model SolowSwan "Simple economic growth model" Real Y "total production"; Real K "capital factor"; Real L "labor factor"; Real A "labor-augmentation factor"; parameter Real L_0=1 "initial labor"; parameter Real A_0=1 "initial labor augmentation"; parameter Real alpha "elasticity of output with respect to capital (0 to 1)"; parameter Real n "labor (population) growth rate"; parameter Real g "augmentation growth rate"; parameter Real delta "rate of capital deprecation"; parameter Real c "consumption vs. investment fraction (0 to 1)"; equation Y = K^alpha * (A * L)^(1-alpha); L = L_0 * e^(n*t); A = A_0 * e^(g*t); der(K) = (1-c)*Y - delta*K; end SolowSwan;