 28
+ message/rfc822 | 26
+ (30 rows)
+Missing full metadata:
+ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM file_meta WHERE sha256hex IS NULL;
+ count
+ -------
+ 62271
+ (1 row)
+## CDX
+Total and unique-by-sha1 counts:
+ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sha1hex) as unique_sha1, COUNT(*) as total FROM cdx;
+ unique_sha1 | total
+ -------------+-----------
+ 113880640 | 141793694
+ (1 row)
+mimetype counts:
+ SELECT mimetype, COUNT(*) FROM cdx GROUP BY mimetype ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC LIMIT 30;
+ mimetype | count
+ ----------------------------+-----------
+ application/pdf | 131346703
+ warc/revisit | 8394443
+ text/xml | 525481
+ application/octet-stream | 502400
+ text/html | 417579
+ unk | 186703
+ application/postscript | 81095
+ application/save | 80915
+ binary/octet-stream | 66698
+ application/x-download | 35771
+ text/plain | 35606
+ image/pdf | 33904
+ application/download | 29701
+ application/force-download | 16726
+ multipart/form-data | 6878
+ application/x-msdownload | 3843
+ application | 3724
+ application/x-octetstream | 3550
+ .pdf | 3138
+ application/x-pdf | 2780
+ application/binary | 1332
+ pdf | 1247
+ file/unknown | 1200
+ application/pdf' | 1192
+ file | 1108
+ application/unknown | 978
+ application/octetstream | 856
+ application/blob | 673
+ text/pdf | 672
+ 0 | 546
+ (30 rows)
+ SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_files, COUNT(DISTINCT fatcat_release) AS unique_releases FROM grobid;
+ total_files | unique_releases
+ -------------+-----------------
+ 105594307 | 19594878
+ (1 row)
+ SELECT status_code, COUNT(*) FROM grobid GROUP BY status_code ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 25;
+ status_code | count
+ -------------+----------
+ 200 | 97714631
+ 500 | 7875192
+ -4 | 4772
+ 503 | 520
+ (4 rows)
+What version used?
+ SELECT grobid_version, COUNT(*) FROM grobid WHERE status_code = 200 GROUP BY grobid_version ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 25;
+ grobid_version | count
+ ----------------+----------
+ 0.5.5-fatcat | 84822508
+ | 12892147
+ (2 rows)
+## Petabox
+ SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sha1hex) as unique_sha1, COUNT(*) as total FROM petabox;
+ unique_sha1 | total
+ -------------+---------
+ 2868825 | 2887834
+ (1 row)
+## Ingests
+Requests by source:
+ SELECT ingest_type, link_source, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_request GROUP BY ingest_type, link_source ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 25;
+ ingest_type | link_source | count
+ -------------+-----------------+----------
+ pdf | oai | 51185088
+ pdf | mag | 35015357
+ pdf | unpaywall | 31772942
+ pdf | doi | 23528817
+ pdf | doaj | 4264610
+ html | doaj | 2429003
+ pdf | pmc | 2277417
+ pdf | arxiv | 2143549
+ xml | doaj | 9442
+ html | doi | 3022
+ pdf | cnki_covid19 | 2034
+ pdf | wanfang_covid19 | 975
+ pdf | spn | 469
+ html | spn | 9
+ (14 rows)
+ SELECT ingest_type, link_source, ingest_request_source, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_request GROUP BY ingest_type, link_source, ingest_request_source ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 35;
+ ingest_type | link_source | ingest_request_source | count
+ -------------+-----------------+-------------------------+----------
+ pdf | oai | metha-bulk | 51185088
+ pdf | mag | mag-corpus | 35015357
+ pdf | unpaywall | unpaywall | 31772942
+ pdf | doi | fatcat-changelog | 11010764
+ pdf | doi | fatcat-ingest | 9002119
+ pdf | doaj | doaj | 4264610
+ pdf | doi | fatcat-ingest-container | 3515873
+ html | doaj | doaj | 2429003
+ pdf | pmc | fatcat-ingest-container | 2028825
+ pdf | arxiv | fatcat-ingest | 1767703
+ pdf | arxiv | fatcat-changelog | 375818
+ pdf | pmc | fatcat-ingest | 211264
+ pdf | pmc | fatcat-changelog | 37328
+ xml | doaj | doaj | 9442
+ html | doi | fatcat-ingest | 3018
+ pdf | cnki_covid19 | scrape-covid19 | 2034
+ pdf | wanfang_covid19 | scrape-covid19 | 975
+ pdf | spn | savepapernow-web | 469
+ pdf | doi | savepapernow-web | 74
+ pdf | arxiv | fatcat-ingest-container | 26
+ html | spn | savepapernow-web | 9
+ html | doi | savepapernow-web | 4
+ pdf | arxiv | savepapernow-web | 2
+ (23 rows)
+Uncrawled requests by source:
+ # TODO: verify this?
