////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2011, Andrew "bunnie" Huang // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or // other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT // SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR // PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `timescale 1ns / 1ps //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 12:30:45 04/05/2011 // Design Name: i2c_slave // Module Name: C:/largework/fpga/hdmi/impl4/common/i2c_slave_tb.v // Project Name: impl4 // Target Device: // Tool versions: // Description: // // Verilog Test Fixture created by ISE for module: i2c_slave // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module i2c_squash_tb; reg SDA; // physical wire state reg SCL; // Inputs reg clk; reg reset; reg [7:0] i2c_device_addr; reg [7:0] reg_addr; reg wr_stb; reg [7:0] reg_data_in; // Outputs wire SCL_pd; wire SDA_pd; wire SDA_pu; wire [7:0] reg_a0; wire [7:0] reg_a1; wire [7:0] reg_a2; wire [7:0] reg_a3; reg [7:0] snoop_addr; wire [7:0] snoop_data; wire DDC_SDA_pu; wire DDC_SDA_pd; wire [63:0] An; wire Aksv14_write; //`define FOO `ifdef FOO // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) i2c_snoop supa_snoopa ( .SCL(SCL), .SDA(SDA), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .i2c_snoop_addr(8'h74), .reg_addr(snoop_addr), .reg_dout(snoop_data), .An(An), .Aksv14_write(Aksv14_write) ); `endif // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) i2c_slave target ( .SCL(SCL), .SCL_pd(SCL_pd), .SDA(SDA), .SDA_pd(SDA_pd_comb), .SDA_pu(SDA_pu_comb), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .i2c_device_addr(i2c_device_addr), .reg_addr(reg_addr), .wr_stb(wr_stb), .reg_data_in(reg_data_in), .reg_0(reg_a0), .reg_1(reg_a1), .reg_2(reg_a2), .reg_3(reg_a3) ); i2c_squash_edid ddc_edid_squash ( .SCL(SCL), .SDA(SDA), .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .SDA_pu(DDC_SDA_pu), .SDA_pd(DDC_SDA_pd), .i2c_snoop_addr(8'h74) // EDID address ); reg sda_host; // what the host is driving to reg scl_host; reg ack; // what the ack state is reg [7:0] readdata; wire SDA_pu_comb; wire SDA_pd_comb; assign SDA_pu = SDA_pu_comb | DDC_SDA_pu; assign SDA_pd = SDA_pd_comb | DDC_SDA_pd; // always @(SCL_pd, SDA_pd, SDA_pu, sda_host, scl_host) begin always @(*) begin // lazy // scl equations case( {SCL_pd, scl_host} ) 2'b00: SCL <= 1'b0; 2'b01: SCL <= 1'b1; 2'b10: SCL <= 1'b0; // conflict case 2'b11: SCL <= 1'bX; // handle tristate case 2'b0Z: SCL <= 1'b1; 2'b1Z: SCL <= 1'b0; default: SCL <= 1'bX; endcase // case ( {SCL_pd, scl_host} ) case( {SDA_pd, SDA_pu, sda_host} ) 3'b000: SDA <= 1'b0; 3'b001: SDA <= 1'b1; 3'b010: SDA <= 1'bX; // change to 1'b1 for override 3'b011: SDA <= 1'b1; 3'b100: SDA <= 1'b0; 3'b101: SDA <= 1'bX; // change to 1'b0 for override 3'b110: SDA <= 1'bX; 3'b111: SDA <= 1'bX; // tristate case 3'b00Z: SDA <= 1'b1; 3'b01Z: SDA <= 1'b1; 3'b10Z: SDA <= 1'b0; 3'b11Z: SDA <= 1'bX; endcase // case ( {SDA_pd, SDA_pu, sda_host} ) end parameter PERIOD = 16'd40; // 25 MHz parameter I2C_PD = 16'd2464; // make it odd to try and catch non-phase synced issues parameter I2C_TH = 16'd114; parameter I2C_TS = 16'd217; always begin clk = 1'b0; #(PERIOD/2) clk = 1'b1; #(PERIOD/2); end task I2C_idle; begin scl_host = 1'bZ; sda_host = 1'bZ; #I2C_PD; end endtask // I2C_idle task I2C_start; begin scl_host = 1'bZ; sda_host = 1'bZ; #(I2C_PD/2); scl_host = 1'bZ; sda_host = 1'b0; #(I2C_PD/2); end endtask // I2C_start task I2C_stop; begin scl_host = 1'bZ; sda_host = 1'b0; #(I2C_PD/2); scl_host = 1'bZ; sda_host = 1'bZ; #(I2C_PD/2); end endtask // I2C_start task I2C_tx_bit; // tx from host ( from testbench ) input bitval; begin scl_host = 1'b0; #I2C_TH; sda_host = bitval; #(I2C_PD/2); scl_host = 1'bZ; sda_host = bitval; #(I2C_PD/2); end endtask // I2C_tx_bit task I2C_rx_bit; // rx to host ( to testbench ) output bitval; begin scl_host = 1'b0; #(I2C_TH/2); sda_host = 1'bz; #(I2C_PD/2); scl_host = 1'bZ; sda_host = 1'bz; #1; bitval = SDA; #(I2C_PD/2); end endtask // I2C_start task I2C_ack_low; begin scl_host = 1'b0; #(I2C_PD/2); end endtask // I2C_ack_low task I2C_tx_daddr; input [7:0] daddr; output