##### Julia Web Framework Morsel.jl Classic web framework paradigm. Use this for the wiki. http://juliawebstack.org/ Escher.jl Sort of PHP-like single-file UIs. Might be good for exploration/visualization? ##### Julia Markdown Rendering Try using the Julia built-in stuff, which seems to support basic LaTeX rendering. If that isn't powerful enough, or seems to "custom", switch to pandoc as an external tool. ##### Julia Computer Algebra Stuff Use Sims.jl for flattening, etc! Otherwise this will be really hard. ##### Julia Parser Framework (eg, parser generator) Parsimonious.jl Fairly close to BNF? Good tutorial. Start with this. PEGParser.jl Also pretty BNF-like ParserCombinator.jl More Haskell-like. Meh. ##### GUI Demos numeric.js Has an ODE solver. Use with Elm? Tangle.js Brett's JS widget-y thing. Very simple. How did he do plots/graphs for those demos? http://worrydream.com/Tangle/guide.html