extern crate modelthing; extern crate rustc_serialize; extern crate clap; extern crate modelica_parser; use modelthing::transpile_scheme::TranspileScheme; use modelthing::transpile_js::TranspileJS; use modelthing::modelica_model::ModelicaModelExt; use modelthing::Result; use clap::{App, SubCommand}; use std::io::Read; use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; use std::time::Instant; fn parse_modelica_files(paths: Vec) { for input in &paths { let mut s = String::new(); if let Err(err) = File::open(input).and_then(|mut f| f.read_to_string(&mut s)) { println!("Input `{}`: I/O Error {}", input, err); continue; } let time_stamp = Instant::now(); let result = modelica_parser::parse_model(&s); let elapsed = time_stamp.elapsed(); let elapsed = elapsed.as_secs() as f64 + elapsed.subsec_nanos() as f64 / 1000_000_000.0; match result { Ok(_) => println!("Input `{}` ({}s): OK", input, elapsed), Err(err) => println!("Input `{}` ({}sec): ERROR\n{}", input, elapsed, modelica_parser::pp_parseerror(&s, err)), } } } fn run() -> Result<()> { let matches = App::new("mt-tool") .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("parse") .about("checks that file contains a valid modelica model") .arg_from_usage("... 'file to parse from'")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("list") .about("dumps all the known models in database")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("load") .about("checks that directory contains valid model and metadata") .arg_from_usage(" 'model to load'")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("transpile_js") .about("converts modelica to javascript function") .arg_from_usage(" 'model to load'")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("transpile_scheme") .about("converts modelica to scheme function") .arg_from_usage(" 'model to load'")) .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("solve_for") .about("") .arg_from_usage(" 'model to load'") .arg_from_usage("--dep ... 'dependent variable'") .arg_from_usage("--indep ... 'independent variable'")) .get_matches(); match matches.subcommand() { ("parse", Some(subm)) => { parse_modelica_files(subm.values_of_lossy("FILE").unwrap()); }, ("solve_for", Some(subm)) => { let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("DIR").unwrap()); let indep = subm.values_of_lossy("indep").unwrap(); let dep = subm.values_of_lossy("dep").unwrap(); let me = try!(modelthing::load_model_entry(dir)); println!("{:?}", try!(me.ast.solve_for(indep, dep))); }, ("transpile_scheme", Some(subm)) => { let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("DIR").unwrap()); let me = try!(modelthing::load_model_entry(dir)); println!("{}", try!(me.ast.transpile_scheme())); }, ("transpile_js", Some(subm)) => { let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("DIR").unwrap()); let me = try!(modelthing::load_model_entry(dir)); println!("{}", try!(me.ast.transpile_js())); }, ("list", Some(subm)) => { let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("DIR").unwrap_or("examples")); for m in modelthing::search_models(dir) { println!("{}", m) } }, ("load", Some(subm)) => { let dir = Path::new(subm.value_of("DIR").unwrap()); let me = try!(modelthing::load_model_entry(dir)); println!("{:?}", me); }, _ => { println!("Missing or unimplemented command!"); println!("{}", matches.usage()); ::std::process::exit(-1); }, } Ok(()) } fn main() { if let Err(ref e) = run() { println!("error: {}", e); for e in e.iter().skip(1) { println!("caused by: {}", e); } // The backtrace is not always generated. Try to run this example // with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1`. if let Some(backtrace) = e.backtrace() { println!("backtrace: {:?}", backtrace); } ::std::process::exit(1); } }