+ SELECT ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_request.link_source, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_request.base_url = ingest_file_result.base_url
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = ingest_file_result.ingest_type
+ WHERE ingest_file_result.base_url IS NULL
+ GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_request.link_source ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 35;
+ ingest_type | link_source | count
+ -------------+-------------+--------
+ pdf | mag | 168462
+ pdf | oai | 15286
+ pdf | doaj | 2068
+ html | doaj | 620
+ pdf | unpaywall | 13
+ (5 rows)
+Results by source:
+ ingest_request.ingest_type,
+ ingest_request.link_source,
+ COUNT(*) as attempts,
+ COUNT(CASE WHEN ingest_file_result.hit THEN 1 END) hits,
+ ROUND(1.0 * COUNT(CASE WHEN ingest_file_result.hit THEN 1 END) / COUNT(*), 3) as fraction
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_request.base_url = ingest_file_result.base_url
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = ingest_file_result.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.ingest_type IS NOT NULL
+ GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_request.link_source ORDER BY attempts DESC LIMIT 35;
+ ingest_type | link_source | attempts | hits | fraction
+ -------------+-----------------+----------+----------+----------
+ pdf | oai | 51185088 | 14163500 | 0.277
+ pdf | mag | 35015357 | 24818176 | 0.709
+ pdf | unpaywall | 31772942 | 25018501 | 0.787
+ pdf | doi | 23529041 | 5773728 | 0.245
+ pdf | doaj | 4264610 | 2851328 | 0.669
+ html | doaj | 2429003 | 122937 | 0.051
+ pdf | pmc | 2277417 | 1736491 | 0.762
+ pdf | arxiv | 2143549 | 2011378 | 0.938
+ xml | doaj | 9442 | 6897 | 0.730
+ html | doi | 3022 | 957 | 0.317
+ pdf | cnki_covid19 | 2034 | 0 | 0.000
+ pdf | wanfang_covid19 | 975 | 764 | 0.784
+ pdf | spn | 469 | 328 | 0.699
+ html | spn | 9 | 2 | 0.222
+ (14 rows)
+Ingest result by status:
+ SELECT ingest_type, status, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_file_result GROUP BY ingest_type, status ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 50;
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+--------------------------------+----------
+ pdf | success | 66487928
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 29279677
+ pdf | no-capture | 22765431
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 9155767
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 3549665
+ pdf | link-loop | 2592983
+ html | wrong-scope | 1088793
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 792563
+ pdf | gateway-timeout | 478181
+ html | no-capture | 423917
+ pdf | wayback-content-error | 355828
+ pdf | cdx-error | 343862
+ pdf | null-body | 328774
+ pdf | forbidden | 286647
+ pdf | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 276769
+ pdf | spn2-wayback-error | 276080
+ pdf | skip-url-blocklist | 265473
+ html | redirect-loop | 212916
+ pdf | not-found | 204367
+ html | unknown-scope | 204112
+ html | html-resource-no-capture | 166034
+ pdf | blocked-cookie | 160336
+ pdf | too-many-redirects | 152984
+ html | success | 123896
+ pdf | wayback-error | 114388
+ html | null-body | 100296
+ pdf | spn2-error:too-many-redirects | 58336
+ html | wayback-content-error | 53926
+ pdf | invalid-host-resolution | 37226
+ pdf | petabox-error | 37177
+ pdf | remote-server-error | 36439
+ pdf | spn2-error | 27556
+ pdf | spn2-error:proxy-error | 25486
+ pdf | read-timeout | 20745
+ html | wrong-mimetype | 18928
+ html | terminal-bad-status | 14059
+ html | petabox-error | 13533
+ pdf | bad-redirect | 7535
+ xml | success | 6897
+ html | cdx-error | 6823
+ pdf | spn2-error:bad-request | 4664
+ pdf | spn2-error:unauthorized | 4391
+ pdf | spn-remote-error | 4206
+ pdf | spn2-error:service-unavailable | 2614
+ pdf | spn2-error:job-failed | 2562
+ xml | null-body | 2353
+ pdf | other-mimetype | 2304
+ pdf | error | 1905
+ html | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 1018
+ pdf | redirects-exceeded | 1015
+ (50 rows)
+Failed ingest by terminal status code:
+ SELECT ingest_type, terminal_status_code, COUNT(*) FROM ingest_file_result WHERE hit = false GROUP BY ingest_type, terminal_status_code ORDER BY COUNT DESC LIMIT 50;
+ ingest_type | terminal_status_code | count
+ -------------+----------------------+----------
+ pdf | 200 | 36515867
+ pdf | | 22909334
+ pdf | 301 | 7969702
+ html | 200 | 1653303
+ pdf | 503 | 928507
+ pdf | 403 | 823755
+ pdf | 302 | 792842
+ pdf | 400 | 462108
+ html | | 426474
+ pdf | 404 | 422163
+ pdf | 401 | 270611
+ pdf | 500 | 248675
+ html | 301 | 211713
+ pdf | 303 | 109686
+ pdf | 410 | 50648
+ pdf | 502 | 37663
+ pdf | 429 | 31982
+ pdf | 420 | 26603
+ pdf | 509 | 15113
+ pdf | 409 | 14835
+ html | 404 | 9573
+ pdf | 999 | 9296
+ pdf | 307 | 3972
+ pdf | 308 | 3914
+ html | 500 | 3625
+ pdf | 202 | 3515
+ xml | 200 | 2537
+ pdf | 520 | 2072
+ pdf | 206 | 1665
+ pdf | 521 | 1075
+ html | 302 | 1072
+ pdf | 504 | 1000
+ pdf | 412 | 476
+ pdf | 300 | 434
+ pdf | 505 | 429
+ pdf | 406 | 393
+ html | 403 | 382
+ html | 503 | 378
+ pdf | 421 | 298
+ html | 303 | 268
+ pdf | 508 | 195
+ pdf | 226 | 166
+ pdf | 402 | 70
+ html | 502 | 68
+ pdf | 408 | 50
+ pdf | 204 | 34
+ pdf | 416 | 29
+ pdf | 501 | 29
+ pdf | 530 | 27
+ pdf | 507 | 21
+ (50 rows)
+## Fatcat Files
+Count of PDF files that GROBID processed and matched to a release (via
+glutton), but no PDF in `fatcat_file`:
+ SELECT COUNT(*) as total_count, COUNT(DISTINCT grobid.fatcat_release) as release_count
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ WHERE fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NULL
+ AND grobid.fatcat_release IS NOT NULL;
+ total_count | release_count
+ -------------+---------------
+ 8514315 | 6401104
+ (1 row)