# Software [psyc](http://about.psyc.eu/PSYC): mature, lightweight "SYnchronous Conferenceing" protocol. appropriate for embedded hardware? services/tools: - in-browser code editing: - server monitoring: - vanilla forums (PHP): (network tuning and testing tools for linux) (network performance tool) (small, minimal software and libraries) ("musl" libc) [TropicSSL](http://www.stackfoundry.com/open-source/tropicssl/) embedded SSL/TLS library [whirlygig random number generator](http://warmcat.com/_wp/whirlygig-rng/), CPLD-based # Network [Grid Appliance](http://www.grid-appliance.org/): a virtual machine image for quickly spooling up a distributed cluster for high performance computing. networking tools: - - - - # Hardware (comsat downlink to wifi) (some bridge/mesh/wireless router?) [Vortex86 x86 CPU](http://www.vortex86sx.com/?page_id=286), hardware random number generator with schematic: links to CPU power draw benchmarks: trimslice tegra 2 all-in-one fanless desktop computer: WiFi Pineapple Mark IV: 802.15.4 "MiWi" from microchip (proprietary): [SD form factor wireless cards](http://www.spectec.com.tw/products.html) [Funcube dongle](http://www.funcubedongle.com/?page_id=286) (space SDR) more SoCs: ST SPEAr1340 http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/251211.jsp dual ARM, GigE, PCIe ST SPEAr300 http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/247246.jsp 333MHz ARM, ethernet freescale PowerQUICC comms MPC8349E http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/prod_summary.jsp?code=MPC8349E PowerQUICC II Pro, dual GigE, dual PCI (old), 667MHz e600 SoC MPC8641D dual core 1.5GHz "rapidIO", ethernet, PCIe 15-25watts atheros stuff: - http://www.qca.qualcomm.com/networking/brand.php?brand=4&product=68 - http://www.qca.qualcomm.com/networking/technology.php?nav1=109&product=90 - http://www.qca.qualcomm.com/networking/brand.php?brand=4&product=68 - http://www.qca.qualcomm.com/networking/feature.php?feature=5 - http://www.qca.qualcomm.com/technology/technology.php?nav1=47 - http://www.qca.qualcomm.com/technology/technology.php?nav1=50 # Writings, Documents EFF Open Wireless Movement: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/04/open-wireless-movement/ http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/01/my_open_wireles.html telekommunist writings: "franklin street statement": FCC. FCC 10-201, Open Internet Order, December 2010. Available at (broken link) : "Networking@Home" blog post from The ISP Column (IETF) [arstechnica article](http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/03/how-amsterdam-was-wired-for-open-access-fiber.ars) on wiring amsterdam with fiber "User freedom to attach devices" by Scott Jordan and Gwen Shaffer # Advice For coffee shops (high turn over, lots of clients), one place was able to get by with commodity router running dd-wrt plus goofy big omni antennas. trick was to set short DHCP lease times (~10min so lease table stayed small) and to enable some sort of "AP isolation" (probably turn of layer-3 routing, so mDNS/bonjour packets don't go client-to-client) # Really Unsorted Sensorpedia: http://www.sensorpedia.com/ (for development) stackoverflow thread on embedded flash linux filesystems: [gpgAuth](http://gpgauth.org/): gpg for web service authentication web proxy autodiscovery (for www browser proxy configuration): (routing advice for OpenWRT) delamination (net neutrality): MegaMIMO (MIT 100k competitor) [underweb](http://underweb.info): experimental/academic non-HTML "multimedia browser" [thimbl](http://www.thimbl.net/index.html) [Apple IPv6 issues and status (may 2012)](http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/05/the-future-is-forever-the-state-of-ipv6-in-the-apple-world/) "Smart Energy Profile 2.0": - industry standard for home energy crap - , - inject/manipulate ads in HTML: great hardware documentation example: [IETF Homenet](http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-homenet-arch-02.txt) unforgetable key: split key into N shards, give to friends. they can all "intervene" together, unlikely to jointly betray you (GPU software routing) (ARM network chips) (6lowpan RFC) Netgear "Smart Network": (open source support? site down) open wifi drivers for broadcom: wireless network monitor: [vyatta](http://www.vyatta.com/): enterprise firewall services? defcon network ops (using aruba hardware): request for managed router on hacker news: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1160585 debian HOWTOs: (vague...) blog post on using routers as tor bridges: lightweight linux virtual machining: WiFi Direct (device-to-device) [MQTT light pubsub protocol](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MQ_Telemetry_Transport) Securing Linux LXC containers: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-lxc-security/ wi-viz: wifi network visualizations http://devices.natetrue.com/wiviz/ python library for analyzing graphs/networks (w/ raster+HTML visualization?): http://networkx.lanl.gov/ quantifying unsavory p2p network usage: http://arxiv.org/abs/1206.4166 DASH7 433MHz "active RFID" radio links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DASH7 XMPP best practices? http://core.im/ UK rural broadband: http://b4rn.org.uk/ monit: http://mmonit.com/monit/ Ben WPAN: http://en.qi-hardware.com/wiki/Ben_WPAN light PHP forum software: http://fluxbb.org/ search for publicly-accessible embedded device IPs: http://www.shodanhq.com/ "JSON+UDP+DHT=Freedom": http://telehash.org/ federated wiki: http://wardcunningham.github.com/ happenstance (yet another federated status network): https://github.com/sdether/happenstance