#![cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "dragonfly", target_os = "freebsd", target_os = "openbsd"))] use std::os::raw::c_ulong; use libc; use Window; use platform::Window as LinuxWindow; use WindowBuilder; /// Additional methods on `Window` that are specific to Unix. pub trait WindowExt { /// Returns a pointer to the `Window` object of xlib that is used by this window. /// /// Returns `None` if the window doesn't use xlib (if it uses wayland for example). /// /// The pointer will become invalid when the glutin `Window` is destroyed. fn get_xlib_window(&self) -> Option<*mut libc::c_void>; /// Returns a pointer to the `Display` object of xlib that is used by this window. /// /// Returns `None` if the window doesn't use xlib (if it uses wayland for example). /// /// The pointer will become invalid when the glutin `Window` is destroyed. fn get_xlib_display(&self) -> Option<*mut libc::c_void>; } impl WindowExt for Window { #[inline] fn get_xlib_window(&self) -> Option<*mut libc::c_void> { match self.window { LinuxWindow::X(ref w) => Some(w.get_xlib_window()), _ => None } } #[inline] fn get_xlib_display(&self) -> Option<*mut libc::c_void> { match self.window { LinuxWindow::X(ref w) => Some(w.get_xlib_display()), _ => None } } } /// Additional methods on `WindowBuilder` that are specific to Unix. pub trait WindowBuilderExt<'a> { fn from_existing_window(mut self, window_id: c_ulong) -> WindowBuilder<'a>; } impl<'a> WindowBuilderExt<'a> for WindowBuilder<'a> { /// Tells this (UNIX/X11) WindowBuilder to use an existing X window (eg, /// one created by another application) instead of creating a new window. fn from_existing_window(mut self, window_id: c_ulong) -> WindowBuilder<'a> { self.platform_specific.existing_x11_window_id = Some(window_id); self } }