rack; begin I2C_tx_bit( daddr[7] ); I2C_tx_bit( daddr[6] ); I2C_tx_bit( daddr[5] ); I2C_tx_bit( daddr[4] ); I2C_tx_bit( daddr[3] ); I2C_tx_bit( daddr[2] ); I2C_tx_bit( daddr[1] ); I2C_tx_bit( daddr[0] ); I2C_rx_bit(rack); I2C_ack_low(); end endtask // I2C_TX_DADDR task I2C_rx_daddr; output [7:0] daddr; input nack; begin I2C_rx_bit(daddr[7]); I2C_rx_bit(daddr[6]); I2C_rx_bit(daddr[5]); I2C_rx_bit(daddr[4]); I2C_rx_bit(daddr[3]); I2C_rx_bit(daddr[2]); I2C_rx_bit(daddr[1]); I2C_rx_bit(daddr[0]); I2C_tx_bit( nack ); I2C_ack_low(); end endtask // I2C_RX_DADDR initial begin // Initialize Inputs clk = 0; reset = 0; i2c_device_addr = 8'h74; reg_addr = 0; wr_stb = 0; reg_data_in = 0; snoop_addr = 0; $stop; I2C_idle(); // run an actual reset cycle #(PERIOD*4); reset = 1; #(PERIOD*4); reset = 0; #(PERIOD*4); // now pre-set a few I2C registers reg_addr = 0; wr_stb = 1; reg_data_in = 8'hDE; #(PERIOD*4); wr_stb = 0; #(PERIOD*1); reg_addr = 1; wr_stb = 1; reg_data_in = 8'hAD; #(PERIOD*2); wr_stb = 0; #(PERIOD*1); reg_addr = 2; wr_stb = 1; reg_data_in = 8'hBE; #(PERIOD*2); wr_stb = 0; #(PERIOD*1); reg_addr = 3; wr_stb = 1; reg_data_in = 8'hEF; #(PERIOD*2); // let it soak for a bit for good measure #(PERIOD*10); // now the real sim starts I2C_idle(); // write some data I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h74, ack); // write to device 72 I2C_tx_daddr(8'h01, ack); // address 01 I2C_tx_daddr(8'h33, ack); // data 55 I2C_stop(); #(I2C_PD*5); // do a multi-cycle read I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h74, ack); // dummy write to 72 I2C_tx_daddr(8'h00, ack); // address 00 I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h75, ack); // read from 72 // #(I2C_PD*3); I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'b0); // data @ address 0 // #(I2C_PD*3); I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'b0); // data @ address 0 I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'b0); // data @ address 0 I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'bz); // data @ address 0 I2C_stop(); #(I2C_PD*5); // do a multi-cycle write I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h74, ack); // write to device 70 I2C_tx_daddr(8'h01, ack); // address 01 I2C_tx_daddr(8'hFA, ack); I2C_tx_daddr(8'hCE, ack); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h69, ack); I2C_stop(); #(I2C_PD*5); #I2C_PD; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h01; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h02; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h03; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h04; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h05; #I2C_PD; #I2C_PD; // read back one address at a time I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h74, ack); // dummy write to 72 I2C_tx_daddr(8'h00, ack); // address 00 #(I2C_PD*5); I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h75, ack); // read from 72 I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'bz); // one read I2C_stop(); // this is the only questionable vector // if you do an isolated read, should the address have // incremeted from the previous read, or // should it be the same. I have implemented it so // that it increments. I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h75, ack); // read from 72 I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'bz); // one read I2C_stop(); #(I2C_PD*5); I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'h75, ack); // read from 72 I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'b0); // one read I2C_rx_daddr(readdata, 1'bz); // one read I2C_stop(); // write to another device not us I2C_start(); I2C_tx_daddr(8'hA0, ack); // write to device a0 I2C_tx_daddr(8'h01, ack); // address 01 I2C_tx_daddr(8'h55, ack); // data 55 -- this should be ignored I2C_stop(); #I2C_PD; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h01; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h02; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h03; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h04; #I2C_PD; snoop_addr = 8'h05; #I2C_PD; #I2C_PD; #I2C_PD; #I2C_PD; end endmodule // i2c_squash_tb