## MathML Seems like MathML and the ecosystem are actually pretty interesting. "Open Math" is similar to content MathML (eg, also XML), but designed for interchange. SBML has a relatively large academic community (looks like many student projects building simulators or old-style IDEs). A version 4 is being standardized: ## Wikidata What equations/models/formulae are there already in wikidata? There is ["defining formula"](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P2534), which is an instance of a "mathematical expression", which enforces LaTeX-ish parse-ability and rendering with MathML. Currently about 4,500 instances in wikidata (!). Alternatively there is [TeX string](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1993). Eg, quadratic equation has LaTeX-y output: Wowa! SPARQL query to describe the components of ideal gas law: ## Short Links Rust `latex2mathml` crate, for presentation MathML. Has no depdendencies! Good to read. Rust sbml and mathml parser crates. libroadrunner is a C library for simulating SBML models. It wraps SUNDIALS and libSBML. There is a python wrapper. LibSBMLSim seems like a simple SBML model simulator. POPCORN is an alternative syntax for Open Math Biomodels is a database of SBML models. Here is one of influenza epidemic modeling: AsciiMath is a simple infix/C style notation. It can be transformed to MathML by MathJax.